When Kamala Actually Said Something-An Event We’re Waiting For


Presidential candidate Kamala Harris sat down for an interview late last week. It was the equivalent of a Friday news dump, done when most of the country was to busy otherwise to pay attention. But it did serve a purpose: Her campaign can say she’s done a solo interview, even if she, as is her practice, said nothing of substance.

The interview was with Brian Taff, news anchor at ABC’s Philadelphia affiliate. He asked five questions and the exclusive affair lasted all of 11 minutes

When the vice president asked if she had “one or two specific things” in mind for “bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people,” she came up entirely empty. For more than three painful minutes she droned on about growing up as a middle-class kid, her mother saving enough to buy their first house when she was a teenager, being raised in a hard-working neighborhood where people were “very proud of their lawn.” She never provided anything that even remotely resembled a policy proposal to tame inflation.

That was the first question. From there, the interview deteriorated further. Anyone who wants to see for themselves can watch here. But be warned: It’s overflowing with meaningless jabber, a too-practiced performance, let-me-lecture-you hand gestures – and obvious lies about her positions.

Millions have now watched the interview. If any of them vote for Harris in November, they are either hopeless ideologues or they have even less intellectual firepower than she does. If it’s not clear by now that she is an empty head who will be nothing more than the face of the Democratic Party’s oligarchy that is constantly chasing one-party rule in this country, it never will be to some Americans. That’s a sad indictment of who we’ve become.

Harris has zero accomplishments as vice president, same as her four years in the U.S. Senate. There is nothing to recommend her from her six years as California’s attorney general and her seven years as San Francisco’s district attorney. She is the creation of an adoring Willie Brown and a fawning media. Harris is shallow enough to meet the demands of a candidate from the party that thrives on superficiality.

In response to Taff’s last question about the one thing she wished Americans knew “about who Kamala Harris is that you don’t think they know yet,” she made sure that droned on about her love for Sunday family dinners and passion for cooking. Here’s to her cooking Sunday dinners every week beginning at the end of January – back in California, nowhere near the White House.

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