How would you like to be on a ship that fake news announces is taking on water portside? For us landlubbers that’s left in boat talk.

You know what they say about Muridae –(rats and mice).

In the rush to the lifeboats  Senators Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Mitt Romney (Utah),  Susan Collins (Maine), Ben Sasse (Neb.),Representatives Fred Upton (Mich.), Francis Rooney (Fla.), Will Hurd (Texas), Paul Mitchell (Mich.),  Adam Kinzinger (Ill.) and less vocal and more cautious but urging the President toward concession, Senators Marco Rubio ‘(Fla.),Pat Toomey (Pa.),Mike Rounds (S.D.), Representative Tom Reed (N.Y.). would grab life jackets scramble to the gangplank abandoning the captain whose efforts to reassure them were denied and decried.

Big Tech, social media, and the Wall Street “jewelry” (see German translation) would disembark to yachts and sailboats and helicopters equipped with emergency support caviar and champagne dispatched from posh harbors.

As soon as those dead-weight rodentia would leave, the ship would immediately right itself and like the famous Presidential yacht of yore the U.S.S. Sequoia, would navigate to the Wharf in the District of Columbia and then to the White House.

The next day media headlines would shriek that those Republicans were mercilessly thrown overboard…..Rsk

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