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March 2025

Get Ready! A Civil War Is About to Break Out in the Democratic Party Matt Margolis


The Democratic Party may be imploding before our eyes, folks. What we’re seeing isn’t just your typical post-election finger-pointing—it’s a potential full-blown civil war brewing between moderates and the radical left wing that has hijacked the party and alienated mainstream Americans.

If recent developments are any indication, the moderates are finally growing a spine.

According to a report from Politico, several dozen Democratic operatives and elected officials gathered at a Potomac River resort in Loudoun County, Va., last month for what amounted to an intervention. The day-and-a-half retreat wasn’t just about licking wounds—it was about calling out the cancer destroying their electoral chances.

“In the wake of this election, where it became so evident that the things that the left was doing and saying deeply hurt [Kamala] Harris and down-ballot Democrats, a lot of people are looking to us, not just Third Way, but the moderates in the party, and saying, ‘We got to do it your way, because the other way ain’t working,’” said Third Way’s Matt Bennett, one of the retreat’s organizers. 

The retreat produced a five-page document of takeaways. Politico described the document as “perhaps one of the most comprehensive and sweeping of its kind following the election — both in its analysis of what went wrong and how to fix it.”

The diagnosis is clear: The party has lost touch with working-class Americans by embracing radical leftist ideology and aligning with deeply unpopular institutions like academia, media, and government bureaucracy.

Linda McMahon Confirmed as Secretary of Education By Haley Strack


During her confirmation hearing, McMahon described the DOE as an agency ‘in decline’ and announced her intention to ‘invest in teachers not Washington bureaucrats.’

The Senate confirmed former Administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration Linda McMahon to lead the Department of Education on Monday evening.

Once the World Wrestling Entertainment CEO, McMahon was confirmed 51 to 45, along party lines. President Donald Trump appointed her to the position hoping that she would “put herself out of a job,” he has said, and that McMahon “wholeheartedly” embraces his move to weaken the department’s influence.

“President Trump believes that the bureaucracy in Washington should be abolished so that we can return education to the states, where it belongs. I wholeheartedly support and agree with this mission,” the now-secretary said in a letter to Democrats on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.

McMahon served on the Connecticut Board of Education for two years and was on the Board of Trustees at Sacred Heart University for more than 16 years. In a statement announcing McMahon’s nomination in November, Trump called McMahon a “fierce advocate for Parents’ Rights.”

Tim Walz Says He’s Considering a Run For President in 2028 By Debra Heine


Minnesota Governor Tim Walz said Sunday that he would “certainly consider” running for president in 2028, despite his disastrous White House bid alongside failed presidential nominee Kamala Harris, last November.

“If I think I could offer something … I would certainly consider that,” he told the New Yorker Radio Hour during its March 2 broadcast.

One of the reasons Kamala Harris reportedly chose Walz to be her running mate in 2024 was because he had indicated that he had no presidential ambitions.

“Look, I never had an ambition to be president or vice president. I was honored to be asked,” Walz insisted.

His addition to the 2024 Democrat ticket was meant to syphon off voters from the white male vote but failed in its mission due to multiple controversies and missteps, including the governor’s mischaracterization of his military record, his ties to Communist China, and his support for tampons in boys’ restrooms.

The Democrat has faced ridicule online since his interview with the New Yorker went public.

How the Media Killed Itself By the end of the decade, the media may no longer exist. by Daniel Greenfield


Over the last twenty years, the media, an institution that had defined American politics in the twentieth century, began a decline that has wiped out its influence, its finances and its future.

Ask anyone in the media what happened and they will blame the internet, social media, disinformation, echo chambers and other tired buzzwords directing the fault elsewhere.

The reality is that the media killed itself.

The media lost its influence because it believed so much in that influence that it became convinced that it was no longer subject to the gravity of public opinion, but defined public opinion, at exactly the time when its future was most at risk and its influence was most in doubt.

It wasn’t the internet, but the media’s reaction to it that put it on its current pathway to oblivion. Rather than responding to the increasing competition resulting from a low barrier to entry by maximizing its appeal, the media radicalized until it could only appeal to niche audiences.

The media complains about echo chambers and disinformation, but it chose to become a very expensive echo chamber filled with disinformation appealing to a shrinking audience. Now it’s struggling to compete with much cheaper echo chambers filled with disinformation.

When faced with this reality, the media insisted that it had an entitlement to monopolize the market and demanded that Google, Facebook and other major monopolies subsidize its content and suppress the content of its competitors because it was in the ‘public interest’. The media’s rent seeking did not save it, it only slowed the rate of decline until it became irreversible.

The Democrats’ coming civil war Voters are tired of failed ‘progressive’ dogmas, even in the Democrats’ urban heartlands. But will the party listen? Joel Kotkin


At a time when the world press is obsessed with US president Donald Trump and his often imbecilic machinations, perhaps a more consequential struggle is taking place on the other side of the aisle. Trump and his minions may completely control the GOP, but the future of the Democrats is uncertain. The party’s left is locked in battle with those who embrace the party’s traditional values, like support for economic growth and enforcing the law.

Right now, on a national level, the Democratic Party seems to be continuing its movement leftwards. Kamala Harris is still its front-runner for the 2028 presidential election and representatives like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jasmine Crockett, who are further to the left, are widely seen as rising stars. Looking at the behaviour of the Democrats and their media allies, they seem to be reprising Talleyrand’s quip that the Bourbon kings of France ‘learnt nothing and forgot nothing’ after the revolution.

At the recent Democratic National Committee election for the party’s new leadership, there was an enduring obsession with race and gender. Veteran Democrat Ruy Teixeira described it as ‘like outtakes from a humanities seminar at a small liberal-arts college’. We saw similar scenes in November, with the backlash received by Massachusetts congressman Seth Moulton when he dared to share concerns about his young daughter potentially having to compete against male athletes. As a result, he faced the resignation of key staffers, as well as threats from one university to cancel an internship programme associated with his office.

Yet even as the national party drifts off the reservation, there are hopeful signs of growing anti-woke pushback in the Democrats’ modern heartlands – namely, in America’s big cities.

Ilya Shapiro The Supreme Court Is Poised to Restore the President’s Executive Power Legal challenges to Trump’s firings open the door for a shift in the Court’s jurisprudence.


Article II of the Constitution begins with a simple declarative sentence: “The executive power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America.” Those 15 words are at the heart of a key battle in the early days of the second Trump administration—and will likely be the basis for consolidating power in one individual over what has become the most important branch of government.

In his first month in office, President Trump has removed many officials, both high-ranking and middle-managerial, hoping to streamline government and wrest control of the permanent bureaucracy. Many of the dispatched employees have contested their removal in court. The dispute is partially about civil-service rules and, more consequentially, about the president’s ability to remove principal officers of so-called independent agencies, which themselves are a contradiction in constitutional terms.

These employees argue that their firings were unconstitutional because of a 90-year-old Supreme Court decision that protects heads of independent agencies (but not cabinet departments) from without-cause removal. That 1935 precedent, Humphrey’s Executor v. United States, held that agencies wielding “quasi-judicial and quasi-legislative” power can only get fired for incompetence or malfeasance, not mere presidential agenda-setting. In 1988, the justices extended Humphrey’s Executive to nearly all federal officials in Morrison v. Olson, over a fierce solo dissent by Justice Antonin Scalia, who argued that the presidential removal power was essential to checking government abuses and ensuring political accountability. Those decisions fueled the rise of the modern administrative state.

The Resistance To Climate Alarmism Grows


The end is near. That’s what we’ve been told since the beginning. The doomsdayers have cited a variety of cataclysms that will do us in, from asteroids to resource exhaustion to a dying sun. But they all have one thing in common: So far, they’ve all been wrong. Same with the climate alarmists. And the public is catching on.

A study, published by the Stanford University School of Sustainability, no less, found that “resistance to climate action has become a global movement that strengthens after governments implement climate-related policies.”

“We found that counter climate change organizations tend to emerge after pro-environmental policies are institutionalized in government,” said the study’s senior author.

Of course they do. As our friends at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity observed, this has happened “maybe because the war on fossil fuels has deindustrialized Germany and many other European nations. Maybe it’s because green energy is so much more expensive to produce. Maybe because the biggest polluters like China have done nothing.”

Let’s add another “maybe.” The resistance is likely also based on a growing skepticism. We have been bombarded by global warming scare stories for more than three decades and yet we’re still here. No matter how much the alarmists cheat, lie, obfuscate and bully, it’s obvious that the entire narrative is based on assumptions, speculation and political ideology. Every claim they make can be easily refuted. To name a few, which we’ll call the big three:

We just lived through the hottest year/month/week/day on record. This is meaningless. Hottest compared to what? The only reliable measure we have is from satellite readings that go back to only 1979 and they show nothing to get worked up about

Memo To Trump: Get Focused On The Economy, Before It’s Too Late


Conservatives have been positively giddy with the whirlwind of activity out of the White House over the past five weeks. But if President Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress don’t start focusing on the economy, the excitement will be short-lived.

Not only are there worrisome signs of an economic slowdown, but the public is growing increasingly frustrated with what they see as a lack of attention to pocketbook issues on Trump’s part. Republican lawmakers are making matters worse by dawdling on extending Trump’s tax cuts, which is causing businesses to hold off on big investments. This is a lethal combination.

The latest sign the economy continues to struggle comes from the GDPNow, produced by the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank, which projects GDP growth for each quarter based on currently available data, and changes as those data roll in. Data released on Monday caused a sharp downgrade in GDPNow forecast to -2.8% for the quarter, from -1.5% last Friday.

Meanwhile, the Consumer Confidence Index dropped sharply in February and “pessimism about the future returned,” according to the Conference Board.

The latest I&I/TIPP poll finds that 76% of those surveyed are concerned about an economic slowdown, with 45% saying they are “very concerned.” And 82% are troubled about inflation.

(We will have a complete report Wednesday on the poll’s findings.)

In other words, we are not out of the woods yet.

Here’s the worrisome part.

NYC eases requirements for illegal migrants to get ID residency card: ‘A terrible idea’ By Carl Campanile


The city is making it easier for potentially hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants to obtain a municipal residency ID card to help try to pave the way for everything from housing to free health care.

The Adams administration-backed change, passed by the City Council, adds 23 types of lesser IDs that migrants and others can show to prove New York City residency to get the useful card.

For example, illegal migrants and others are now able to produce expired driver’s licenses and previous documents from ICE, the federal Bureau of Prisons and open cases with city departments such as for housing, in addition to 100 other types of IDs, to help obtain an IDNYC card.

The official city IDs were first offered by the de Blasio administration in 2015 to try to help migrants more easily access free health care in city public hospitals, open bank accounts, sign leases and enroll in school, among other things.

All New Yorkers 10 and older, “regardless of immigration status,” can apply for an IDNYC card, the city’s website says.

About 1.7 million people have received the special card to date, including 132,054 last year and 127,859 in 2023, the city says.

Why we must learn about Shiloh: No Other Land Diane Bederman


I must say that lately the Academy Awards have not failed me. I can count on them to include material attacking Israel and the Jews. This year, the Academy nominated a documentary: No Other Land, that accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing in Judea/Samaria. Seems history is superfluous to the members of the Academy. Obviously, no other documentary had a chance. Last year’s Awards were filled with people wearing Artists4Ceasefire red pins and pins for Gaza after Gazan barbarians invaded Israel during a ceasefire. Jonathan Glazer’s anti-Israel speech was also special. No one seems to care about Christians in Nigeria being murdered by Muslims, but I digress.

I returned to Israel late January, 2025 and was there for a brief time. But one should never go to Israel without learning about our history.

I was taken to a place called Shiloh. There I stood on ancient ground, looking up at modern-day Shiloh in the hills of Samaria. I consider myself a well-educated Jew but had no knowledge of this place in Samaria. Samaria – part of our legal, biblical and historical land. This land has been ours from the beginning of recorded history. Learning about Shiloh in Samaria, one of the most important places in Jewish history, helps us to fight the horrific Occupation Lie.

Archeological “findings in Shiloh confirm what we have long known, that the history of the Jewish people and the Land of Israel are intimately connected. We can trace our beginnings to Judea and Samaria through the Bible and modern archaeology just confirms it for us. Today, we have come back to live and develop the hilltops and biblical sites, including Shiloh, that formed the cradle of Jewish civilization.”

And this is so important, now, as Judea/Samaria is once again under attack from Muslims, claiming ownership of Israel’s historical, biblical and legal land.