Biden might want to skip his meeting with Jacob Blake’s family By Andrea Widburg

The Democrats have a nasty habit of choosing as martyrs some highly unpleasant people. Trayvon Martin was a wannabe gangbanger, Michael Brown was a strong-arm robber who attacked a police officer, George Floyd was an ex-felon with a violent past who died from an overdose of illegal drugs, and there was a warrant out for Jacob Blake because he violated a restraining order imposed following a particular ugly alleged sexual assault.

Now it emerges that Jacob Blake, Sr., the man who raised such a violent son, has some ugly ideas about Jews. This is going to be a problem for Joe Biden who has finally decided to visit Kenosha, the place where Jacob Blake got shot and where Antifa and Black Lives Matter tried to burn an American town to the ground.

While still in his hidey-hole in Wilmington, Biden has already taken sides, and he’s not on the side of law and order. He’s stated that the police officers who shot Blake in what was clearly a reasonable act of self-preservation should be charged. Biden also plans to meet Blake’s family:

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden will meet Thursday with the family of Jacob Blake, a Black man shot seven times by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, two days after President Donald Trump visited the city engulfed by protests.

Right before Biden heads off, the Reagan Battalion unearthed evidence from Jacob Blake, Sr.’s Facebook feed showing that he really doesn’t like Jews, something that may follow from his supporting Louis Farrakhan:


Here are screengrabs from Blake Sr.’s publicly viewable timeline. These are statements and posters we associate with people who are anti-Semitic. Every last one shows a man who is obsessed with and feels ill-used by Jews. They also bear no relationship to reality. After all, no rational person claims that Hitler is a Jew who killed Europeans. Blake Sr. is someone who has drunk too deep from the well of Louis Farrakhan’s open and unembarrassed anti-Semitism:











Trump, it turns out wisely, forbore to meet with the Blake family. Either Trump’s research team is better than Biden’s, or his instincts are better, or his values are better – because they certainly can’t be worse than Biden’s and the rest of his buddies on the left.

As for Joe, he’s placed himself in a bind. Between now and the planned meeting with Jacob Blake Sr., he’s going to have to decide whether he wants to offend potential black voters or potential Jewish voters.

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