Posted By Ruth King on June 3rd, 2011
The Incredulity of Abe Foxman and the ADL’s support for Islamic Antisemitism by Jerry Gordon

On May 31st, Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) aired a chilling report by Dale Hurd, its chief European correspondent about the spate of European mega -mosque construction projects. The report focused on the giant mosque in Rome, the Turkish Government underwriting of a mega-mosque challenging the spires of the famed Gothic Cologne Cathedral in Germany. The report also addressed similar Mosque efforts in London and Copenhagen. The latter is being built with funding from the Islamic Republic of Iran. Witness the comments from Lars Hedegaard, Danish free speech ‘hero,’ about the Copenhagen mosque constituting ‘barracks’ to spread Islamic indoctrination and terrorism.
Watch the CBN segment, here.
Pat Robertson’s following comments to this CBN European mega-mosque segment about the dangers lurking behind the European mega-mosque construction campaign seemed appropriate, especially for those who have learned about the imperatives for Mosque construction inherent in Islamic Shariah doctrine. Those imperatives are patently evident in our interview with Sam Solomon on Mosques and our review of his book, Al Yahud , about implacable Muslim Jew Hatred at the core of Islam. That Islamic Jew Hatred is very much on display via MEMRI videos of rallies in Egypt and other hot spots in the so-called Arab Spring.
But all this lost on the incredible Abe Foxman of ADL. Foxman and his ‘diversity-minded’ minions at the ADL, a supposed bulwark against anti-Semitism in America, dashed off a letter on June 2nd to Pat Robertson of the 700 Club taking him to task for being against mosque construction, against Muslims generally and creating the impression that Islam is equivalent to doctrinal equivalent of Hiterlism.
Note what Foxman wrote to Robertson:
We were deeply disturbed by your remarks on the May 31 edition of The 700 Clubconcerning Muslims in Europe and America following a segment on the growing construction of mosques on the European Continent. You asked the question, why is it bigoted if one speaks out “against an institution that is intent on dominating us and imposing Sharia law and making us all part of a universal Caliphate? That is the goal of some of these people. Why is that bigoted? Why is it bigoted to resist Adolf Hitler and the Nazisand to say that we don’t want to live under Nazi Germany?”
Your statements here were troubling on several levels. For one, the suggestion that Muslims who, as you put it, “come into Europeand build their mosques” and “come into America and set up their schools and madrassas” are doing so in an effort to “exercise domination over the world” is a false notion based on hateful stereotypes of Islam. While you did qualify your statement with “some of these people,” you then pre-empted it with a series of generalizations. In fact, many if not most Muslims in Europe and in America immigrated to find a better life for themselves and to freely practice their faith. Sure, there is a minority of Muslims with extreme views. But the overwhelming majority of Muslims rejects these views and wants little more than the ability to practice their faith openly and freely and to be accepted as contributing members of society. It is wrong to paint all Muslims with such a broad brush, or to portray all Muslims as extremists as you have done here.
Second, the notion that Islam is something that needs to be opposed in the same manner as people resisted Adolf Hitler and the Nazis is outrageous and offensive. Nazism was a racist and genocidal political movement unlike any other in history, responsible for the massacre of six million Jews and millions of others in the Holocaust. One simply cannot and should not lump Muslims into the same category as Hitler.
So in response to your question about why is it bigoted for people to “oppose Muslims,” to me the answer is clear: It is bigoted when one assumes the worst about an entire faith based on the beliefs of a few; it is bigoted to paint all Muslims (or for that matter, Christians or Jews) with the broadest of brushes when in fact you are talking about a many-faceted and culturally diverse belief system; it is bigoted to suggest that the Islamic faith has nefarious and sinister plans to take over majority Christian nations when this is false at its core. Sadly, the answer to your question may be found within your own statements, which I believe should be categorically rejected by all reasonable people.
In an Iconoclast post last November with the tag line, “the staggering delusion of the ADL in supporting Mosque Initiatives,” we exposed the incredulous, nay, invincible ignorance of Foxman and his minions.
Arutz Sheva Israel National News has a follow up report, “Mosque Opposition Moves from Ground Zero to Tennessee” to the AP story that we posted on regarding the wrap up of the Murfreesboro Chancery Court Hearing in Tennessee. We draw your particular attention to the INN reporter’s reference to the ADL Civil Rights director’s alleged comments in the Los Angeles Times that reflects a staggering and persistent delusion by the ADL about annihilationist Islamic anti-Semitism.
After lamely criticizing the Ground Zero Mosque project in New York, the ADL formed another ecumenical group, the Interfaith Coalition on Mosques (ICOM) to defend Mosque project elsewhere in America. The ICOM-ADL filed an amicus curiae brief in the Murfreesboro Chancery Court proceedings. The ICM-ADL brief paralled one the US Department of Justice filed in support of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro expansion plan project, the subject of the Murfreesboro Chancery Court Hearing. A hearing brought by community plaintiffs contesting approvals by the Rutherford County Planning Commission and County Commissioners.
The ADL in its amicus curiae brief lauded itself as having been in the forefront of pushing for enactment of the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) of 2000 passed by the US Congress. RLUIPA is now being used ironically to exempt Mosques from local zoning approvals across the US. The ADL contended that under RLUIPA the ICM had every right to build its 52,000 square foot complex in Rutherford County. The USDOJ amicus curiae brief contested plaintiffs arguments about Islam not being a religion, but a political doctrine in possible violation of the US Constitution. The USDOJ argued that Islam is a religion covered by the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment.
Note the bizarre comment of the ADL Civil Rights representative as regards the revelations by The Investigatgive Project on Terrorism and others, including ElizabethCoker, about what was found on a member of the ICM board’s MySpace Page regarding support for Hamas, a foreign terrorist group designated by the State Department.
Deborah Lauter, director of civil rights for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which sponsors a newly-formed Interfaith Coalition on Mosques, is one of those who maintain that Rowash’s political preference is irrelevant.Lauter allegedly told the Los Angeles Times that if all the members of the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro were public cheerleaders for Hamas, it would still be illegal to discriminate against them because the First Amendment protects freedom of worship.
The ADL is totally feckless about the threat of Sharia in America from expansion of Mosques here largely backed by Muslim Brotherhood groups and financed through the Saudi funded North American Islamic Trust. The ADL has been deluded by its focus on teaching tolerance and diversity in America while derogating Christian Zionists, defenders of Israel and the Jewish people’s biblical and legal rights to the holy land.
[. . .]
The ADL’s staggering delusion of what lies behind the eruption of Mega-Mosques nearly rivals that of the infamous Judenrate Jewish councils in Nazi – occupied Europe who sacrificed their own coreligionists during the Holocaust that ultimately killed Six Million Jewish men, women and children. The irony is that Foxman is himself a holocaust survivor and should understand the close parallels between Nazi annihilationist doctrine and that of normative Islam. Pity!
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