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March 2025

“Doubt and Skepticism” Sydney Williams


“The greater the artist, the greater the doubt. Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize.”

                                                                                                                               Robert Hughes (1938-2012)

                                                                                                                                Australian author & art critic

 “Our doubts are traitors and cause us to miss the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.”

         Measure for Measure William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

As the two epigraphs infer, doubt is personal. In her Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath, the American poet wrote “The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” On the other hand, in The Selected Letters of Tennessee Wiliams, the playwright is quoted: “I don’t believe anyone ever suspects how completely unsure I am of my work…”

Doubt, including self-doubt, and skepticism are not synonymous but are related. Doubt can be defined as uncertainty regarding one’s abilities (as Lucio infers). It also serves as questioning one’s judgement (as Robert Hughes suggests). It is intuitive, reflecting a lack of knowledge, as Thomas wanted proof of Jesus’ resurrection. On the other hand, a skeptic is one with an open mind who questions the truth of something stated or alleged, or at least who defers judgement until more facts are available.

This is not to argue that belief in one’s self is uncommon. When a youth, I was not skeptical about much and had few self-doubts. Many of us were raised on the American folktale, The Little Engine that Could. Theodore Roosevelt, allegedly, expressed a similar sentiment: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” All good advice, so long as it does not morph into cockiness, arrogance, or conceit. As I grew older, I read and thought more, I became more skeptical. I recall, when a teenager, the president of a brokerage firm who told me that the longer he worked in the business the less he felt he knew about finance.

Why Arabs Don’t Want To Receive Palestinian Ex-Prisoners by Khaled Abu Toameh


The Jordanians and Lebanese, for their part, have not forgotten how Palestinians sparked civil wars in their countries in the 70s and 80s.

[The Arab countries’] refusal to take in Palestinian prisoners probably arises from the fact that these countries actually do not care about the Palestinians and even consider them an ungrateful people and troublemakers. Many Arabs also seem to have lost faith in the Palestinians’ ability to implement reform and end rampant financial and administrative corruption in their governing bodies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

“The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization. Help us modern-minded, secular, liberal Muslims marginalize their influence by declaring what they are: a terrorist organization.” — Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, in testimony before the US House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, July 11, 2018.

“In point of fact, nothing would be more pro-Muslim than the marginalization of the Muslim Brotherhood and its direct affiliates. Making the Muslim Brotherhood radioactive would allow the light to shine upon the most potent antagonists in Muslim communities: those who reject political Islamist groups and believe in liberty and the separation of mosque and state.” — Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, in testimony before the US House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, July 11, 2018.

“Call on American Muslim leaders to take a position on the Muslim Brotherhood and its overarching theo-political ideology. I ask my fellow Muslims: Will they be the side of freedom, liberty, and modernity, or will they be on the side of tyranny of the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey’s AKP, the Iranian Khomeinists, or Pakistan’s Jamaat e-Islami?” — Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, in testimony before the US House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, July 11, 2018.

“Develop foreign policy mechanisms to disincentivize Qatari and Turkish Government facilitation of the Brotherhood and ultimately think about suspending Turkey from NATO.” — Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, in testimony before the US House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, July 11, 2018.

“And please stop engaging Muslim Brotherhood legacy groups in government, media, and NGOs, and recognize their Islamist terrorist sympathies.” — Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, in testimony before the US House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, July 11, 2018.

Such a designation would also make it far more difficult for the countries that support the Muslim Brotherhood, especially Turkey and Qatar, to keep on doing so. The Muslim Brotherhood has already been declared a terrorist organization by the governments of Austria, Russia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain.

Most of the Arab countries are refusing to receive Palestinians released from Israeli prison as part of the US-brokered Israel-Hamas ceasefire-hostage deal. In the past few weeks, Israel released hundreds of Palestinian prisoners — many of whom were imprisoned for acts of terrorism — in return for Israeli hostages who kidnapped to the Gaza Strip during the Hamas-led October 7, 2023, invasion of southern Israel. At least 1,200 Israelis were murdered and thousands wounded on that day. Another 251 were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists and “ordinary” Palestinians.

Democrats go full McCarthy with attacks on Musk’s nationality, loyalties by Jonathan Turley


This month, 75 years ago, Sen. Joe McCarthy (R-Wisc.) gave his infamous speech denouncing disloyal Americans working at the highest levels of our government. It was the defining moment for what became known as McCarthyism, which attacked citizens as dangerous and disloyal influences in government.

Some of us have criticized the rising “rage rhetoric” for years, including that of President Trump and Democratic leaders, denouncing opponents as traitors and enemies of the state.

In the 2024 election, the traditional red state-blue state firewalls again collapsed, as they had in 2016. The response among Democrats has been to unleash a type of new Red Scare, questioning the loyalty of those who are supporting or working with the Trump administration in carrying out his promised reforms.

Elon Musk is the designated disloyal American for many on the left. That rage has reached virtual hysteria on ABC’s “The View.” This is the same show before the election on which hosts warned that, if Trump were elected, journalists and homosexuals would be rounded up and “disappeared.”

After the election, democracy seemed to stubbornly hang on, so the hosts had to resort to attacking as disloyal anyone joining the government or supporting Trump’s policies. 

This week, co-host Joy Behar followed many others in questioning Musk’s loyalty and attacking him over being a naturalized American citizen: “The guy was not born in this country, who was born under apartheid in South Africa. So, [he] has that mentality going on. He was pro-Apartheid, as I understand it.”

Behar was then forced, perhaps by panicked ABC lawyers, to walk back the comment — such retractions having become a regular feature on “The View“. What came out was the type of jumbled confusion that results when you interrupt a lunatic on the metro in mid-rave.

Behar stated: “I’m getting some flack because I said that Musk was pro-apartheid. I don’t really know for sure if he was … He was around at that time, but maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t—he might have been a young guy, too. So, don’t be suing me, okay Elon?”

This anti-immigrant attack on Musk, however, has worked its way into many Democrats’ talking points, even though their party had previously claimed to defend immigrants against racist Republicans seeking to close the Southern border and deport criminal illegal immigrants.

Who Really Politicized the Pentagon? The Pentagon has long been political—Trump’s firings aren’t new, but their results will reveal if the military is truly depoliticized or just under new management. By Victor Davis Hanson


Is the era of rounding up government or academic “experts” to declare their support or opposition to ongoing controversies over?

Public declarations by Anthony Fauci and his associates to follow their “expertise” or “science” did not work out well and persuaded few.

Recall the 1,200 partisan healthcare “professionals” of June 2020 who flipped to assure us that it was mysteriously now medically OK to break quarantines—but only if to publicly protest during the post-George Floyd unrest.

Do we remember the “70 arms control and nuclear experts?” In 2015, they were collected by Obama subordinates to convince America to embrace the flawed administration’s so-called Iran Deal.

In 2021, “Seventeen recipients of the Nobel Memorial Prize in economic sciences” assured there would follow no inflation from the Biden administration’s massive borrowing and spending.

Hyperinflation followed.

Most recently, five former Secretaries of Defense—William Perry, Leon Panetta, Chuck Hagel, James Mattis, and Lloyd Austin—co-authored a public letter to Congress. They blasted the Trump administration’s dismissals from command of several generals—including the current chairman of the joint chiefs, General C. Q. Brown Jr.

They argued that such firings were political and thus would weaken the military and depress recruitment. As a result, they demanded congressional investigations.

Oversight of anything in government is always welcomed. But there are a number of inconsistencies in the letter that unfortunately diminish the force of its argument.

First, firing generals is hardly new. Many presidents have relieved commanding officers—even wartime combat theater commanders—without much, if any, explanation.

Consider just one recent pre-Trump presidency—the tenure of Barack Obama. He fired Gen. David McKiernan as commander of all American troops in Afghanistan. And he did so without much explanation.

American Public’s Trust in Mainstream Media Hits 50-Year Low: Poll By Eric Lendrum


A new survey from Gallup revealed that the American people’s trust in the mainstream media has reached the “lowest point” in over 50 years.

As reported by Breitbart, Gallup had asked the public about their trust in mass media dating as far back as 1972. At that time, 68% of Americans said they either had a “great deal” or “fair” amount of trust in the media, with that number rising slightly to 69% in 1974. It then reached a record high of 72% in 1976.

Since 2000, that number has plummeted to remain consistently below 50%, with just 51% saying they trusted the media in the year 2000; the number then fell to 44% in 2004 before rising slightly to 45% in 2018. In every subsequent poll, the number has dropped further and further, with the most recent poll showing just 31% saying they trusted the media in 2024.

Gallup noticed that a major contributor to the decrease in trust came in the form of Republican voters, who overwhelmingly distrust the media compared to independents and Democrats.

“Whereas about a third of U.S. adults say they have no trust at all in the mass media, 59% of Republicans hold this view — a view that saw a particularly sharp increase between 2015 and 2017, when it rose 21 percentage points to 48%,” the report notes. “Republicans’ lack of trust in the media topped 50% for the first time in 2020 and has since remained at the majority level.”

“Lack of trust is also up sharply among independents, now 42%, while it continues to be low — 6% this year — among Democrats,” the survey’s summary added.

Migrant Occupation of Paris Theater Turns ‘Explosive’ Could there be a more perfect metaphor for the impact of mass migration in Western Europe? by Mark Tapson


Back in mid-January, I wrote about the takeover of Paris’ Gaîté Lyrique theatre, one of the French capital’s most historic arts venues, by more than 250 west African migrants. They had been invited by the theatre’s Left-wing management to attend a free conference the previous month titled “Reinventing the Welcome for Refugees in France.” When the conference ended, the migrants reinvented this welcoming gesture by refusing to leave, and their numbers grew to over 300 as sanitary conditions worsened by the day. The multiculturalist management refused to throw them out in the dead of winter, because the Left prioritizes non-Western illegals over even their own survival; so the theatre instead canceled all performances indefinitely, driving it toward bankruptcy after an estimated “several hundred thousand euros in direct losses” of ticket sales.

Businesses surrounding the 19th century venue were and are being impacted as well. The manager of the popular bistro next door reported €30,000 in lost revenue at the time of my previous article. “They are ruining my business,” the bistro owner, herself the daughter of Algerian migrants, told reporters:

They hang around outside my terrace, smoking joints and fighting among themselves. Not only do we no longer get theatregoers because the theatre is shut but we don’t get passers-by either. They’re being frightened away by all these young men.

The theatre is owned by the City of Paris, which is dominated by Socialists and Greens, so they blame government inaction instead of the squatters themselves or instead of taking responsibility for having literally ushered them in, but President Macron’s cabinet reportedly has ignored a request to intercede.

As one would expect, especially because the self-righteous theater Leftists have been “welcoming and sheltering the occupants” throughout this debacle rather than having them evicted, things have only deteriorated from there. Now the theater managers are set to abandon the building because the situation has become so “explosive,” surrender has become their only option.

10 Bad Takeaways From the Zelenskyy Blow-Up March 2025 is not March 2022.


1. Zelenskyy does not grasp—or deliberately ignores—the bitter truth: those with whom he feels most affinity (Western globalists, the American Left, the Europeans) have little power in 2025 to help him. And those with whom he obviously does not like or seeks to embarrass (cf. his Scranton, Penn. campaign-like visit in September 2024) alone have the power to save him. For his own sake, I hope he is not being “briefed” by the Obama-Clinton-Biden gang to confront Trump, given their interests are not really Ukraine’s as they feign.

2. Zelenskyy acts as if his agendas and ours are identical. So, he keeps insisting that he is fighting for us despite our two-ocean-distance that he mocks. We do have many shared interests with Ukraine, but not all by any means: Trump wants to “reset” with Russia and triangulate it against China. He seeks to avoid a 1962 DEFCON 2-like crisis over a proxy showdown in proximity to a nuclear rival. And he sincerely wants to end the deadlocked Stalingrad slaughterhouse for everyone’s sake.

3. The Europeans (and Canada) are now talking loudly of a new muscular antithesis, independent of the U.S. Promises, promises—given that would require Europeans to prune back their social welfare state, frack, use nuclear, stop the green obsessions, and spend 3-5 percent of their GDP on defense. The U.S. does not just pay 16 percent of NATO’s budget but also puts up with asymmetrical tariffs that result in a European Union trade surplus of $160 billion, plays the world cop patrolling sea-lanes and deterring terrorists and rogues states that otherwise might interrupt Europe’s commercial networks abroad, as well as de facto including Europe under a nuclear umbrella of 6,500 nukes.

4. Zelenskyy must know that all of the once deal-stopping issues to peace have been de facto settled: Ukraine is now better armed than most NATO nations, but will not be in NATO; and no president has or will ever supply Ukraine with the armed wherewithal to take back the Donbass and Crimea. So, the only two issues are a) how far will Putin be willing to withdraw to his 2022 borders and b) how will he be deterred? The first is answered by a commercial sector/tripwire, joint Ukrainian-US-Europe resource development corridor in Eastern Ukraine, coupled with a Korea-like DMZ; the second by the fact that Putin unlike his 2008 and 2014 invasions has now lost a million dead and wounded to a Ukraine that will remain thusly armed.

5. What are Zelenskyy’s alternatives without much U.S. help—wait for a return of the Democrats to the White House in four years? Hope for a rearmed Europe? Pray for a Democratic House and a 3rd Vindman-like engineered Trump impeachment? Or swallow his pride, return to the White House, sign the rare-earth minerals deal, invite in the Euros (are they seriously willing to patrol a DMZ?), and hope Trump can warn Putin, as he did successfully between 2017-21, not to dare try it again?

The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time — Part XXXIII


The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time is the fraud by which our government alters existing U.S. and worldwide temperature data in order to enhance an apparent warming trend, and thereby support a narrative of supposedly dangerous global warming. This is Part XXXIII of this series, which goes back to July 2013. A composite link to all 32 prior posts in this series can be found here.

As has been widely reported and discussed, the arrival of the new Trump 2.0 presidency is bringing disruption and change to many areas of a previously complacent federal bureaucracy. One of the areas where disruption appears to be hitting is an agency called NOAA — the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which is a part of the Department of Commerce. NOAA is the place where the world and U.S. temperature data are collected and compiled — and altered.

Will the new disruption shed some light upon the systematic alterations of our temperature data? It’s too early to tell, but there is reason to hope.

First up, CBS News reported just yesterday that massive layoffs have hit NOAA. The headline is “Hundreds of NOAA employees laid off in latest cuts to federal workforce.”

Hundreds of staffers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, were laid off Thursday. . . . A congressional source told CBS News the layoffs affected 880 NOAA employees. . . . Prior to Thursday’s cuts, NOAA had about 12,000 staffers across the world.

880 staffers out of 12,000 would be about a 7+% cut.

Ruthie Blum : The US, Ukraine and Israel


The collective gasp that erupted on Friday across European capitals—and echoed in certain circles in Jerusalem—was warranted. Never before had a confrontation like the one between U.S. President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the Oval Office been so public, and so raw.

Even Trump couldn’t help noting at the end of the verbal brawl that it made for good television. He got that right. The exchange promptly went viral on every social-media platform.

For the past two days, analysts the world over have been weighing in on how the nearly hour-long meeting/impromptu press conference—in the presence of Vice President JD Vance, Secretary of State Marco Rubio and a slew of reporters—suddenly turned sour after a very civil, even friendly, start. The argument has two parts.

One is over decorum, with Ukraine sympathizers accusing Vance of instigating an ambush that Trump enthusiastically joined. The other centers on substance—the terms and wisdom of the “peace” deal Trump is trying to broker between Zelenskyy and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

As for the first, whatever position one holds on the war in Ukraine, Zelenskyy’s behavior was totally out of line. In fact, it was he who caught his hosts by surprise and not the other way around.

Indeed, he had indicated that the purpose of his visit to the White House—at his own request, by the way—was to sign an agreement for a joint U.S.-Ukraine investment in the latter’s rare-earth mineral and other resources. But he made it clear in front of the media that it wasn’t sufficient to guarantee Kyiv’s security vis-à-vis Moscow.

Nor was this the first time in less than two weeks that Zelenskyy had pulled such a stunt with the new administration in Washington. But his cheeky insolence, sarcasm and puerile attitude toward Trump and Vance was flinch-inducing

2025 Israel’s Demographic Update Defies Conventional wisdom Yoram Ettinger


*The number of annual Jewish births in Israel surged by 73% from 1995 (80,400) to 2024 (138,698), compared to a 18% increase of annual Arab births in Israel during the same period (from 36,500 to 42,911), as reported by the February 2025 Monthly Bulletin of Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (ICBS).

*The 2024 Jewish births (138,698) were 76% of total births (181,609), compared to 69% in 1995.

*In 2024 (based on 2022 data), the Jewish fertility rate (3 births per woman) is higher than the Muslim fertility rate (2.86). It is higher than the fertility rates in all Muslim countries other than Iraq and the sub-Sahara Muslim countries.

*In 1969, Israel’s and Judea and Samaria’s (West Bank’s) Arab fertility rate was 6 births higher than the Jewish fertility rate. In 2015, both fertility rates were at 3.13 births per woman, reflecting the dramatic Westernization of Arab demography in Judea and Samaria and pre-1967 Israel, triggered by Arab modernity, urbanization, the enhanced social status of Arab women, older wedding age (24), expanded participation of Arab women in higher-education and the job market, a shorter reproductive time (25-45 rather than 16-55) and the increased use of contraceptives. 

*In 2023 (the latest available data), there were 41,345 Israeli Jewish deaths, compared to 31,575 in 1996, a 31% increase, compared to a 37% increase in 2022 (while the size of the population almost doubled!), which reflects a society growing younger. In 2023, there were 4,966 Israeli Muslim deaths, compared to 3,089 in 1996, a 61% increase, which reflects a society growing older.  

*Israel’s robust Jewish fertility rate is attributed to the high-level of optimism, patriotism, attachment to Jewish roots, frontier mentality, communal solidarity, high regard for raising children, and a declining number of abortions (34% decline since 1990, while abortion policy is liberal).

*In 2025, there is a potential wave of Aliyah (Jewish immigration) of some 500,000 Olim (Jewish immigrants) from the Ukraine, Russia, other former Soviet republics, West Europe, Argentina, the USA, Australia, etc., requiring the upgrading of Aliyah in Israel’s national order of priorities (as it was until 1992, serving as an economic, educational, technological and a military springboard), and resuming a pro-active Aliyah policy.