L.A. Antifa Group Hangs Trump in Effigy, Calls for ‘Revolutionary Violence’ Against ‘the Capitalist State’ By Debra Heine


An antifa group in Los Angeles celebrated May Day by holding a small march, hanging a Trump effigy, and advocating for “revolutionary violence” against the “capitalist state” in order to “create real political power.”

“We must carry out military actions against the enemies of the people!” a member of the L.A. cell of the Red Guards said in a speech published on their blog.

The Red Guards is a Maoist group that hopes to duplicate in the United States the anarchy and terror Chairman Mao’s Red Guards inflicted on China during the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. The group also identifies as “antifascist” and has cells throughout the United States.

Hundreds of thousands of leftists throughout the world mobilized for the annual “International Workers; Day” on May 1 to advocate for various social justice causes and celebrate communism.

While May Day protests in France, Turkey, Puerto Rico, and elsewhere turned violent, Wednesday’s protests in the United States tended to be relatively calm.  As PJ Media reported, 22 police cruisers in Portland were vandalized yesterday. Additionally, three Red Guards members in Charlotte, North Carolina, and four Red Guards members in Kansas City, Missouri, were arrested for protest-related shenanigans. However, most American May Day protesters conducted their far-left activities in a peaceful manner.The same cannot be said for the rhetoric of the protesters. CONTINUE AT SITE

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