Kamala’s Bait-And-Switch: Progressivism For Socialism


If you’re one of the shrunken number of people who have bothered to watch the Democratic National Convention, you will by now certainly know it’s been long on rhetoric, and incredibly short on policy specifics. That’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

On Thursday night’s final evening of the Democratic National Convention, the party’s candidate and current Vice President Kamala Harris didn’t release a party platform. So “our democracy,” as the Dems like to call it, apparently doesn’t come equipped with any policy promises. Just a candidate, who received zero votes in any primary.

The truth is, the increasingly far-left Democratic Party doesn’t want anyone to know that it plans to push the nation even further to the socialist side of the scale because they know it won’t sell with average Americans who still think the ol’ U.S. of A. is a special place.

As such, it’s no surprise Harris has been a bit gauzy about what she intends to do if elected. Why, it’s almost as if the Dems are hiding something from us.

And they are. As one DNC speaker put it, “we got 70 days to act right, y’all. After 70 days, we can go back to acting crazy, right?” Followed by an answer from one of the assembled panelists: “Right.”

That’s it. Just try to act normally for the next two months or so. Win the election, then all bets are off. A “democracy” built on lies wins.

So what will Harris do for the next two months? Pretend her agenda is no different than the one that the DNC has already adopted.

As Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel put it:

A month into her coronation, the Democratic nominee is finally fleshing out an agenda and has settled the big question of whether she’d revert to her 2020 progressive platform or chart any different path from Biden. Answer: a resounding no. She’s instead doubling down on the failing status quo. So much so that the Harris team didn’t even bother to put its stamp on the party platform, which was released in July under the expectation of a Biden renomination.

Why would she do this? Because her actual ideas about governance are even scarier than Biden’s failed policies. Better to run on Biden’s weak unworkable ideas, repackaged by a younger, more-appealing female face (and not Biden’s perpetual old-man scowl), than to confront Americans with the actual choice of top-down socialism, or a free economy.

If she wins, any chance Harris will follow the Biden script? Nope.

She’s already let the proverbial cat out of the bag, with her never-ending utterances extending back two decades. She’s a hard-core leftist in designer-drag to fool regular people into believing she’s not some kind of extremist. The DNC is helping her commit this fraud.

As the aggressive financial news aggregator Zero Hedge has pointed out, Kamala’s known proposals so far include “price controls,” “28% corporate tax,” “44.6% capital gains tax,” and a “25% tax on unrealized gains.”

All those taxes mean more direct government control over the private economy and mountains of new government spending.

That includes: the federal government building 3 million new homes, along with handing a $25,000 gift for first-time homebuyers who can’t afford homes; a $6,000 one-year tax break for middle-income and lower-income families who have children; and plans to “cancel medical debt for millions of Americans and to help them avoid accumulating such debt in the future” and to cap out-of-pocket prescription spending at $2,000 a year.

The estimated cost of all this: $1.7 trillion.

Just these proposals alone would be enough to sink the U.S. economy and put us into a European-style economic morass, bordering on an economic coma. Higher taxes won’t make anything grow faster other than big government.

But all of this “policy,” along with the details that will be hashed out endlessly, distract from a bigger reality: Kamala Harris supported our four-year disaster as Biden’s vice president, and will now make things even worse by going full socialist.

Critics might argue, “Harris is a progressive, but no socialist.” But these days, we would say that’s a distinction without a difference.

Harris has endorsed the Green New Deal, which would get rid of cars and fossil fuels. She supported “Medicare for All” and the abolition of private health insurance. She backs “free” education through college. She supports defunding the police and open borders. And she thinks getting rid of the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution would be a good idea.

In short, you’d have no rights to free speech, and no rights to defend yourself in Kamala Harris’ socialist vision. And government at all levels would take up well more than half of all economic output, with extensive regulatory and financial control over what remains of the private sector.

Sounds like socialism to us. Keep that in mind as Dems and their media allies insist this is another right-wing exaggeration. It isn’t. The Democrats have been inching toward this for decades. Now, with a candidate who was picked by the party, not by the people, they have their perfect instrument for forcing their radical agenda on all of us.

Harris was No. 2 in the most “progressive” (that is, farthest left) administration ever. Even the New York Times admits “Harris economy could prove more progressive than Bidenomics.” Don’t be fooled: The daughter of a Marxist economist and left-wing mother, ranked in the Senate with a voting record to the left of self-described socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris “self-identifies” as progressive. Once in power, she’ll show her real identity: socialist.

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