Get Ready! A Civil War Is About to Break Out in the Democratic Party Matt Margolis

The Democratic Party may be imploding before our eyes, folks. What we’re seeing isn’t just your typical post-election finger-pointing—it’s a potential full-blown civil war brewing between moderates and the radical left wing that has hijacked the party and alienated mainstream Americans.

If recent developments are any indication, the moderates are finally growing a spine.

According to a report from Politico, several dozen Democratic operatives and elected officials gathered at a Potomac River resort in Loudoun County, Va., last month for what amounted to an intervention. The day-and-a-half retreat wasn’t just about licking wounds—it was about calling out the cancer destroying their electoral chances.

“In the wake of this election, where it became so evident that the things that the left was doing and saying deeply hurt [Kamala] Harris and down-ballot Democrats, a lot of people are looking to us, not just Third Way, but the moderates in the party, and saying, ‘We got to do it your way, because the other way ain’t working,’” said Third Way’s Matt Bennett, one of the retreat’s organizers.

The retreat produced a five-page document of takeaways. Politico described the document as “perhaps one of the most comprehensive and sweeping of its kind following the election — both in its analysis of what went wrong and how to fix it.”

The diagnosis is clear: The party has lost touch with working-class Americans by embracing radical leftist ideology and aligning with deeply unpopular institutions like academia, media, and government bureaucracy.


The moderates didn’t mince words. They complained Democrats had become obsessed with “ideological purity tests” and blamed the far left’s identity politics obsession for their devastating losses up and down the ballot. The group explicitly stated that winning back working-class voters requires “reducing far-left influence and infrastructure” within the party.

Good luck with that.

But let’s hear them out, shall we? What are their recommendations?

Among their takeaways:

•The party should “embrace patriotism, community, and traditional American imagery.”

•Candidates should “get out of elite circles and into real communities (e.g., tailgates, gun shows, local restaurants, churches).”

•The party needs to “own the failures of Democratic governance in large cities and commit to improving local government.”

Are you laughing? You should be.

Bennett added, “I think what we discussed there on economic issues was the profound disconnect that we saw between the way that leading Democrats were talking about the economy and the way that people were actually experiencing it.”

You think? While Kamala Harris was telling Americans the economy was booming, everyday citizens were struggling to afford groceries and gas. This wasn’t a disconnect; this was outright deception.

Recognizing the problem is, of course, the easy part. The hard part is actually following through. And if the few weeks that Trump has been in office are any sign, they aren’t capable of doing that. All but two House Democrats voted against the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, and I don’t expect any Senate Democrats to support it, either. Democrats in Congress don’t care about what real people want or believe. As such, these moderate Democrat groups that want to see their party win are going to have to go toe-to-toe with the party elites if they want change.

In the end, I would put my money on the Democrat elites winning. They’ve already shown they would rather double down on the very policies and rhetoric that alienated voters than embrace sanity.

But one thing’s certain—the internal battle for the soul of the Democratic Party is just beginning, and it’s going to get ugly. I can’t wait to watch it.

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