Wisconsin Trump Stop Badger State Republicans vote for Ted Cruz and make a contested convention more likely.


Donald Trump’s defeat in Wisconsin on Tuesday marks a major turn in the Republican race for President that now may not be settled until the July convention in Cleveland. With a chance to make his nomination all but inevitable, Mr. Trump was rejected by a majority of the Badger State’s engaged and well-informed GOP voters.

Ted Cruz won the state as the party’s establishment rallied behind him, including Governor Scott Walker and his political operation. Badger State talk-radio hosts also opposed Mr. Trump, in contrast to national radio talkers who are more populists than they are reform conservatives. The exit polls also showed that Wisconsin voters aren’t as angry as GOP voters elsewhere in the country, perhaps because they’ve seen what a united reform movement can accomplish in their state.

Mr. Trump also hurt himself with a string of mistakes and uninformed statements that have caused millions of GOP voters to have second thoughts. His standing among women in particular has fallen to lows unheard of for a potential major party nominee—upwards of 75% negative. This raises doubts about whether he has any chance even against a candidate as flawed as Hillary Clinton, and whether he might cost the GOP its Senate and House majorities.

Mr. Trump’s core support—a third to 40% of GOP voters—remains loyal, and he is still the front-runner. But Wisconsin shows that the same blunt, polarizing style that thrills his supporters alienates most Republicans. His campaign is now saying Mr. Trump will shift to giving more serious policy speeches to look more presidential, but the businessman has never shown he has the discipline to carry that out. Maybe this defeat will get his attention. CONTINUE AT SITE

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