You Heard It Here First: Biden Has Dumped ‘Bidenomics’
On March 27, Axios ran a story with the headline: “Biden, Democrats (mostly) ditch ‘Bidenomics.’”
Axios reported that President Joe “Biden gradually had been ditching the term. Last June and July, he referred to ‘Bidenomics’ about 50 times. In December and January, he used it just six times.”
USA Today ran basically the same story on the same day — headlined: “President Biden scraps ‘Bidenomics’ after slogan falls flat” — crediting Axios.
Biden said ‘Bidenomics’ 15 times in his June 28 speech in Chicago that debuted his new slogan to the nation. He mentioned ‘Bidenomics’ another 77 times in speeches through October, including as many as six or seven times in single speeches.
Yet Biden touted ‘Bidenomics’ only four more times in both November and December, and he has said it only three times total this year.
The Daily Mail followed up with a story citing Axios and ran its own chart. Then, just this Thursday, a USA Today columnist hit Biden over the head for abandoning the term, citing the paper’s previous coverage.

This all sounded strangely familiar to us. The numbers, the trend, the charts.
So, we checked the record and, wouldn’t you know it, on March 4 — more than three weeks before Axios and USA Today published their stories — we ran a piece titled: “Even Biden Doesn’t Want To Talk About ‘Bidenomics’ Anymore: We Have The Receipts.”
We even ran a chart showing the number of times the White House used the term “Bidenomics.” (In the past month, the White House has used the term only three times.)

After the Axios story ran we sent the editors a note saying we were amazed at how similar their report was to ours, and that they must have come upon this idea independently because otherwise they surely would have credited us.
Alas, we never heard back.
But whatever the case, I&I readers had this information long before those outlets picked up on it.
What’s more, even with those extra three weeks, Axios and USA Today failed to note that while Biden might have abandoned the term “Bidenomics,” he most certainly has not abandoned Bidenomics.
His administration continues to push spending increases, tax hikes, and massive new regulations – the very things that have now landed the economy on the precipice of stagflation for the first time in half a century.
As we noted in this space recently, even poor Jimmy Carter was man enough to admit that he was wrong and tried to change course late in his single term.
Biden, on the other hand, shows not even a glimmer of such open-mindedness. Then, again, we’re not sure Biden has much of a mind left to open.
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