There is no need to recite the depredations on all sectors of American society of initiatives devoted to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Our educational institutions are among the hardest hit, making it hard in some parts of the country to find schools that don’t lecture even the youngest students about “settler colonialism,” the evils of “whiteness,” and the “genocide” supposedly being perpetrated by the Israelis.
When institutions push back, as they occasionally do, it merits attention. One example arrived last month in the form of an outstanding—and hardly right-wing—opinion piece in the New York Post by Bill Kuhn, who has been the head of the Birch Wathen Lenox School (BWL) since December 2022. This is not Kuhn’s first excellent article, but it is the one with the highest profile. And it will, I expect, do wonders for his school’s application numbers.
Let me set the scene for those who do not follow the ins and outs of private school education, and what passes for education, in my native New York. The city is home to hundreds of independent schools, and parents who can afford it, or who receive significant financial aid, commonly send their children to these fancy institutions even as the leaders of these institutions devote substantial resources to DEI.
To be sure, there are high-profile kerfuffles: Megyn Kelly removed her three children from two of New York’s most famous K–12 schools, Collegiate (all-boys) and Spence (all-girls—though it now accepts the female-identifying), and Andrew Gutmann became a public figure when he declined to reenroll his daughter in a third, Brearley (all-girls—though ditto). But plus ça change. Earlier this year, Spence fired a beloved French teacher for (it would appear) simply speaking about the French law banning hijabs; a few months later, the head of Collegiate resigned after allegedly calling a report about anti-Semitism and Islamophobia a “power play by Jewish families”; and at Brearley, to quote Gutmann, “the war on our children continues unabated.”