Now Available: The first practical guides for students on Free Speech Academic Honesty in the Age of AI Charles Lipson

I want to let you know about two new books, published just in time for the new school year.

Both books are the first of their kind for college students. Their tables of contents are below. (Both books have “live links” above to their Amazon sites.)

Free Speech on Campus: A Much-Needed Guide for Students

Although there are lots of books about free speech, none of them has been directed at the students who need them most.

Free Speech 101 is.

It is specifically meant for students. It is designed to help them understand and respect the rules that govern speech on campus and, equally important, appreciate why those rules matter so much for their education.

The First Guidebook for Academic Honesty in the Age of AI

The second book, Academic Honesty 101 in the Age of AI, is the first to explain with what it means to do honest work now that artificial intelligence is readily available to students.

Students need to know that different teachers will set different rules for how their students can use AI tools for particular classes and assignments. And they need to know that, powerful as AI is, it sometimes provides them with the wrong answers and invented citations. The message is to use AI with care, use it only in ways their instructors permit, and be transparent about its use in any assignment.

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