Micromanaging Microschools Government intrusion in education must be reined in. By Larry Sand
In 2020, the concept of home-based “pandemic pods” went viral. At the time, Cato Institute scholar Jason Bedrick and EdChoice fellow Matthew Ladner released “Let’s Get Small: Microschools, Pandemic Pods, and the Future of Education in America,” a report on the phenomenon. They wrote that COVID-19 has “spurred the dramatic rise of microschools and ‘pandemic pods’ as school districts’ reopening plans (or lack thereof) drove desperate parents to explore alternative education options. For many microschooling or podding families, these options are merely temporary, intended to get them through the pandemic. However, given the considerable growth in microschooling in recent years, there are reasons to believe that the pandemic accelerated a growing trend that could significantly reshape K–12 education in the United States.”
A microschool is the reimagining of the one-room schoolhouse, where class sizes are usually fewer than 15 students of varying ages, and the schedule and curriculum are tailored to fit the needs of each class. Most microschools are independently parent-led, but some are affiliated with a formal network that offers paid, in-person instructors. Lessons are taught in various environments, such as homes, libraries, and other community centers.
The government, however, is very intrusive in this area. While parents can coach Little League teams, throw parties for their children, and take them and friends to a house of worship, when it comes to educating them, the government is in charge, even in homeschools and microschools.
In Iowa, for example, parents can go to jail if they talk about reading, writing, or arithmetic in a homeschool environment with more than four unrelated children. As the Institute for Justice’s Erica Smith and Darly James note, penalties for unauthorized teaching include “imprisonment not exceeding 10 days or a $100 fine. This is for a first offense. If parents continue dispensing knowledge without government permission, prosecutors can charge them with a serious misdemeanor.” Enacted in 2013, the law had a chilling effect on education innovation during the COVID-19 lockdown hysteria when parents sought alternatives.
Government busybodies in North Carolina also have an overbearing presence. The Institute for Justice explains, “One hundred families could gather two afternoons per week. However, if three families meet daily, every parent involved could be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. The North Carolina Department of Administration provides seven homeschool requirements, 12 reminders, and five recommendations for anyone confused.”
Iowa and North Carolina are hardly the only cases of abusive government overreach. Across the U.S., the heavy hand of meddlesome bureaucrats is omnipresent.
As Omella reports, microschools in most states are considered to be private schools and must be licensed or registered with the state’s Department of Education. Licensing and registration requirements vary by state, but generally include submitting an application, meeting specific educational and safety standards, and undergoing regular inspections.
Additionally, many states require that teachers in microschools hold a valid teaching certificate. The requirements for teacher certification vary by state but typically include completing a teacher education program, passing a certification exam, and undergoing a background check.
Generally, microschools are required to offer a curriculum that is at least as rigorous as the state’s public schools. Curriculum requirements vary by state but may include specific subjects that must be taught, minimum instructional time requirements, and standards for student achievement.
Microschools must also comply with health and safety regulations. For example, many states require that microschools meet certain fire safety standards and have a plan for responding to emergencies. They are required to keep accurate and up-to-date student records. This includes information on enrollment, attendance, grades, and other academic information.
According to the National Microschooling Center, even with the stringent government mandates, there are now about 1,000,000 microschooled students in 44 states.
The beauty of these schools is that there are many models for parents to choose from. In California—where enrollment in microschools with fewer than six students doubled in the 2023-2024 school year compared to pre-pandemic numbers—Mai Ryuno, an artist and educator in Monterey, has combined her skills to create Play Full Ground. In her microschool, high school students use what they learn in math, science, and English to create art projects.
“I wanted to create this place to be a community of learning. Not just so much academics like math or science, but those subjects are everywhere—things like cooking require some knowledge about science and math,” Ryuno says. The same, she adds, can be true for art.
In Ohio, the Pioneer Reading Center is an education company offering microschool solutions for families. Its leader, Pam Frankforther, is a special education teacher of almost 20 years and has certifications in both elementary and special education, with a master’s degree in education with an emphasis in reading. Frankforther’s goal is to offer education services to parents in a more personalized way than public school systems provide.
In Tennessee, a farm school is currently at maximum enrollment, with dozens of children on a waitlist. Most of the students attend two or three days a week. The full-time, five-day option costs $900 per month.
“For the majority of our families, COVID was the catalyst to them beginning their homeschooling journey,” says Kaiti Dewhirst, the microschool’s director. She explains that these families don’t want their children in a conventional classroom.
In McAlpin, a rural part of northern Florida, Longwings Academy, a K-5 microschool, brings baby horses for show-and-tell, and the teacher has secured donations from Tractor Supply to start a garden.
However, as Ron Matus, director of research and special projects at Step Up for Students, asserts, don’t let stereotypes or tired myths about school choice in rural areas limit your imagination about the possibilities here. The academic offerings go way beyond that. They also include coding, crocheting, and French language immersion. As long as the 10 students and their families like the curriculum—and they do—the school’s lone teacher will stick with it.
In fact, Florida is the national leader in microschooling. State lawmakers backed looser rules for establishing them as part of a sweeping education law that went into effect in July 2024. The policy change allows private schools to use existing space at places like movie theaters and churches without going through local governments for approval. The shift gives these schools access to thousands of buildings, allowing new education options to emerge without them having to endure potentially heavy rezoning costs. This provision could become a blueprint for other states looking to expand private school options.
In microschools, accountability lies with parents, not government bureaucrats. While President Trump’s efforts to eradicate the Department of Education are admirable, it won’t end the government’s tyrannical intrusion into the education of our nation’s children.
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