The Democrats’ War On Children

Democrats often like to preface policy debates with phrases like “it’s about the children,” as if such patronizing mantras could sanctify even the worst ideas. The sad truth, however, is that one look at what the Dems have done since 2020 shows their real concerns are anything but the children.

From abortion to school shutdowns to runaway inflation to baby-food shortages, seemingly everything the Dems do these days has an adverse effect on children. After all, they control Congress and the White House.

To take the most egregious example, look at the just-defeated deceptively titled Women’s Health Protection Act, which had unanimous support from Democrats, with one brave exception: West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, who voted against it.

For public consumption, Democrats claimed the bill was a self-defense against the expected overturning of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 landmark that made abortion an American right, even though there’s no mention of that in the Constitution.

It wasn’t. The Democrats’ bill went much further, in essence making abortion legal all the way up to delivery. It was infant-murder-on-demand legislation, having nothing to do with so-called “therapeutic” abortions for medical purposes or women’s health.

It was also the most anti-child law imaginable. The truth is, 29 states already allow full-term abortions for nearly any reason at all. The congressional bill simply would have forced the other 21 states to do the same.

Or, for another example, take the current shortage of baby food that has emerged across the country. This is one of the consequences of the Biden administration’s and Congress’ foolish stimulus policies, which spent trillions even after the U.S. had already emerged from its brief, but brutal, COVID lockdown recession in 2020.

Trillions of dollars in new spending, a 400% increase in the money supply, and zero percent interest rates led inevitably to soaring inflation and the breakdown of America’s once best-in-world industrial supply chain, and shortages of manufactured goods.

We’re now seeing the tragic result: Amid growing shortages, parents scramble to feed their youngest children. We’re now seeing almost unimaginable headlines like this one in The New York Times: “A Baby Formula Shortage Leaves Desperate Parents Searching for Food.”

So today, even if a baby is born lucky enough to have avoided a life-ending abortion “procedure,” that child still might have a tough time getting enough food to eat. How can this be in the U.S., a country that until just two years ago was renowned around the world as a place of nearly endless bounty and plenty?

But don’t worry, our government’s on it. President Joe Biden, with congressional Democrats’ blessing, is shipping “pallets of baby formula to the border” for illegal immigrants to feed their children. If you’re an American citizen, you’re on your own.

Perhaps worst of all has been the federal government’s COVID policies, including mask mandates and high-risk vaccinations for children, the group least at risk from COVID itself.

Let’s not forget the shutdowns of schools, which led to falling test scores, increased isolation, rising rates of depression and anxiety disorders among kids, and the utter “failure” of remote learning, which turned into a major giveaway to leftist teachers unions at the expense of students.

Democrat-allied unions and ultra-woke school administrators used the disruption of normal education schedules to further impose far-left propaganda on students. This would include a divisive, decidedly unscientific and anti-parent LGBTQ agenda that has children questioning their sexual identities, and the tragedy of teachers foisting anti-American ideas such as Critical Race Theory on school kids, further dividing American children by race, class and identity.

The goal, of course, is to turn them into good little cadres for the social revolution that the progressive, far-left wing of the Democratic Party (now the majority) is desperately trying to shove down America’s collective throat.

This is nothing new on the left. For the left, propaganda in the schools is everything. As Soviet dictator Vladimir Lenin reportedly observed, “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have planted will never be uprooted.”

As such, it should come as no surprise that thousands and thousands of parents are now removing their kids from public schools to take back their children’s lives, while others are busy electing centrist and conservative members of leftist-dominated local school boards. Action, meet reaction.

The point is, for children, the last two years have been a disaster. But if there’s a bright spot in all this, it’s that parents are finally waking up to the dangers their children face from the Democrats’ increasingly irrational and anti-American policies.

From lockdowns to abortion advocacy to woke public schools, leftist policies have had a disastrous impact on America’s children. Sadly, in this “War on Children,” kids are the far-left’s targets.

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