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October 2024

The Antisemitism Is the Point By Jim Geraghty


What ‘Anti-Zionist’ Really Means

This planet is full of people who just want to kill Jews, and this country has no shortage of people who just want to cheer on the murderers.

I hate to begin your Monday morning with such a bracing statement, but that’s the lesson of the past year.

When’s the last time you saw a college campus with a protest against the Chinese government’s ongoing genocide of the Uyghurs? (Perhaps the students are just following the guidance of billionaire investor Chamath Palihapitiya: “Nobody cares about what’s happening to the Uyghurs, okay?”)

Russia has kidnapped an estimated 20,000 to 25,000 Ukrainian children over the course of the war, sending them deeper into Russian-occupied territory or to Russia, and a couple hundred have been shipped off to a boot camp, where the Russians are training them to become child soldiers against their own homeland. This is separate from the 11,743 Ukrainian civilians killed during the war through August, the 24,614 injured, and the 168 summary executions of civilians, including five children, committed by the invading forces.

Anybody on campus want to march in the quad about that?

When’s the last time you saw a college campus with a protest against the Taliban and its nightmarish oppression of women? How many college students even know that the Taliban has now banned all women from public spaces — banned their faces, banned their voices?

Anybody seen any campus protests against the Iranian government’s rapidly increasing rate of executions — in August, 29 executions in one day?

Have you seen any college protests against the Houthis’ “partial and limited reintroduction” of slavery and child marriages?

There are ongoing “atrocities against Black African ethnic groups in Sudan — wrenchingly similar to the Darfur genocide here two decades ago.” Nicholas Kristof reports:

After two military factions started a civil war in 2023, one of them — a descendant of the janjaweed called the Rapid Support Forces, armed and supported by the United Arab Emirates — tried once again to drive Black Africans from Darfur. Naima recounted the same pattern I heard from so many people: The militia surrounded her village, lined up men and boys, then shot them one by one.

“We’re going to get rid of this Black trash,” she quoted the Arab gunmen saying.

Then the gunmen went house to house to kill, plunder and rape. Mostly, those they raped were girls and women, she said, but they also raped at least one man.

Do these black lives matter? Apparently not, judging from the lack of reaction of the overwhelming majority of America’s college students.

Well Whaddya Know . . . Hezbollah Wants a Cease-Fire Andrew McCarthy


Hezbollah’s No. 2 — who, as I noted earlier, is not exactly tripping over himself to be proclaimed Hezbollah’s new No. 1 — has asserted that the terrorist organization supports the efforts of “Lebanon” to establish a truce with Israel.

Of course, Lebanon’s government is run by Hezbollah, which is run by Iran.

The Jerusalem Post reports that, with Israel having eliminated Hezbollah’s leaders, most of its commanders, and thousands of its beeper-issued jihadists, deputy leader Naim Qassem is now hopeful that “after the issue of a cease-fire takes shape, and once diplomacy can achieve it, all of the other details can be discussed and decisions can be taken.”

It marks the first time Hezbollah has signaled willingness to stop the fighting it started on October 8, 2023, without conditioning a cease-fire on a cessation of the fighting that Hamas started with its atrocities the preceding day. Getting your brains beaten in can be clarifying.

For public consumption, Qassem takes the position that he is supporting a cease-fire initiative being led by Nabih Berri, nominally the speaker of Lebanon’s parliament. And putting on his brave face, he added that “if the enemy [Israel] continues its war, then the battlefield will decide.”

That’s two brave faces in one day. Earlier, Qassem claimed that Hezbollah had “overcome all the blows that have been dealt us,” in conjunction with which the jihadists fired over 100 missiles at Haifa. The attack had no meaningful effect; in the interim, the IDF proceeded with more aerial bombardments of Hezbollah havens south of Beirut.

The battlefield has already decided.

Kamala Sends $157 Million to Lebanon After Claiming No Money for U.S. Hurricane Victims by Daniel Greenfield


“To that end, the United States will provide nearly $157 million in additional assistance to the people of Lebanon… This additional support brings total U.S. assistance to Lebanon over the last year to over $385 million.” — Vice President Kamala Harris, X.com, October 5, 2024.

$385 million for an Islamic terrorist state.

$20 million to Hurricane Helene survivors.

According to Joe Biden, there’s just no money for hurricane victims.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claims that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is running out of money. (And not because it blew through $1.4 billion on illegal aliens, that’s dangerous misinformation.)

While there’s not enough money for hurricane victims in America, after Israel took out Hezbollah Islamic terrorist leaders, Vice President Kamala Harris announced on October 5:

“The people of Lebanon are facing an increasingly dire humanitarian situation. I am concerned about the security and well-being of civilians suffering in Lebanon and will continue working to help meet the needs of all civilians there.

“To that end, the United States will provide nearly $157 million in additional assistance to the people of Lebanon for essential needs such as food, shelter, water, protection, and sanitation to help those who have been displaced by the recent conflict. This additional support brings total U.S. assistance to Lebanon over the last year to over $385 million.”

$385 million for an Islamic terrorist state.

But there’s a bold press release out at FEMA declaring that the “Biden-Harris Administration Provides More Than $20 Million to Hurricane Helene Survivors, Ongoing Search and Rescue Operations Continue in North Carolina”.

$20 million to Hurricane Helene survivors.

$157 million to Hezbollah.

Those Hezbollah votes in Dearborn, Michigan don’t come cheap.

The 7 October deniers Jew hatred and conspiratorial thinking have always gone hand in hand. Tom Slater


Tom Slater is editor of Spiked England’s most pro-Israel journal. rsk

It’s one of the grim features of our age that before the bodies are even cold after a terror attack or mass shooting, someone, somewhere, with a sizeable audience, will begin to deny it. Will speculate that it was a fake – a false flag. The salt these conspiracy theories must pour into already gaping wounds. Grieving families are turned into ‘paid actors’, into targets for derision and abuse. The blackest moment in their lives is turned into mere fodder, into content, by those blinded by conspiracism or plain old grift.

After 7 October, Israelis had to endure this – the trauma followed by the denialism – on an unprecedented scale. Hamas’s pogrom in southern Israel – in which 1,200 people were butchered, the vast majority of them civilians – is the most deadly per capita terror attack since the Global Terrorism Database began keeping track in 1970. More than one person was killed for every 10,000 Israelis, calculates the Center for Strategic and International Studies. It would be as if 40,000 to 50,000 Americans had died on 9/11. You’d be hard-pressed to meet not only an Israeli, but also a diaspora Jew, who was not personally affected by the slaughter.

Plus, the manner in which this atrocity was conducted was designed to terrorise those who survived it for decades to come. The cold-blooded murders, even of infants. The rape, gang rape and sexual mutilation of women and girls. The horror that was visited upon one community after another – kibbutz to kibbutz, door to door. It was intended to evoke the racist barbarism, the unhinged murderous depravity, Jews founded Israel to escape from. This is why the terrorists filmed and broadcast their genocidal crimes.

7 October was the most documented attack ever, live-streamed from the GoPro cameras of its perpetrators. And yet still it was denied. ‘I’m shown video clips, and then I’m also told that they’re beheading babies. I’m also told that they’re raping women’, said Farhan Siddiqi, imam of the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in Washington, DC. ‘And when I go and I investigate those specific reports, I find out that they’re all lies.’ ‘Pro-Palestine’ outlets insisted that it was actually Israel who ‘killed many, if not most, of the civilians’. ‘How the hell did the Israelis not know this was going to happen?… I’m still a little bit down that rabbit hole’, said Roger Waters, a month after the pogrom, declaring there to be ‘something very fishy’ about 7 October. He floated the possibility it might have been a ‘false-flag operation’ – that is, staged by Israel to justify a military response.

Free Speech Impediment Too many of our nation’s college students are anti-free speech zealots. By Larry Sand


It has now been 60 years since the birth of the Free Speech Movement at the University of California, Berkeley. It all started in mid-September 1964, when the school’s dean of students banned tables and political activity along the Bancroft strip, a 26-foot stretch of sidewalk near Telegraph Avenue. Students protested, cops were called in and angry students surrounded the police car. Thousands subsequently joined the crusade, and activist Mario Savio emerged as the leader of the burgeoning Free Speech Movement. The events at Berkeley garnered national attention.

Once again, colleges are ground zero for the free speech issue. But now things have turned 180 degrees, as many students actively try to quash speech they don’t agree with.

According to a new survey from the Knight Foundation, 70% of college students say that speech can be just as damaging as physical violence. The survey polled more than 1,600 college students and found that “2024 marks a crisis for free speech on college campuses…”

The poll revealed that more than a quarter agreed that it was more important for schools to “protect students by prohibiting speech they may find offensive or biased” rather than prioritizing allowing students to hear a wide range of viewpoints, including possibly offensive ones.

Another poll, the 2024 American College Student Freedom, Progress and Flourishing Survey, found that 71% of college students maintain that a professor who expresses “offensive” ideas should be reported to the university. Other eye-opening results include:

About a third of students want professors to drop uncomfortable readings.
One-quarter want them to avoid uncomfortable discussion topics.
A third of students said a professor should be reported for contending there is no evidence of anti-black bias in police shootings.
A quarter contends that a professor should be reported for saying COVID vaccinations shouldn’t be required.
More than one in five students declare that a professor should be reported for asserting that biological sex is a scientific fact.
Just under one in five students said a professor should be reported for saying that affirmative action is doing more harm than good.
14% would report a professor who accused affirmative action opponents of perpetuating white privilege.
56% of students would report a classmate for saying something they thought was offensive.

Media Maintains ‘Wall of Silence’ on First Gentleman #MeToo Scandal “any suggestion that he would or has ever hit a woman is false.” by Daniel Greenfield


Here’s the scorecard so far.

Doug Emhoff, Kamala’s powerful lawyer hubby, admitted to impregnating his nanny during his first marriage. The status of the child is unknown, but there are allegations that she suffered a miscarriage.

A recent report described Emhoff hitting an ex-girlfriend in public. The media refused to report on the allegation and only reported on Emhoff’s denial of the allegation.

Half of the political world focused Wednesday on a Daily Mail report that second gentleman Doug Emhoff “forcefully slapped ex-girlfriend for flirting with another man” at Cannes in 2012. Others (including Semafor) haven’t matched the reporting, and as of Wednesday evening the incident didn’t appear in The New York Times or top outlets. But the allegations are a dominant narrative in conservative media: Megyn Kelly’s coverage had more than 150,000 views on YouTube, while Trump aide Stephen Miller demanded answers. In a statement to Semafor, a spokesperson for Emhoff said “this report is untrue,” and that “any suggestion that he would or has ever hit a woman is false.”

It’s striking that “half of the political world” is focused on an allegation the media won’t report on.

Instead, the media is reporting on such urgent stories as “Doug Emhoff On Andy Samberg’s ‘SNL’ Impression: “I Approve”, “Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff to visit Arizona” and “Michael Stipe, Jason Isbell Tell Doug Emhoff Why They Endorse Kamala Harris”.

Isn’t journalism awesome?

One Year Later, Israel is Still in Agony But rather than sympathy, hatred grows for the Jewish state. by Michael Brown


One full year after October 7, the nation of Israel is still traumatized and many of its people are still in agony. One full year later, there are still scores of hostages languishing in Gaza, if not dead, and their families remain in daily agony. One full year later, the war with Hamas continues, but now there is also war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, as well as possible war with Iran itself. One full year later, rather than sympathy for Israel growing it is hatred for Israel that is growing.

One year ago, the unthinkable happened on Israeli soil. A mass pogrom took place within the borders of this tiny state, the one place that was supposed to be safe for Jewish people. The nation’s vaunted security systems failed miserably and babies were slaughtered, women were raped, the elderly were executed, and whole families burned alive.

I remember waking up the morning of the 7th to the news that Hamas terrorists had flooded Israel and that as many as 100 Israelis had been killed. Impossible, I thought. Not today, in Israel. This cannot be. Then there were reports that several soldiers had been taken hostage. This, too, was unthinkable, with horrific potential consequences.

After all, IDF soldier Gilad Shalit had languished as a hostage in Gaza for five long years before his release, which required Israeli releasing 1,027 Palestinian prisoners in exchange for his life – yes, 1,027 prisoners, including Yahyah Sinwar, the mastermind of the October 7 massacre. What would Hamas do with several Israeli hostages?

But as that dreadful day unfolded, the news was far more devastating than anything we could have imagined. This is what I wrote one year ago as the news began to unfold: “Heartbreak. Shock. Agony. Devastation. Confusion. Rage. These are just a few of the emotions flooding the hearts of millions of Israelis in the midst of an unprecedented terrorist attack by Hamas. This is a time to stop and pray for the merciful intervention of God.

The Danger of the Secularist Sensibility The high cost of the modernist inability to take religion seriously. by Bruce Thornton


Last week, Israel’s Minister of Defense, Benny Gantz, wrote an op-ed for the New York Times asking the question, “What were Hamas’s leaders hoping for, and what are Iran’s leaders seeking to achieve?” The answer began with a conversation that revealed the central problem with the West’s understanding of Islamic jihadism, one that still vitiates our foreign policy and plans for dealing with Muslim aggressors: our modernist inability to take religion seriously.

“What the Israeli military and political establishment failed to understand,” Gantz writes, “in part, was the extent to which Hamas was driven by the goal of waging religious war. ‘The intel was there, but I underestimated the jihadi component of Hamas’s and Sinwar’s calculus,’ a senior Israel Defense Forces intelligence commander told me early in the war, referring to Yahya Sinwar, Hamas’s leader.”

This mistake in divining the motives of militant Islam marks the U.S. conflict with Iran and its revolution and “goal of waging religious war.” For example, in 1979 when the Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran to direct the revolution, Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, as David Farber reported, in a meeting with Carter “soft-pedaled the specific threat of ‘Islamic fundamentalism’ to American interests.” Brzezinski also viewed the revolution with Western eyes. The religious revolution would falter, he argued, and require secular technocrats and experts, which would dilute and marginalize the clerics.

In an even greater failure of imagination and projection of Western principles, Brzezinski advised that the U.S. should “pursue relations with individual Muslim countries on the basis of shared interests, but our emphasis on moral as well as material values, our support for a world of diversity, and our commitment to social justice should place us in a strong position to deepen our dialogue with the Muslim world.”

Hannah E. Meyers Days of Awe This is the week for universities to reestablish community around open, civilized debate.


The anniversary of the October 7 massacre in Israel falls during Judaism’s ten “Days of Awe.” This is the charged period between Rosh Hashanah, when fates for the coming year are inscribed in the Book of Life, and Yom Kippur, when they are sealed. All across America, Jews will be chanting in unison this year’s communal sins and beseeching: “For all of these, God of forgiveness, forgive us, pardon us, grant us atonement!” Jews stand before their fate, not as individuals, but as a community.

This will also be “The Week of Rage,” when anti-Israel groups on America’s campuses will chant in unison for the annihilation of Jews—now entering their 5,785th calendar year—and their nation-state. They will openly express their support for terrorism: killing, raping, and torturing civilians to achieve political goals. “By any means necessary!” they will call out. They will wave the insignias of Hamas and Hezbollah, for whom the goal is death to America and death to Israel—and while they’re at it, death to homosexuals, to political rivals, and even to their own children, if it results in their gaining power. As a community, they stand behind an ideological vision as intolerant in its aims as it is savage in the means it chooses to pursue them.

Sensibly enough, considering what we’ve seen on American campuses over the last year, many universities are planning extra security, erecting additional barriers to movement around their quads and buildings. So far this semester, however, similar strategies have failed to quell the rage: students from Pittsburgh to Michigan have been beaten or slashed for being identifiably Jewish. Creating truly safe campuses will require more than purely defensive measures.

To work a genuine transformation in campus safety this week and onward, universities need to confront the problem as a community. They must embrace the American community tradition, which thrives by welcoming disagreement.

Tal Fortgang The Lessons of October 9 Like Israel, the West must respond with strength, not weakness, to those who threaten our way of life.


October 7, 2023, was a Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath. It was also the festival of Shmini Atzeret. The following day, October 8, was Simchat Torah, another holiday on which observant Jews are forbidden from using electronics. (In Israel, the two holidays are celebrated together in one day, while outside the Holy Land they are split in two.) Consequently, it was not until after nightfall on October 8, here in New York, that I and many of my fellow Jews could take stock of the horrors that Hamas had inflicted in Israel’s south.

By then, the story on the home front had already shifted from one abomination to another. In the hours and days following the massacre, rape, and kidnapping of thousands of Israeli civilians—while babies, Holocaust survivors, and American citizens were being kidnapped and secreted through tunnels in Gaza—thousands of people took to the streets of cities throughout the West to celebrate these atrocities. These demonstrators—wrongly called “protesters,” since Israel’s military response had not yet begun—expressed support for the destruction of Israel “by any means necessary.” This is old news by now, yet it still shocks the conscience.

Many Jews and decent American citizens were horrified and confused by these displays, which have only escalated over time. They remain horrified by the thought that so many people who live among us—some citizens, even—would kick Jews and Israeli Americans while they were down. The dominant moral idea of our age presents itself in terms of concern for the downtrodden: those vulnerable or in pain receive deference and space to grieve, while others must refrain from “punching down.”

On October 8, 2023, we Jews thought, consistent with this ethos, that our pain and vulnerability would invite sympathy and solidarity. By the time daylight had broken on October 9, however, we realized we were wrong. We could no longer deny that weakness only emboldened those who hate us. Our blood was in the water, and our enemies took that as a sign to attack. To those who believe that Jews should leave Israel and “go back to Poland,” as we have gotten used to hearing, our pain is a sign that they are succeeding in their efforts to make our lives miserable until they get what they want. These are old-school bullies in progressive attire.