Biden Boosts New Vaccines for ‘Everybody’ Are you ready for Round 2? by Lloyd Billingsley

“I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works,” said Joe Biden in Lake Tahoe last Friday, August 25. “Tentatively it is recommended that it will likely be recommended everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not.”

The Delaware Democrat, 80, did not reveal why a new vaccine is “necessary,” though the news report cited a new version of the Omicron strain called XBB.1.5. The new vaccine allegedly “works” and Biden was more certain that “everybody get it,”  whatever they had done before. Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax are “working on doses of the XBB update,” but there’s more to it.

On Monday, August 20, an unnamed “White House official” told reporters the Biden administration urges all Americans to get booster shots to counter a new wave of infections. The announcement came days after the Centers for Disease Control announced that it is tracking a new COVID-19 strain, BA.2.86, discovered in Michigan, Denmark, Israel, and the United Kingdom.

No word where BA.2.86 first appeared and how it arrived in Michigan if the point of origin was Israel, Denmark or the UK. Virologists and evolutionary biologists claim that the BA.2.86 variant will have equal or greater “escape” that the Omicron variants.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is tracking the new variants and the White House, according to the unnamed official, will be “encouraging all Americans to get those boosters in addition to flu shots and RSV shots.” If this leaves people confused, they might dial back to Biden’s top medical advisor, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Dr. Fauci’s bio shows no advanced degrees in biochemistry or molecular biology. Nobel laureate Kary Mullis, inventor of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), was on record that Fauci “doesn’t understand electronic microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine. He should not be in a position like he’s in.” But he was, heading the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) from 1984 to 2023.

Dr. Fauci funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) to perform gain-of-function research that makes viruses more lethal and transmissible. The WIV, in turn, received shipments of deadly pathogens courtesy of Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, the Chinese national who headed the special pathogens unit at Canada’s National Microbiology Lab. In 2017-2018 alone, Dr. Qiu made at least five trips to the WIV.

Dr. Fauci maintained that the Covid virus arose naturally in the wild, a matter of speculation, not science. This versatile virus was able to generate malevolent variants that were already here and stalking the nation.

“Omicron, with its extraordinary, unprecedented degree of efficiency of transmissibility, will ultimately find just about everybody,” Dr. Fauci explained in January of 2022. Even those vaccinated and boosted, “would get exposed,” Fauci said, but those who are not vaccinated were “going to get the brunt of the severe aspect of this,” possibly “hospitalization and death.”

In 2021, Dr. Fauci pronounced the Delta variant “the greatest threat in the U.S. to our attempt to eliminate Covid-19.” The U.S. has “the tools” to defeat the variant, Dr. Fauci added, and if you get vaccinated, “you’ll be protected against this Delta variant.” Joe Biden must have been listening.

“Even as the Delta variant has been hitting the country hard,” said Biden, “we have the tools to combat the virus.” If we “raise our vaccination rate, protect ourselves and others with masking and expanded testing,” the tide could be turned, but as it stood, “this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Actually, it wasn’t.

“As worrisome as this Delta strain is with regard to its hyper transmissibility,” contended Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Biden’s CDC director, “our vaccines work.” As it happened, “our” vaccines, Moderna, Pfizer et al, failed to prevent infection or transmission of Covid. Dr. Fauci and Joe Biden, fully vaccinated and boosted to the max, both tested positive for Covid. Many Americans who did not test positive lost their jobs or positions in the military for refusing a vaccine that did not protect them.

“We should not be surprised if a new COVID-19 variant emerges this winter,” Dr. Fauci told reporters last October. There was danger of an “uptick” but Dr. Fauci did not outline the science that establishes the seasonality of the new variant. No word whether any work on variants has been authenticated and replicated by independent medical scientists with no links to the WHO, CDC, NIAID or Big Pharma. NIAID boss Fauci was certain the variant would “elude the immune response that we’ve gotten from infection and/or from vaccination.”

On May 1, the “Biden-Harris Administration” announced an end to COVID-19 vaccine requirements for Federal employees, federal contractors, and international travelers, starting on May 11. That was “the same day that the COVID-19 public health emergency ends,” but maybe it didn’t.

On August 20 the Biden White House announces that new variant BA.2.86 is “capable of transmitting widely and could have been spreading undetected for some time.” Not to worry, because Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer and BioNtech have updated vaccines to be effective against several “subvariants.” The unnamed White House official urges Americans to get the booster shots.

On August 25, Joe Biden proclaims that a new vaccine “that works” is necessary and he will recommend that “everybody get it,” regardless of the previous vaccines that didn’t work. No word if “everybody” will include the millions who entered the country illegally, with no background checks, no passport or visa, no job skills, no vaccination, and no boosters.

No word about the cases of myocarditis, pericarditis, and other vaccine injuries. Here is white coat supremacy on full display, with Fauci’s stank all over it. Though allegedly retired, Dr. Fauci still receives security and limo services paid by taxpayers.

New NIAID boss Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo is a non-practicing physician, venereal disease specialist, and promoter of “health equity.” Dr. Marrazzo has been brought on board with no reforms to NIAID, with its $7.3 billion budget, up 5.9 percent from FY 2022.

The new variants are able to spread without detection by the CDC’s intrepid Epidemic Intelligence Service, the nation’s medical CIA. That makes sense because the EIS failed to stop the Covid virus from arriving in America in the first place.

Sen. Chris Murphy, Connecticut Democrat, now wants the CDC to take on the “epidemic” of loneliness. If anybody thought the CDC was being rewarded for failure it would be hard to blame them.

The CDC and NIAID should be defunded, dismembered, or done away with altogether. White coat supremacy is incompatible with a constitutional republic. The struggle against white coat supremacy is the struggle of memory against forgetting.


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