“An Age of Appeasement” Alan Mendoza


The State of Israel is fighting for its future.

It began on the morning of October 7, 2023, when Hamas terrorists from Gaza invaded Israel. They went on to commit the worst pogrom since the Holocaust. Afterwards, Israel had no choice but to enter Gaza. The goal: eliminate Hamas.

Cut to a year later, and Hamas has been nearly defeated. But, alas, Israel’s existential war is not over yet. Another terrorist threat looms large: Hezbollah.

Every day since October 8, 2023, the Islamist group has been firing missiles from Lebanon into northern Israel. Their targets: Israeli civilians living peacefully next to the Israel-Lebanon border. Because of Hezbollah’s reign of terror, more than 100,000 people have had to flee their homes. They are staying in hotels paid for by the government, their lives on pause.

The situation is no longer tenable. “We will return residents of the north safely to their homes,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

To make that vow a reality, Israel has been going after Hezbollah.

Last week, it remotely detonated the pagers and walkie-talkies of Hezbollah’s senior operatives. Although Israel has not officially taken responsibility for the operation, it has been widely attributed to its intelligence services.

And this week, the IDF has been conducting precision air strikes on Hezbollah facilities in Lebanon. Several commanders have been killed, including the head of Hezbollah’s air units. Be in no doubt: the terrorists are on the ropes.

And yet Israel has been castigated for its actions. The international community has united in condemnation. Shamefully, this includes Israel’s allies in the Free World.

The United States and France called for a 21-day ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah. The United Kingdom did not miss a beat either. At the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday night, British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said: “Stop the violence.”

Demands for a ceasefire smack of hypocrisy. Israel is right to ignore them.

Imagine for a moment if terrorists in Mexico fired missiles into southern California, and everyone living in San Diego had to be evacuated. Does anyone in their right mind believe the US would wait a whole year before striking back at the terrorists? Of course not. The US would not tolerate such a situation. And neither would any other country for that matter. Nor, then, should Israel.

As Dr Alan Mendoza, the Executive Director of the Henry Jackson Society, told Talk TV: “We appear to be living in an age of appeasement in the Middle East where Western countries appear unable to grasp the obvious requirements of Israel to protect its civilians.”

Western countries also appear unable to grasp that Hezbollah is not just Israel’s enemy, it is their enemy too. A fact reflected in the way many of them have proscribed Hezbollah as a terrorist entity within their own countries.

The Islamist group has a long history of terror attacks against Western targets and is a major player in the international drug trade.

Even more importantly, it is a proxy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. And while Hezbollah rains down rockets on northern Israel, Iran is secretly enriching uranium.

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