Here’s the List of Republicans Who Want Us to Believe Biden Is the New POTUS by Luis Miguel

Lists can go both ways.

The media establishment and the political Left have taken it upon themselves to compile lists of lawmakers and regular Americans who rightly refuse to call Joe Biden the president-elect when the result of the 2020 election is far from conclusive. Naturally, they do this with the aim of shaming and intimidating the named individuals into submission.

The Left’s tactic of coercing is despicable; it is, nevertheless, useful to look at their “hit lists” and extrapolate the data to glean information about the stances of national figures and thus see which ones are interested in pursuing the truth and an honest election, and which are obediently heeding the call of the establishment’s propaganda mill.

When the next election season comes around, it will be useful to know who stood for integrity in America’s crucial moment and who didn’t. As noted by NBC News, the Republican members of Congress who have thus far broken with President Trump to definitively congratulate Joe Biden on his “victory” are:

Senator Lisa Murkowski (Alaska),Senator Mitt Romney (Utah), Senator Susan Collins (Maine),Senator Ben Sasse (Neb.),Representative Fred Upton (Mich.),Representative Francis Rooney (Fla.),Representative Will Hurd (Texas),Representative Paul Mitchell (Mich.), Representative Adam Kinzinger (Ill.).

Less vocal and more cautious but urging the President toward concession are: Senator Marco Rubio (Fla.),Senator Pat Toomey (Pa.),Senator Mike Rounds (S.D.),Representative Tom Reed (N.Y.).

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