
Naomi Levin takes on the NY Democratic cartelBy Seth Ian

Entrenched Democrat establishment career politician Jerrold Nadler may have met his match in Naomi Levin. Her campaign website sums it up well: “growing up she was keenly aware that entitlement is not an American value hard work is.” Running as a Republican in the Tenth Congressional District, she seems the perfect foil to Congressman Nadler, a man who supported Obama’s disastrous Iran deal and has made resisting the duly elected President Trump his chief goal.

Levin, the daughter of immigrants from the former USSR, has been interviewed on Fox and Friends. In that interview she contrasts her capitalist views with another NY millennial turned politician. Unlike Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Naomi does not believe in socialism but rather believes in making America great and that it doesn’t need what Obama referred to as a fundamental transformation. Instead, Naomi appreciates this country and wants to cut taxes, which in NY are extremely high.

Naomi Levin is the perfect foil for her opponent. She wants to go to Washington “to influence a system overhaul.” Contrast that with Nadler, a pillar of the Washington establishment since 1993. Her opponent represents the epitome of an establishment which is seeing its political clout fading. Unlike Nadler and the open borders Democrat NY establishment, Naomi Levin supports law enforcement and believes in enforcing immigration law, saying “We also need to control who can cross our border and support our efforts to do that.”

Like many establishment politicians of both parties, Nadler has opposed the president’s agenda at every turn. He refers to Brett Kavanaugh’s judicial philosophy as an “extreme legal ideology” even though Judge Kavanaugh is an originalist hardly outside the mainstream of judicial thinking. Nadler has also, in the words of Levin, acted as the now-disgraced former FBI and deep state actor Peter Strzok’s defense attorney. In a now-infamous Strzok was lauded by Nadler despite his attempt to weaponize the FBI as a tool to elect Clinton and defeat President Trump.

New York’s Tenth Congressional District now has a chance to elect a Republican outsider to a seat held by the Democrat establishment since the 1990s. The president needs more allies in Congress, and this is a great opportunity to overthrow a career politician.

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