The Biden Train Wreck Is All the Way Off the Rails Now By Stephen Kruiser

I remember listening to a doddering old man drool his way through a presidential campaign last year promising to be the Great Covid Slayer. Unfortunately, the braindead Democrat masses bought Biden’s story. Now he’s been in office for almost a year and we’re still canceling sporting events and talking about wearing masks on airplanes forever.

Yeah, things are getting worse.

Don’t take my word for it, just ask Joe Biden.

Matt has the story:

As the omicron variant of COVID-19 spreads rapidly throughout the country, Joe Biden met with several of our nation’s governors, whom he says need to take the lead in ending the pandemic.

“There is no federal solution [to COVID],” Biden said before the meeting. “This gets solved at a state level.”

Umm, what?

I’m sorry, did I miss something? Joe Biden literally campaigned for an entire year, not only blaming Trump for COVID but also for the deaths caused by it.

“It is what it is because you are who you are,” Biden told Trump during their first debate regarding the COVID death toll.

“A lot of people died and a lot more are going to die unless he gets a lot smarter, a lot quicker,” he insisted.

“We’re eight months into this pandemic,” Biden said weeks before the presidential election, “and Donald Trump still doesn’t have a plan to get this virus under control, I do.”

Old Joe then ducked out for another vacation. That’s how seriously he’s taking things.

There is nothing about this presidency that isn’t an unmitigated disaster. Seriously, this guy is making Jimmy Carter look brilliant. If the hacks in the mainstream media were at all responsible Biden would be getting savaged in the press every day. Instead, we’re still getting deep dives on “Let’s Go Brandon” almost daily.

This time of year should be one of hope and renewal but there really is nothing to look forward to at least until next November. Team Biden can do a lot of damage between now and then. This wrecking ball approach to governing that they’ve been employing is shaking the foundations of our once sturdy Republic. Eleven months will probably feel like eleven years.

The election may not save us anyway. The Democrats will no doubt try to keep the Covid panic ramped up so they can play fast and loose with election laws again.

What I wouldn’t give for a better economy and a mean tweet or two.

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