In the wake of a recent poll which only confirmed what Donald Trump’s election landslide proved – that celebrities have become politically irrelevant – Hollywood continues to rage impotently against the new President with their tired, old, ineffective smears that he and his new administration are “fascists” and “Nazis.”
To recap: the Left has spent every waking moment since Trump announced his presidential run back in 2015 trying to demonize him as Hitler 2.0. The coordinated media smearing of Trump as a more dangerous fascist than Benito Mussolini was so relentless and demonstrably false that it ultimately backfired; last November, voters rejected the fear-mongering propaganda and embraced a positive, hopeful movement to make America great again.
But the Left refuses to take the lesson to heart. Hollywood in particular still teems with bitter, angry, self-righteous elites who cannot accept that those cisgender white nationalists in the flyover country they so despise voted this fascist strongman into the White House. To paraphrase the quote attributed to film critic Pauline Kael about Richard Nixon, “How could Trump have won? Nobody I know voted for him,” the Hollywood elites wonder.
One giveaway that the Left was hyperbolizing about Trump was their kneejerk (ab)use of the word “fascist,” which they won’t or can’t even define correctly. To the Left, “fascist” is the go-to label for anyone and anything that stands in the way of their lust for one-party hegemony – and no single person is more of an obstacle to that obsession than Donald Trump. In fact, “fascism” is best defined by the man so closely associated with it that he is called the Father of Fascism – Il Duce himself, Mussolini: “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”
This is a Big Government slogan. This is the slogan of a Party that wants to consolidate all power into a State that maintains that power by crushing dissent.
But Trump is a man who campaigned on dismantling the Deep State, and in whose first couple of weeks in office he has taken a wrecking ball to the bloated, corrupt bureaucracy of an out-of-control federal government. But Hollywood won’t let the truth get in the way of a necessary narrative.