No Canada Redux: An Election Autopsy By David Solway

The results of the October 21, 2019 election have served to confirm that Canada is a lost cause. Liberal prime minister Justin Trudeau, a very silly person who likes bobbing around in Indian costumes, praying in mosques robed in a white thawb, and uttering idiocies like “We don’t say mankind, we say peoplekind,” who pranced about in blackface and flaunting a genital banana, and who is guilty of two ethics violations which he wears like a badge of honor, has been re-elected, albeit with a minority government. With 157 seats the Liberals fell 13 short of majority status.

The New Democratic Party continues its course as a socialist aberration that will never die, even if it remains on mental life support; the press tells us it has surged in the polls though, in reality, it lost 15 seats from its previous total of 39. But it remains a player.

The Conservatives topped the Liberals in the popular vote, 34.4 to 33.06, but its 121 seats is testimony to a party that has run out of feet to shoot, owing to a lackluster campaign, a war room with the collective intelligence of a zucchini and a gelatinous leader who should be immediately cashiered, surely a plus for the party, though he has vowed to stay on. Who would replace him is another question entirely.

A major surprise was the performance of the Bloc Québécois, the formerly separatist party that was effectively wiped out in the previous two elections, which crossed the finish line with 32 seats. What its role will be in the new parliament is unclear. The Green Party, a mosh pit of vocal nonentities, managed 3 seats, a historic high, but the environment is still safe from its frenetic meddling. Judy Wilson-Raybould, former Liberal Justice Minister and pro-aboriginal advocate, won re-election as an Independent.

The greatest disappointment was the showing of the newly-formed People’s Party of Canada which, despite being led by the only respectable major politician in the country, Maxime Bernier, failed to elect a single candidate. The PPC suffered from lack of sufficient exposure coupled with evident disdain, courtesy of the Canadian media. Many voters had never heard of it and those who had tended to regard it as divisive or racist, calumnies spread by Bernier’s political opponents and abetted by a biased debate moderator. The PPC suffered also from the twin curse of intelligence and patriotism. It was prepared to give Canada what it has only intermittently experienced, namely, good government. Economic vitality, balanced budgets, secure borders, rational immigration policy, a brake on multicultural fragmentation, climate sanity, good relations with the U.S. and elimination of censorship are obviously prospects to be avoided like the plague.

The dilemma that Canada now faces is a bruited coalition between the Liberals and the Social Democrats. We can then expect a tsunami of mounting debt, vastly increased Muslim immigration as a captive voting bloc, feminism on steroids, fake climate alarmism, identity politics with a vengeance, more aboriginal land claims, “social justice” nonsense subbing for national policy, the further alienation of Western Canada resentful of Central Canada’s domination, and the critical disenchantment of energy-storehouse Alberta. As Mark Steyn points out, “Trudeau will survive in the Commons only by pandering to lefties who take climate fanaticism and aboriginal land acknowledgments far more seriously than the blackface narcissus does…The principal victim of that, in this ministry as in the last, will be Alberta.” It’s no wonder that Wexit sentiment is growing in the oil patch.

How many liberal/left Canadians does it take to change a light bulb? None. They prefer to live in the dark.

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