This Week Today | Current Events from Israel Rabbi Ben Packer***

There were serious developments in Gaza this week. First of all, 6 dead bodies of Israeli hostages were retrieved by the army from a tunnel. It was already known that 5 of the 6 had been killed. It was suspected that the 6th was killed, but hadn’t been confirmed. All 6 had been kidnapped alive from communities adjacent to Gaza on Oct. 7th. It is unclear as to how they all were killed, but there are suggestions that at least some of them were killed by IDF attacks near the tunnel where they were being held. There are some on the left who are blaming Prime Minister Netanyahu for this, but that just shows how crazy and bitter these people are.

In a bit of a surprise move, Israeli forces pushed through a section of the Gaza Strip (Kissufim) all the way to the beach this week. This is the third corridor that crosses the entire Strip that has been created by the IDF since the beginning of the current conflict. It’s unclear what exactly precipitated the move, but is likely connected to a recent uptick in rocket fire. In the areas of the other two corridors (Netzarim in the middle of the Strip and Philadelphia in the south bordering Egypt), the IDF continued this week to eliminate terrorists and destroy tunnels. It was announced this week that over 150 tunnels in the Rafiach area have been destroyed so far. Two reserve soldiers were tragically killed this week in the Netzarim corridor by a roadside bomb. Another soldier was also killed while engaging terrorists.

The hostage negotiations appear to be deadlocked. Hamas refuses to agree to a deal in which Israeli forces remain in Gaza. So far, Prime Minister Netanyahu has refused any scenario where troops are pulled out of certain areas, like the Netzarim and Philadelphia corridors. US Secretary of State, Tony “Abe” Blinken, a bumbling idiot, which is pretty par for the course in the Biden Administration, arrived in the region this week to try to push along the hostage deal negotiations. Shockingly, he has had little success. Maybe he should try loud, cackling outbursts throughout the discussions. If the negotiations officially fail, expect Israel to attempt a hostage rescue in the near future. If they successfully rescue some hostages from right-wing families, watch the left lose their minds.

Hezbollah has intensified their attacks on Israel and Israel has ratcheted up targeted assassinations of Hezbollah terrorists and the destruction of ammunition and rocket caches. An IDF Arab soldier was killed this week in a Hezbollah attack and other soldiers were wounded. It’s pretty amazing that this situation continues day after day. It appears that at any moment the conflict could explode into something much bigger, but it hasn’t happened yet. Clearly, Hamas terrorist leader Yahya Sinwar is pushing for a broader conflict in the north and from other Iranian-backed terrorists as well.

This potential terror escalation also includes throughout Israel. This week, a suicide bomber infiltrated the heart of Tel Aviv and exploded. One Israeli was wounded from shrapnel and the terrorist died. Many are considering the incident to be a miracle. It’s the first such attempt in 18 years in Tel Aviv. Hamas and Islamic Jihad took joint credit for the attack. However, there are also suspicions that the terrorist was possibly from Hezbollah and was intentionally exploded prematurely to send a threatening message but not start a war.

Meanwhile, a security guard in an industrial park near Kedumim was murdered by one of the Arab workers there. The Arab attacked the guard with a hammer and stole his firearm. The IDF continues to hunt the terrorist, but he remains on the run for now. This is not true of the terrorists who killed Yonatan Deutsch, hy’d, who were eliminated recently. Many other terrorists were also killed throughout the week in various locations in Judea and Samaria. Sinwar’s attempt to foment unrest in the area is being squashed by constant IDF counter-terror operations.

There were reports this week that the Prosecution Office in Israel was investigating two popular Israeli singers for incitement against the people of Gaza. The Prosecutor issued a statement that they are not currently investigating.. Whichever is true, just the idea that such a thing could be suggested shows how messed up these leftist defeatist “elitists” are. They all need to go! Much like the former head of Military Intelligence who quit this week because of his incredible failures on Oct. 7th.

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