Privilege – The Ultimate Smear By Marilyn Penn

“Outsider Faced Culture of Privilege and Alcohol” reads the title of one of the NYT daily attempts to undo the candidacy of Brett Kavanaugh (NYT 9/26/18) It reduces Deborah Ramirez, the woman who can’t be sure that she knows the difference between a plastic penis and a human one, into a half-Puerto Rican student who was the daughter of a telephone company lineman and a medical technician. Rather than praise her accomplishment in qualifying for a scholarship to an expensive Ivy League school on her own merits, it contrasts her with the wealthy Kavanaugh boy, son of a lobbyist and a judge. The only problem is that Martha Kavanaugh did not become a judge until 1995, several years after Brett graduated from Yale Law School and more than a decade after his possible penis got flashed as an undergraduate. In 1983 or 84, at the time that Deborah was sitting in the same circle as those super-privileged white people, the Kavanaugh parents were two hard-working lawyers, one of whom had gone to law school at night while working full time to support his family.

Does privilege cast any shadow on Robin Pogrebin, another Yale graduate who is one of the reporters of this article? Robin grew up on Central Park West, one of the most expensive neighborhoods in NYC , and went to private school along with her two siblings before attending college. Her father is a successful lawyer and her mother, a well-known writer and feminist. Though she is from an even smaller ethnicity than Deborah Ramirez, it doesn’t count as one since she is Jewish.

We don’t learn wither Deborah belonged to a sorority but we do know that she had friends while she was an “outsider,” though none of them can corroborate her fuzzy memory of that troublesome appendage. But never mind – we all know that everyone with a vagina is a truth-teller when it comes to sexual matters, so the hundreds of democrats who have come forth to affirm their conviction that Deborah must be believed – must actually be sentient people as opposed to useful idiots. A disturbing sign that the alcohol culture at Yale has adversely affected the faculty is the mindset allowing the administration to cancel classes at the Law School so that students could demonstrate their support for the woman who admits that she herself can’t be sure of her accusation. This is incredible training for a career upholding the foundations of our legal system – due process and the presumption of innocence. Sic transit lexes humanae……………………….

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