REZA KAHLILI: Iranian Regime Concerned about Radiation Leak from Fordow Blast

The Iranian regime persists in a cover up of the Fordow blast, while panicked about radiation leaks that may spread to major cities. New details have emerged identifying the names of Iranian and North Korean scientists among the more than 76 killed of the 219 trapped underground when the blast allegedly occurred at enrichment facility near Qom on January 21st. Moreover, new information indicates that the IAEA had not visited the Facility since early December 2012, giving rise to doubts about statements by their official spokesperson in late January which were used by Iran as part of the continuing cover-up. The issue is will these latest revelations penetrate the discussions between Iran and the P5+1 delegates at another meeting with Islamic regime negotiators in Kazakhstan on Tuesday, February 26th.

According to sources cited in a new World Net Daily (WND) article by Reza Kahlili, ex-CIA Spy who had infiltrated Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, the regime has “ordered millions of antidote iodine pills from Russia and Ukraine amid fears the radioactivity will spread.” His sources noted:

Many of the personnel, who arrived after the explosion to assist with the cleanup at the site, have been taken to a military hospital suffering from headache, nausea and vomiting, according to a source in the security forces protecting Fordow.

A special team of nuclear experts was ordered to the site days ago, the source said, and detected high levels of radiation.

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The number of confirmed dead from the explosions has risen to 76, said the source, who provided exclusively to WND the names of 14 Iranian scientists and one North Korean who died in the blasts.

Security forces have arrested 17 high-ranking officers, including majors and colonels, over the incident and summarily executed Maj. Ali Montazernia, a member of the security forces in charge at Fordow.

The Islamic regime has put up a wall of silence surrounding the explosions, but with the possibility of radioactive fallout creating grave health and environmental disasters in the nearby holy city of Qom and other surrounding cities, it may not be able to maintain the secret, the source suggested

Kahlili’s source even identified Iranian and North Korean scientists killed at Fordow:

  • Five from a research team of the Center for Defensive Studies of the Jame Imam Hossein University of Tehran: Mohammad Rosham Entezar, Samad Doorbash, Jalal Namdar, Abdolreza Samadi and Mehdi Sufiaei.
  • Three from the Center for Research and Nuclear Support of Imam Hossein University in Tehran: Ali Ebadi, Majid Fakhri and Mehdi Jasoor.
  • Two from Physics University of Isfahan: Ahmad Abdolahipour and Alireza Parhizkar.
  • One from the University of Tabriz, Faculty of Physics: Hassan Soltan Nejad.
  • Three from Sharif University of Technology – The Center for Research of Physics: Faramarz Naghsh Ara, Hamid Boroostani and Saeid Fazeli.
  • One North Korean from the Atomic Research Center of Yongbyon: Chin-Hae Kang-Jun.

Kahili further notes the specious IAEA statements about when the watchdog agency last inspected Fordow:

In an unusual move on Jan. 29, the spokeswoman for the International Atomic Energy Agency, Gill Tudor, emailed reporters a brief statement: “We understand that Iran has denied that there has been an incident at Fordow. This is consistent with our observations.”

When pushed by WND, however, Tudor could neither confirm nor deny the incident had taken place and would not say whether IAEA inspectors had visited the site after the explosions, despite some media reports that they had.

The IAEA’s latest report, released on Feb. 21, states that a physical inspection of Fordow was done between Nov. 26 and Dec. 3, well before the reported explosions. The report said that as of Feb. 17, Iran continued to feed hexafluoride gas into all four cascades of centrifuges at Fordow to enrich uranium, but this information was solely based on what Iranian officials told the U.N. nuclear watchdog.

Even the regime’s Fars News Agency, in covering the recent IAEA report, confessed to that by running this headline: “Fordow site is active, according to information provided by Iran to the IAEA.”

The Fars story reported, “The IAEA in part of its report verifies that the Fordow site, based on the Design Information Questioner filed by Iran, is active.”

Kahlili noted the official dissimilitude about the Fordow event and Russian aid to Iran using lasers to enrich uranium:

Iranian officials have repeatedly lied about previous acts of sabotage, including the effect of the Stuxnet virus and the status of the Bushehr nuclear power plant. The BBC, in a Feb. 22 report, said the Bushehr plant has again been shut down and that Russia has confirmed it, despite the Iranian regime’s earlier denial.

IAEA officials were denied access to Fordow during their last inspection trip. IAEA requests to inspect the Parchin military site and four other suspect sites were also denied. The regime also failed to respond to IAEA inquiries on its activity involving laser technology for uranium enrichment.

An exclusive WND report on Jan. 22 revealed that Russians are helping to enrich uranium using lasers at the secret Bo nab site. The IAEA has revealed that Iran’s heavy-water plant in Arak could likely become operational in the first quarter of 2014. The plant, once live, could provide enough plutonium for several bombs just in its first year of operation.

The latest IAEA report also indicated that the regime has started the process of installing its advanced centrifuges at its Natanz nuclear facility, which the U.S. State Department called “yet another provocative step.”

Furthermore, 252 parliamentarians of the Islamic regime issued a statement today asserting, “There is no stopping in the Iran’s nuclear train,” and that despite the psychological war by America and all the sanctions in place, the country’s nuclear program will continue.

Kahlili’s latest report has the ring of authenticity. Will that be enough to jar the P5+1 meeting in Almay, Kazakhstan on Tuesday, February 26th? Somehow we doubt it as these reports have not been picked up by the mainstream media. News from Tehran about new uranium deposits and installation of new generation IR2M centrifuges at Natanz may have been part of the cover up to give the impression that the Islamic Republic will achieve its goal of nuclear enrichment of fissile materials by this spring. The Islamic Regime has demanded the lifting of international sanctions. The P5+1 is reported to have offered to lift restrictions on trade in precious metals. This would facilitate Turkey’s and other countries continuing purchases of Iranian natural gas. When Vice President Biden possible direct talks with Iran at the Munich Security Conference, that was dismissed as ‘deceitful’ by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamanei in an official statement on the 34th Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution when he said:

You aim the gun at the Iranian nation and then say ‘negotiate or I shoot’! But you should know that pressure and negotiation are not compatible and the (Iranian) nation will not be intimidated by these things.

Lee Smith, Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, writing in Tablet Magazine on “Why Iran Already has the Bomb”, in the wake of the North Korean atomic test , made this provocative statement:

If North Korea has the bomb, then for all practical purposes Iran does, too. If that’s so, then Obama’s policy of prevention has failed, and containment—a policy that the president has repeatedly said is not an option—is in fact all Washington has.

Smith in conclusion noted this with regard to Obama’s upcoming trip to Israel in March:

If this is the case, Obama will go down in history as the American president who presided over global nuclear proliferation, including rogue regimes. After four years of restraining the Israelis, he may now be going to visit them next month for a good reason: to apologize.

Our comment: don’t hold your breath.

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