Beto O’Rourke and Barack Obama remind us that Dem politicians are awful By Andrea Widburg

On Tuesday, an evil man slaughtered 21 people, 19 of whom were children under ten. On Wednesday, two morally bereft Democrats—Beto O’Rourke and Barack Obama—used those deaths to score political points. Decent people were outraged. Indecent ones cheered them on.

Beto O’Rourke is an inconsequential man with few accomplishments who is determined to force people to recognize his non-existent greatness. Having failed both in his runs for U.S. Senator and U.S. President, his latest effort is to become the governor of Texas.

Somewhere along the way in his quixotic political journey, the beta man heard that there’s no such thing as bad press. If you can get the public’s attention, you’re gold. This swinish man then decided that he should crash Gov. Greg Abbott’s press briefing, which grieving parents might attend, to score political points. You can see his indecent grandstanding here, as well as the tongue-lashing he received from Uvalde’s mayor, Don McLaughlin, and from a member of the audience:


You and I, who have respect for the decencies of mourning, are shocked, as was Cody Ytuarte, the man who said “That’s propaganda, bro.” Ytuarte is a former Democrat of Hispanic lineage in Uvalde. He reminds us of the changing face of the Hispanic community in America:





Sensible, yes? But not everyone is sensible. A lot of people thought that the real culprit was Mayor McLaughlin for both believing in the Second Amendment and daring to push back against the beta man’s crass stunt:

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