Let’s Fix Education: Episode 193, “Big Picture Thinking” Celebrating the work of Linda Goudsmit by Bruce Deitrick Price
Pundicity page: goudsmit.pundicity.com and website: lindagoudsmit.com
I want to celebrate the work of Linda Goudsmit. She is that rare miracle today, a big thinker. Her topic is understanding life in the 21st-century, the forces that are dragging it down, and how we can make it better.
The academic world forces scholars into small niches. They must all be specialists of something in particular. So, you won’t find big thinking there. I think we need more big thinking. Linda Goudsmit shows, in clear candid prose, what that looks like.
Knowledge-phobia, that’s the disease so prevalent in our world today. Apparently, the public schools will have to call 911 if any students start to learn anything. Oh, the horror. I think we need more knowledge. From K onward.
Some of the world is just lazy. Another big part of the world is constantly propagandizing. No matter what they pretend to care about, they are always pushing the same message. I think we need less propaganda, more love of Truth.
A few years back, I sent an email to Linda Goudsmit asking her what is the most important theme in her work. She said freedom. I had already decided that was the single word I would pick for that question. We had never discussed philosophy but somehow knew that if you don’t have freedom, you don’t really have much else.
Myself, I am a rampant generalist. Pretty much all my life I’ve been a novelist, painter, poet, art director, and now a passionate voice for education reform. But compared to Linda Goudsmit, I am stuck in a rut. So I readily appreciate her range and the tremendous amount of work that goes into studying all the facets she studies.
Now Linda Goudsmit deserves some sort of Oscar. Her most recent book is titled Space Is No Longer The Final Frontier — Reality Is. There are more than 370 pages, in 45 chapters. You will find a tremendous range with chapter titles such as:
Ideological Invasion
Your Brain Is the Battlespace
Fomenting Race Wars Begins In Kindergarten
Artificial Intelligence and America’s Children
Legalizing Pedophilia — The Sorensen Report
Pronouns and Pantheism
Conflict Theory and the Hegelian Dialectic
Marxist Past, Present, and Future
Cognitive Warfare and the Battle for Your Brain.
I suggest this may be a book that people can keep by the bed, and read chapters every now and then, for a lifetime. At college, professors can build courses around this book. The main point is that humans cannot live by bread and water alone. You need big, seriously nutritious meals now and then. You need chocolate chocolate chip ice cream. Linda Goudsmit serves up big thinking.
At college, I tried to find courses that I knew nothing about. In my senior year I discovered a course in graduate school called Japanese Scroll Painting of the 11th Century. I had to talk my way into this course because I was not a graduate student. All the other people were preparing to be curators for major museums. I don’t think they ever understood why I was there. But it was a great decision and I’ve had so much fun name-dropping that exotic title. I recommend exploring while you are still young. You will have many pleasant memories. And whatever your age, you can explore Linda Goudsmit’s luxuriant pages.
If you go to Amazon, you can find many VIP endorsements and samples from the book.
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats on barnesandnoble.com, amazon.com, and directly from Ingram in paperback.
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