The Demowhigs’ Race to Extinction The Democratic Party’s radical stances and cultural missteps could doom it to the same fate as the Whigs. By William F. Marshall
Once upon a time, there was an esteemed American political party called the Whig Party. It was one of the two great American political parties of its time. It stood alongside the Democratic Party in the mid-19th century and produced four U.S. presidents: William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Zachary Taylor, and Millard Fillmore. It also enjoyed the membership of other eminent American political leaders, like Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, William Seward, and John Quincy Adams. Notwithstanding these great achievements, however, the Whig Party managed to destroy itself and was dissolved in 1854, just 21 years after its founding. Could today’s Democratic Party be on the same path to extinction as the Whigs?
It certainly seems that today’s Democratic Party’s “brain trust,” such as it is, is either utterly hapless or has a conservative mole within its ranks deliberately engineering the destruction of the party through the incomprehensible stances it is taking. Given that political conservatives, of which I count myself, are historically terrible at devising Machiavellian tactics against their opponents, I’m guessing there is no mole. Democrats are simply foundering in the wake of a force of nature called Donald Trump, who is simply brilliant at tapping into the sentiments of the majority of the American people and turning his political opponents’ weaknesses against themselves.
To be fair, Trump is benefiting from Democratic policy positions that, on almost every issue, are 180 degrees out of phase with most of the American people and with common sense.
Beginning with the administration of Barack Hussein Obama—that inscrutable, rising-out-of-nowhere community organizer, whose background is still largely a mystery to most of us—the Democratic Party began to take positions on matters of public policy that were real head-scratchers.
Remember how Obama traded five of the most notorious terrorists locked up in Gitmo for Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl? Those five top-tier Taliban terrorists went back to their old ways, joining the “political office” of the Taliban located in Qatar, according to media reports. Why would any American president do such a thing?
Or remember how Obama paid the Iranians $1.7 billion in cash, delivered on pallets in a cargo plane, made up of non-US currencies, like euros, Swiss francs, and other foreign currencies, in exchange for the release of four hostages?
And how can we forget the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, during which President Obama refused to suspend flights from those countries into the United States? And then his administration flew non-US citizen Ebola-infected patients into the United States for treatment, risking American lives with the highly infectious and lethal disease. What could possibly go wrong?
But the Biden administration (arguably Obama-controlled) took crazy to a whole new level. While the country was supposedly ravaged by the “plague” of Covid, in which schools were closed, businesses shut down, and Americans were forced to stand six feet apart, while stupid, totally ineffective face masks had to be worn everywhere and an experimental (and apparently toxic, according to a Yale study) mRNA “vaccine” was coercively injected into three quarters of the population, Biden threw open our southern border wide to anyone from anywhere to come on in – no health checks or vaccines required!
And then, through his ludicrously named “Inflation Reduction Act,” Biden flooded the American economy with hyper-printed dollars for every godforsaken leftist wet dream project imaginable, resulting in… wait for it… inflation on a scale not seen in decades! And now, thanks to DOGE and Elon Musk, we’re discovering just how ludicrous so many of these expenditures were. (Just why exactly was a recently cooked-up “non-profit” that didn’t exist a couple of years ago and controlled by Stacey Abrams suddenly given $2 billion by the EPA in the dying days of the Biden administration?)
But the craziness sending the Democratic Party into a Whig-like tailspin that will (hopefully) leave a giant smoking hole in the political ground isn’t simply standard corruption. It extends to their politicians and influencers taking bizarre positions on cultural matters and engaging in political performance art that is completely at odds with most normal Americans’ sensibilities.
Take the recent spectacle of Democratic congresswomen dancing around like deranged leftists on LSD to express… what exactly? I guess it had something to do with opposition to President Trump’s epic March 5 speech before a joint session of Congress that truly deserves to be watched multiple times for its bravura content and delivery. He absolutely owned the fools on the other side of the aisle.
Meanwhile, during that masterful speech, the Democrats present could not bring themselves to stand and applaud for a brave little boy who’d survived brain cancer whom President Trump awarded an honorary appointment as a Secret Service agent. What is wrong with these people?
Nor could Democrats stand and acknowledge the family members of Jocelyn Nungaray and Laken Riley, young women brutally assaulted and murdered by illegal aliens whom Joe Biden’s administration allowed into the United States. President Trump named a wildlife refuge and piece of legislation after Ms. Nungaray and Ms. Riley, respectively. What sensible Americans would not view those Democrats refusing to stand with complete contempt?
No, instead the Democrats held up silly little paddles with incongruous signs on them, which said things like “false” and “Musk steals” during the president’s speech. The Babylon Bee appropriately mocked this representative example of a political party in flames and accelerating toward the earth.
Finally, we had the spectacle of Wisconsin governor Tony Evers introducing a bill that would remove the words “mother,” “father,” “husband,” and “wife” from state laws and replace them with “inclusive” words—like “inseminated person” and “spouse.” This is Wisconsin—the land of nice people and cheese, for Pete’s sake!
I, for one, am happy to see the Democratic Party following the Whigs into the land of political dodo birds. It’s all for the better. The Republican Party arose from the ashes of the Whigs. Maybe something better will replace the Democrats too.
William F. Marshall has been an intelligence analyst and investigator in the government, private, and nonprofit sectors for 38 years. He is a senior investigator for Judicial Watch, Inc., and has been a contributor to Townhall, American Thinker, Epoch Times, The Federalist, American Greatness, and other publications.
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