Is Georgia destroying evidence so it can’t be analyzed? By Carol Brown

Earlier this week, inventor Jovan Pulitzer testified before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections. Among other things, he explained that he had the capability of testing half a million ballots in two hours to determine which were legitimate and which were fraudulent. After confirming that the results would be 100% accurate, the committee unanimously voted to have him check all the absentee ballots from Fulton County.

The first thing that probably ran through many of your minds (I know it did mine) was if we even know and trust the status of those ballots in terms of their security.

Well, now it seems it didn’t take the left more than just a few hours after the committee voted to have him test the ballots before large trucks started pulling up at the location in question.

Shenanigans hardly unknown in Georgia ballot counting

During an interview with Monica Matthews yesterday, Pulitzer said (in addition to confirming that China was online in the voting system being used in real time yesterday):

The very minute that order went through, and that order was followed, and all the legal notices were done, it didn’t even take four hours later where moving trucks with this stuff was backed up to those buildings trying to get rid of the evidence.

When asked about the current status of how, or if, the ballots are being secured, he said he couldn’t disclose details, but alluded to attorneys who charge enormous fees and seem to be defending you, when, in fact, they’ve set you up. He brought up Michael Flynn as an example of someone who was exploited in this way and ended by saying that it’s almost impossible to know who to trust.

I wish I had good news to share. I wish the feeling of having a shred of hope would not get crushed at every turn. I wish this ceaseless betrayal across every imaginable spectrum would come to an end. But it seems the devil is afoot and having a field day.

May God give us strength.

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