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Ruth King

Speaker at NY Law School Graduation Supported Axe Murder of Jews


Nerdeen Kiswani founded her own organization because Students for Justice in Palestine wasn’t radical enough.

By Pesach Benson, United With Israel

City University of New York is facing a fresh antisemitism controversy after Nerdeen Kiswani, who has a history of incitement and Israel-bashing rhetoric, addressed the School of Law’s commencement ceremony.

Kiswani founded the New York City chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine in 2018, but split with the organization because the radical BDS movement didn’t go far enough for her.

In her May 13 address to the graduates, Kiswani said that she is “facing a campaign of Zionist harassment by well-funded organizations with ties to the Israeli government and military on the basis of my Palestinian identity and organizing.”

She went on to launch Within Our Lifetime, which supports “resistance and return by any means necessary.”

Report: Elderly French Jew Thrown Out of 17th Floor Window by Muslim Neighbor By David Israel


A Jewish man, René Hadjaj, 90, was thrown out his apartment window on the 17th floor of a building in Lyon, Frabce, by his Muslim neighbor, according to a Saturday Facebook post by Meyer Habib, who serves as a member of the French National Assembly, representing the eighth constituency for French residents overseas.

“What are the motives?” asked Habib, and answered: “Without having all the details of this case, many see a sad similarity with the Sarah Halimi case, which at the time was passed over in silence.”

Sarah Halimi was a retired French doctor and schoolteacher who was attacked and killed in her apartment by her neighbor on April 4, 2017. Halimi was the only Jewish resident in her building, and her assailant, Kobili Traoré, shouted “Allahu akbar” during the attack and later proclaimed “I killed the Shaitan (an Arab version of Lilith – DI).”

“Anyway, the defenestration of a man from the 17th floor is an absolute and unbearable drama,” wrote Habib, who has been serving on the parliamentary committee on foreign affairs since 2013.

“The emotion begins to rise … at this stage, I remain very cautious not having all the details in my possession,” Habib continued. “Why was he defenestrated? Was it a dispute between neighbors? Was his defenestration antisemitic? I contacted the Minister of the Interior,” he added, and said the government official urged “that caution, vigilance and the desire to shed light on this affair, which at this stage has received very little media attention, must take precedence.”

Is Hillary’s lawyer cooked? Former FBI counsel James Baker’s testimony spells trouble for Michael Sussmann :Charles Lipson


Michael Sussmann, a senior lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign, is currently on trial for lying to the FBI. The allegation is straightforward. As the election approached, Sussmann texted his old friend and fellow attorney, James Baker, requesting a brief, urgent meeting. Baker was the FBI’s top lawyer and Sussmann was a partner at Clinton’s election-law firm. They were friends from their days together at the Department of Justice and continued to know each other socially. According to the indictment, Sussmann told Baker he was coming solely to help the Bureau and not on behalf of any client.

To prove his case, Special Counsel John Durham and his team must show two things:

Sussmann lied when he said he wasn’t representing a client in that meeting; and
Sussmann’s lie had the “potential” to affect the FBI’s investigation. (According to the law, the lie need not actually affect the investigation; it need only have the potential to do so.)

Sussmann’s defense is to toss back the ol’ kitchen sink. “I didn’t lie. You can’t prove I lied. I had no reason to lie. And even if I lied, it really didn’t matter to the FBI.” That defense has two aims: create confusion for the jury and drag in the name of Donald Trump, for jurors in a city that voted almost unanimously for Hillary and undoubtedly loathe the former president. What Sussmann hopes for, in other words, is “jury nullification,” where the jury believes the crime has been proven but disregards the evidence and votes “not guilty.” That’s really Sussmann’s only chance.

What happened in court on Thursday should clinch the case for Durham, if the jury is fair-minded. The prosecution put on its star witness, James Baker. Baker’s obvious reluctance to testify against Sussmann makes his testimony all the more convincing. And that testimony is damning. With Baker on the stand, the prosecution introduced a text message he received from Sussmann, asking for a meeting the next day. The message is catastrophic for Sussmann’s claim he told Baker he had a client. He said, in writing, that he didn’t have one.

Rashida Tlaib’s indelible stain on Congress Victor Sharpe

The Democrat representative of Michigan in the House of Representatives is Rashida Tlaib who spends her time as part of the disreputable group of house Democrat women who call themselves the Squad.

Mark Levin, Conservative Radio host and consummate expert on the U.S. Constitution, says this of the so-called Squad. “This is not a Squad. This is a cabal of Marxists who hate this country – some of them first, second-generation immigrants into the country, who bring their attitudes, who bring their indoctrination into the country and are at war, right there in the halls of Congress, against our own country.”

But Rashida Tlaib who, as a young Muslim Arab immigrated to America with her family, goes even further. She has a self-corrosive hate for the State of Israel, which she endlessly spews whenever and wherever she can. Along with fellow Muslim House representative, Ilhan Omar, their output of religious bigotry against the Jewish state has become a hallmark of shame in the United States House of Representatives,

Now Representative Tlaib has introduced a loathsome resolution which falsely and outrageously accuses Israel of causing a ‘catastrophe’ for the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians on the day the reborn Jewish state declared its independence and became a recognized and sovereign state and member of the United Nations. She calls it by the Arabic term, ”Naqba.”

But what she hides is that as Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, five Arab armies immediately invaded the Jewish state’s tiny territory. The armies came from Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq, along with military detachments from Saudi Arabia and as far away as the Sudan.

This immense Arab military power was from Islamic states whose populations in the millions dwarfed those of tiny Israel, which at that time was a mere 600,000, including the pitifully few Jewish survivors from the Holocaust or impoverished Jewish refugees who had been driven out of Arab Lands where their ancestors had lived for 2,500 years. Indeed, some 820,000 destitute Jewish refugees would be expelled from Arab and Muslim states and 586,000 of those were subsequently given refuge in the embattled Jewish homeland in later years.

New York City Drops Charges against Rapper Accused of Shooting Police Officer By Brittany Bernstein


The New York City Law Department announced Friday that charges against a 16-year-old rapper accused of shooting a police officer have been dropped, saying the teen “cannot be prosecuted.”

Camrin Williams, also known by his stage name “C Blu,” allegedly shot a police officer who responded to reports of an unruly crowd at Lorillard Place near East 187th Street on January 18. The teen would not remove his hands from his pockets and a struggle with police ensued. A gun Williams was holding discharged during the struggle, striking and wounding 27-year-old NYPD officer Kaseem Pennant and hitting the teenager in the groin.

The law department did not say why the charges had been dropped, according to the New York Post.

“Just because the city cannot prosecute doesn’t mean this individual should have been carrying an illegal weapon — a weapon which contributed to both him and an officer being shot,” the Law Department said in a statement obtained by the outlet. “Pursuant to Family Court Law, the case is now sealed and we are unable to say more about the matter.”

Before the alleged shooting, Williams already had a gun possession arrest on his record from 2020 and was placed on probation as a juvenile in the case last year.

Williams made headlines in January when he used an advance on his contract with Interscope Records to post his $250,000 bond, according to the New York Post.

However, shortly after posting bail Williams found himself back in juvenile court. A family court hearing found he had violated probation in the earlier case by allegedly possessing a firearm and shooting Officer Pennant, the report added.

Signs and Portents: Elon Musk’s Growing Political Maturity The Left’s misery continues to Elongate. By Roger Kimball


A few weeks ago, Exxon announced that it was banning the display of Pride and BLM flags at its headquarters in Houston. There was a ripple of unhappiness, but nothing was burned down, the media attention was muted, and the world went about its business as before. 

Across the country, school board elections are tossing out woke ideologues and partisans of critical race theory and replacing what amounts to gay pornography in the curriculum with more wholesome fare. The Biden Administration keeps running into roadblocks, most recently a judicial order halting its efforts to rescind Title 42, a Trump-era emergency order that turned away would-be immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. A few days ago, Biden’s absurd Disinformation Governance Board was shuttered and its pathetic director, Nina Jankowicz, sucked back into the memory hole whence she came. 

On Friday, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robbie Mook, testified that, what do you know, his former boss knew all about and in fact approved the spurious efforts to frame Donald Trump as a Russian asset, contrary to what she and her handlers have said ever since before Hunter Biden took his laptop to be repaired. 

Then there is Elon Musk. I have long been a fan of this Rocket Man, notwithstanding his mantras about “sustainable transport” and other sops from the green agenda. Hitherto, my enthusiasm was for his technological prowess, his hard work, and his amazing products. Now I find myself applauding his political savvy and efforts on behalf of free speech. Princeton University and other one-party bastions of conformity and self-congratulation should ponder Musk’s central observation about free speech: “When it’s someone you don’t like saying something you don’t like, that’s when it actually matters.”

The Thrill and Terror of the World on the Brink of World War II By Janet Levy


The mood in the U.S. during the rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany could have been personified in Charles Lindbergh, America’s aviation hero of those times. An antisemite, he admired German efficiency and felt that America shouldn’t waste its resources helping Britain battle the Nazis.  Ordinary Americans, too, were focused not on Hitler, but on the domestic economy.  The shadow of the Great Depression was looming.   Why sacrifice blood and treasure to save Europe?  A negotiated peace with Hitler was acceptable.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who took first took office in 1933 and held four terms until his death in 1945, knew that the U.S. must actively engage in international affairs.  But he was restricted by the isolationist sentiment saturating the nation.  And since he needed congressional support for his domestic New Deal policies, FDR was wary of going against the grain.  In the mid-1930s, however, tensions increased as German invasions began.  With war clouds gathering over Europe, the need for U.S. involvement became apparent.

In Watching Darkness Fall: FDR, His Ambassadors, and the Rise of Adolf Hitler, David McKean presents a gripping, well documented history of America’s turnaround — from watching from the sidelines to fighting the Nazi evil.  FDR’s decisions were influenced by his ambassadors in five capitals: Breckinridge Long in Rome; William Bullitt in Moscow, and later Paris; Joseph P. Kennedy in London; and William Dodd in Berlin.  As was customary, FDR rewarded friends and campaign contributors with such appointments.  But he was aware of their strengths and foibles and tempered their reports with his astute judgment.

A climate change class action lawsuit: is it viable? By Christopher Garbacz


A few days ago, I suggested that a climate change class action lawsuit should be filed against those parties that clamor to destroy the economy via a Green Agenda that seeks to ban fossil fuels. Some commenters raised an interesting point: How do you prove damages? I think it’s possible and would serve as a good basis for any legal complaint.

The Green Agenda is supported in part or full by the following parties: federal, state, and local governments; universities; Green NGOs; foundations; corporations; renewable proponents/owners; and entrepreneurs. A court could determine if these entities are correct that anthropogenic climate change really will destroy the planet and mankind along with it.

To date, there’s never been an open evaluation of this issue, which traces directly to the UN IPCC Reports and the reports’ subsequent use to justify destroying the present universe of fossil fuel energy that supports our economy. With witnesses battling it out in a single forum, the court could assess whether it’s more likely than not that the world faces catastrophic destruction.

If there is no proven scientific basis for the Green Agenda, then it should be abandoned. Those harmed by the Green Agenda should be awarded the assessed value of the damages suffered.

If you the internet for “A Climate Change Class Action Lawsuit,” you can find my article buried deep in Google. Every other site pulled up refers to lawsuits brought against governments for failing to implement the Green Agenda quickly enough to save the planet or against corporations accused of working to destroy the planet. This Green Agenda litigation is sufficiently well-established to suggest that there’s no reason not to bring a case that asserts the opposite charge: That the Green Agenda is destructive because the risk to the climate is non-existent. It just won’t be a Green lawyer bringing the case.

The #MeToo movement has claimed a brilliant scientist By Andrea Widburg


The #MeToo movement, which thankfully seemed to have peaked in 2018, is still managing to do significant damage by allowing a cadre of malicious women to destroy men’s reputations with ludicrous assertions about alleged sexual harassment or abuse. One case may have long-lasting repercussions for Americans’ health and well-being: Biologist David Sabatini, a brilliant cancer researcher, is unemployable thanks to laughable accusations and a seeming workplace witch hunt,  and now finds himself unemployable.

Here are the facts of the case, all gleaned from Suzy Weiss, who wrote at Bari Weiss’s Common Sense about Sabatini’s travails:

Sabatini was doing sophisticated, highly important cancer research at MIT. He seemed like a shoo-in for the Nobel Prize in science and was receiving huge government grants to keep his research going. Suzy Weiss writes that “his colleagues have described him to me with words like ‘genius,’ ‘one of the best scientists alive,’ and ‘a pillar.’ However, thanks to a truly risible sexual harassment claim, he is unemployable.

In April 2018, when he was 50 and in the process of getting divorced, Sabatini began a relationship with another scientist, Kristin Knouse, who was then 29 years old. They worked in unrelated labs at the Whitehead Institute and he had no supervisory role over her work. Sabatini thought they were friends with benefits because Knouse left him with the impression that she was also having sex with other men.

In August 2018, the Whitehead Institute announced a new policy banning any consensual or sexual relationships between coworkers. Sabatini ignored it because not a lot was happening between him and Knouse. Nevertheless, even after he’d started a relationship with another woman, Knouse still wanted him. In January 2020, she was still trying to keep the relationship going.

BLM supporters got what they paid for The surge in support for the movement was purely about cleansing white guilt. Batya Ungar Sargon


More details recently emerged about epic payouts to, and property purchases by, the leaders and family members of the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, one of the main organisations formed under the banner of Black Lives Matter to raise awareness about police brutality against black Americans. In the wake of George Floyd’s murder, BLMGNF raised $90million, $12million of which has been spent on property. One of the leaders of BLMGNF, Patrisse Cullors, came under fire for purchasing four high-end homes herself, and BLMGNF also paid nearly $1million to a company owned by the father of Cullors’ child, while her brother received $840,000 for ‘security services’, according to tax filings.

In an interview with MSNBC’s Into America podcast, Cullors admitted to making mistakes, describing a steep learning curve that began with surprise at the millions in donations that came pouring in. ‘It was a major shock’, Cullors said. ‘That was a lot of white guilt money. There’s a lot of white folks being like, “We just got to put the money”.’

Here’s the thing: Cullors is right. It was white guilt fuelling these donations. BLM has become the recipient of liberal white indulgences, laundering the supposed sin of whiteness out of woke progressives, dollar by dollar. And it’s this that makes any wrongdoing on the part of BLMGNF a victimless crime.