Thus Begins Tyranny?

When the Babylon Bee posted a story with the headline “Joe Biden Announces Civil War,” it was intended to be parody. But like much the Bee publishes, it’s painfully close to the truth.

“In a stirring address to the country today, Biden has announced a new Civil War,” the Bee “reported” last week. The site’s masters of lampoon then “quoted” the president saying “we’re gonna force millions of people to get vaccinated against their will,” and in order “to enforce this, we’re just gonna have ourselves a little Civil War.”

Biting humor aside, what Biden actually said when he announced last Thursday that his administration is going to require every employer in the country with 100 or more employees to force their workers to be fully vaccinated “or show a negative test at least once a week” was disturbing. He indicated that he’s going to go beyond the autocratic pen-and-phone methods of the previous Democrat in the White House.

“If these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my powers as president to get them out of the way,” he said, primarily referring to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who have refused to be bullied by federal pandemic orders.

Later in the day, senior White House adviser Cedric Richmond reiterated the threat, declaring that Biden “will run over” the “governors who stand in the way.” Obviously his handlers, much of his party, and nearly all of the media are in full support of him seizing powers he was never meant to have.

Both DeSantis and Abbott were duly elected by the voters of their states, as were the other Republican governors who have resisted the White House (an act that not so long ago the Democrats and media said was both virtuous and necessary). No president under our constitutional system of federalism has the authority to move governors “out of the way.” Why would attempting to do so not be a high crime against this nation?

Of course Biden’s words are subject to interpretation. Still, there’s not wide latitude there. He clearly means to at least bypass our federalist system by expanding the powers limited to presidents by the Constitution. This president, again, like the Democrat before him, doesn’t feel constrained by our laws. He doesn’t want to govern within the boundaries, he wants to rule without restraint, and if that means eliminating political rivals, then it has to be done.

According to Psychology Today, one of the seven steps to becoming a dictator is to “get rid of your political enemies.” No, we don’t expect the White House to disappear a group of Republican governors. But the president clearly wants to remove them as a threat to his agenda, which includes several of the other steps to a achieving “a prolonged iron rule,” such as currying “favor by providing public goods efficiently and generously,” creating and defeating a common enemy (the coronavirus), and accumulating “power by manipulating the hearts and minds of your citizens.”

The day after the Bee “reported” on Biden’s threat of Civil War, it posted an “op-ed” from King George III, the tyrant unfit to rule over free people who sat on the throne during the American revolution. From the grave, the English monarch said he “cannot praise highly enough the actions of The Honourable President Biden for his even-handed approach to rule.”

“I hold in the highest esteem Mr. Biden for keeping the masses in a firm grip,” “George” continued.

We hope we’re not the only ones who see parallels between the two, not the least of which is the madness of King George and the mental decline of Joe Biden.

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