State Department Aiding Illegals And the disturbing story of a Munich terrorist’s grandson. by Lloyd Billingsley

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is primarily responsible for the invasion of some 10 million illegals, approximately the population of Portugal, with no criminal background checks. Rep. Darrell Issa, California Republican and member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, charges that the State Department is encouraging foreign nationals to avoid seeking asylum in Mexico and instead enter the United States at “federal taxpayers’ expense.”

The State Department operates the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), which funds legal representation and counseling related to immigration proceedings. The PRM channels funds through non-profits and the UN Refugee Agency. Julia Valls Noyes, assistant secretary for the PRM, told Issa that the US government was not funding the non-profits and aiding in immigration activities.

“Your department is responsible for giving us knowingly false information,” Issa told Valls Noyes, pointing out that money is “fungible.” She acknowledged that some presentations would have been illegal but denied that they were funded by PRM. Issa wasn’t going for it.

“All the people involved in this have to be fleshed out,” Issa told a recent hearing. “It’s about not quitting until you have the truth and not quitting until people who attempt to obfuscate or hide have been held accountable.” This deceit has not received the attention it deserves and a key back story about a strange “migrant” also needs to be fleshed out.

In 2020, Darrell Issa’s opponent was a Democrat calling himself Ammar Campa-Najjar, billing himself as a Palestinian-Mexican, Latino Arab-American and so forth. He’s actually the grandson of Muhammad Abu Yousef al-Najjar, mastermind of the terrorist attack that killed 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972. Ammar is also the son of Palestinian Authority official Yasser Najjar. Ammar claims his father “migrated from the Middle East to America on a student visa,” (emphasis added) met a Mexican-American lady named Abigail and raised a family in San Diego county, but there’s a problem.

Back in 2003, Linda Gradstein of National Public Radio interviewed Yasser al-Najjar at his office in Gaza, where he served with the Palestinian Authority. Yasser was married, with four children but his wife and children were not named. After the Munich massacre Yasser al-Najjar was a fugitive. Son Ammar has not documented Yasser’s move to the United States, or claims that he earned an MBA from San Diego State and started several clothing boutiques.

“I attended an Islamic school in San Diego as a child,” Ammar told The Hill. “The school was part of a mosque called Masjid Abu Bakr, where hundreds of people prayed and maintained strong relations with local elected and law enforcement officials. I knew of three men at that mosque, Khalid al-Mihdhar, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Hani Hanjour, who were issued visas. . . Those three men were among the 19 terrorist hijackers who carried out the September 11 attacks in 2001.” So this guy is connected, but remains a puzzle.

Why anybody would move to Gaza from San Diego, “America’s finest city,” is hard to fathom, but Ammar told the San Diego Union-Tribune he “lived in Gaza from ages 8 to 12.” Born in 1989, that would put the stretch from 1997 to 2001, year of the 9/11 attack. The former Gazan talks about his “mom, stepmom, dad and younger brothers,” hiding from American helicopters and F-16s. (emphasis added)

The Palestinian Mexican worked on Obama’s 2012 campaign and served in his administration. As La Prensa San Diego revealed, the Islamic student once went by the name Ammar Yasser Najjar, and only changed it to Ammar “Campa-Najjar” when he ran for Congress in 2018.

The Latino Arab American did not reveal his connection to the Munich massacre, and neither did local or national media. In February, 2028, the Israeli Haaretz broke the news that “grandson of Munich massacre terrorist is running for Congress.” The terrorist’s grandson was sorry the news had been “politicized,” by which he probably means “revealed.”

The Democrat ran as a progressive against conservative Republican Duncan Hunter, who prevailed at the polls. In 2020 against Issa, the Palestinian Mexican postured as a something of a conservative, but Issa came out the victor. Undaunted, the Latino Arab-American made a run for mayor of Chula Vista, in San Diego County near the border. The former student at the Islamic school lost to Republican John McCann, but it wasn’t three strikes and out.

The Munich terrorist’s grandson joined the United States Navy, for which he had no training or credentials of any kind. San Diego is Navy town where people remember Navy diver Robert Stethem, tortured and murdered by Hezbollah terrorists. The people have a right to wonder if the Navy interviewed father Yasser al-Najjar and former students from the Islamic school with the 9/11 alumna.

Shortly after 10/7, nearly a thousand pro-Hamas demonstrators gathered in San Diego, but it’s hard to find any quotes from the Palestinian Mexican. He probably doesn’t want to rock the boat, and if anybody thought the Biden-Harris Junta was pulling strings for the Latino Arab-American it would be hard to blame them.

Watch for Najjar to run for office as a patriotic Navy veteran. In the meantime, when he’s done with Julia Valls Noyes, Darrell Issa’s committee might give the Munich terrorist’s grandson the investigation he deserves.

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