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Ruth King

Concerning ‘China’s Master Plan to Destroy America’ by Lawrence Kadish


China has been unabashed about making its intentions known. Already in 1999, two colonels in China’s People’s Liberation Army, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiansui, wrote, “Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America.” In it, the authors “suggest the significance of alternatives to direct military confrontation, including international policy, economic warfare, attacks on digital infrastructure and networks, and terrorism. Even a relatively insignificant state can incapacitate a far more powerful enemy by applying pressure to their economic and political systems.” Ideally, “one might not even know that one is the target.”

There seem to be so many policy decisions now that would appear to help America’s adversaries such as Russia and especially China, rather than what is best for America, that, on February 2, 2022, the Republican Leader of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy — despite a disagreement with former President Donald Trump and a subsequent “genuflection” by way of apology — after mentioning the current administration’s “self-created crises,” noted that “Almost every page,” of the Biden Administration’s 3000 page America Competes Act “has a provision that helps China but hurts America.” McCarthy cited, among other matters:

On page 1689, it provides a new, unlimited green card program for the Chinese Communist Party to exploit. It also allows research funds to freely flow to colleges and universities that host Confucius Institutes – which are essentially CCP propaganda centers that censor our campuses.

These policies would make our nation more vulnerable to Chinese espionage, which is already widespread.

In fact, the threat of Chinese spying in America is so widespread that the FBI has 2,000 active cases to counter it, and opens a new case every 12 hours. “

Is Biden’s ‘Success’ Our Mess? What Americans see as an abject catastrophe, the Biden Administration cheers on as stunning and planned progress. By Victor Davis Hanson


If an administration deliberately wished to cause havoc on the border, to ensure fuel was nearly unaffordable, to create a crime wave, to spark 1970s hyperinflation, and to rekindle racial tensions, what would it have done differently than what Joe Biden has done? 

So is Biden malicious, incompetent, or a wannabe left-wing ideologue? 

When pressed about inflation and fuel price hikes, Biden either blames someone or something else, gets mad at the questioner, or claims Donald Trump did it. 

His administration apparently believes things are going well and according to plan. 

When polls disagree, his team either believes the American people are brainwashed or that they themselves have not supplied sufficient propaganda. So they never pivot or compromise, but rededicate themselves to continued failure. 

Why? Apparently, what most in the country see as disasters, Biden envisions as success. 

Take the border—or rather its disappearance. 

Never in U.S. history has an administration simply canceled immigration laws, opened the border, and welcomed in millions of illegal aliens. All arrive illegally, and without audit, or vaccinations and tests in times of a pandemic. 

Cartels now import lethal drugs at will into the United States. We have no idea how many terrorists walk across the border each day. 

Rewarding and Valorizing Jew Hatred at CUNY Law The anti-Semitic crybully becomes the whining victim. Richard L. Cravatts


As if to further confirm how CUNY Law School has become a cesspool of anti-Israel activism masked as social justice, its most radical and toxic student, Nerdeen Kiswani, was chosen to give one of the school’s commencement addresses on May 13th.

Kiswani is the perfect example of the radical who whines about being victimized for her aggressive activism, what The New Criterion’s Roger Kimball, has defined as a “crybully,” someone “who has weaponized his coveted status as a victim.”  

That behavior was on full display during Kiswani’s activist speech when she began by complaining about “facing a campaign of Zionist harassment by well-funded organizations with ties to the Israeli government and military on the basis of my Palestinian identity and organizing,” apparently oblivious to the fact that these organizations may have had good reason to respond to her unrelenting vitriol against Israel, Zionism, and Jews.

Kiswani, it will be remembered, was featured in a provocative 2020 TikTok video when she was a second-year student at CUNY law school, one of the many examples of her long record of toxic activism.

In the video, Kiswani is seen attempting to light on fire an IDF-emblazoned sweatshirt worn by an individual sitting with her, expressing her hatred for the IDF and the nation it defends—a loathing that apparently animates Ms. Kiswani’s life, since she was fully engaged as the former vice president and president of the virulent student group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Hunter College and at the College of Staten Island (CSI), City of New York University (CUNY). She is also the chairperson of Within Our Lifetime (WOL), an anti-Israel activist group in New York City, where, at one repellant rally, she called on supporters to “globalize the Intifada, from New York to Palestine;” in other words, to murder Jews everywhere in the name of Palestinian self-determination.

Title 42 and Chaos on the Border Mayorkas is not America’s guardian — he’s its innkeeper. Michael Cutler


On May 15, 2022 Fox News reported, The end of Title 42 will create ‘chaos all across the border,’ former ICE director warns.  That report began with the following:

Former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan warned on Sunday that the Biden administration’s move to end the use of the Title 42 public health order to expel migrants at the border will create “chaos all across the border.” 

The policy, used since March 2020 under both Presidents Trump and Biden, provided the ability for American officials to bar migrants from entering the country during a health crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Last month, the Biden administration confirmed it will terminate the policy at the end of May despite objections from both Democrats and Republicans warning that it would trigger a massive migrant wave.

Those very serious concerns are well founded, nevertheless, the Biden Administration appears determined to go forward with its plan of ending Title 42.

Under Title 42 illegal aliens who apply for political asylum can be turned around at the border out of public health concerns.  Once Title 42, which was imposed by the Trump administration I terminated, the Biden administration will welcome all illegal aliens into the United States even though there is no way to properly vet these aliens.  Consider this warning contained in the official report, 9/11 and  Terrorist Travel:

Terrorists in the 1990s, as well as the September 11 hijackers, needed to find a way to stay in or embed themselves in the United States if their operational plans were to come to fruition. As already discussed, this could be accomplished legally by marrying an American citizen, achieving temporary worker status, or applying for asylum after entering. In many cases, the act of filing for an immigration benefit sufficed to permit the alien to remain in the country until the petition was adjudicated. Terrorists were free to conduct surveillance, coordinate operations, obtain and receive funding, go to school and learn English, make contacts in the United States, acquire necessary materials, and execute an attack.

Elections: Speaking of foreign intervention… By Monica Showalter


When leftists complain and warn of foreign intervention in U.S. elections, Russia and China are always brought up as the usual suspects. They’re the big bad foreign meddlers and all the organs of state must be revved to watch out for them.

But there’s far more evidence of another country getting active already in U.S. elections — and it’s one that lectures the U.S. a lot about “non-interference” in its “internal affairs.”

If you’ve guessed ‘Mexico,’ you’d be right. 

Here is the press release from an NGO called “Mi Familia Vota,” a leftist NGO that has been loudly praised and honored by the Obama administration, that just came in the email:

Mi Familia Vota Enters Into Important Partnership With Embassy of Mexico to Advance the Well Being of Mexican and Immigrant Communities

Washington D.C. – Mi Familia Vota and the Embassy of Mexico are proud to announce that we will be working together for the well-being of the Mexican and Immigrant community in the United States through strategic services and collaboration.

Héctor Sánchez Barba, the CEO and Executive Director of Mi Familia Vota, stated: 

“We are excited to partner with the Embassy of Mexico and its consular network on this strategic collaboration to empower the Mexican and immigrant communities in the United States on central issues of civic participation, resources, and information. We will ensure that they know their rights and take advantage of the available opportunities in terms of immigration regularization, the DACA program, as well as on issues related to COVID-19. The historical contributions of the Mexican community have been central to the advancement and well-being of our nation. I take great pride in this partnership and look forward to the work ahead.”

Iran Trying to Force the US to Meet All Its Demands by Khaled Abu Toameh


Iraqi writer Farouk Yousef pointed out that after the US gave Iran $90 billion following the signing of the nuclear agreement with the Obama administration in 2015… the bulk of the money… was spent on terrorist groups run by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, and Syria, as well as terrorist groups run covertly in other Arab countries.

[Iran is] trying to delay the signing of the nuclear agreement so that the mullahs succeed in forcing the Biden administration to accept all their demands, especially the removal of the IRGC from the list of foreign terrorist organizations.

“Biden was not ignorant of the wrong way he started [dealing with Iran]. All the countries in the region were telling him that the resumption of talks with Iran must include Iran’s missile program and its destabilizing activities in the region, including the activities of its militias that threaten stability in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. Biden chose not to listen….” — Ali Al-Sarraf, Iraqi writer, Al-Ain, May 10, 2022.

“Biden could have told the mullahs that a return to the nuclear agreement would take place on the basis of three conditions: abandoning violations of the commitments in that agreement, curbing the missile program… and stopping the actions of militias that threaten the security and stability of the countries of the region…. The Revolutionary Guard is directly involved in the civil war and violence in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen…. Iran’s own actions will prove to him that he took the wrong path.” — Ali Al-Sarraf, Al-Ain, May 10, 2022.

Like many Arabs, Al-Sarraf asked why the Biden administration was not defending the interests of America’s allies.

“[T]here is no sane person in the region willing to take seriously any reassuring words issued by [US Special Envoy for Iran] Robert Malley and other officials in the US administration concerned with the Iranian file. Every child now knows that these American officials have nothing but flattery for Iran, especially in light of the cold American reaction to the attacks it carried out against the Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates….If anything has changed, it is for the worse.” — Kheirallah Kheirallah, Lebanese journalist, Elaph, March 30, 2022.

“How can a US administration gain the trust of its allies despite its refusal to take note that northern Yemen has become a base for Iranian missiles and drones? These missiles and drones are directed at the Arab Gulf states and are now threatening navigation in the Red Sea as well.” — Kheirallah Kheirallah, Elaph, March 30, 2022.

[T]he removal of the IRGC from the list of terrorist organizations would cause massive damage to the interests of the US. It will lose all its Arab friends, who will stop working with the Americans in a number of fields, including the war on terrorism.

It now remains to be seen whether the Biden administration will continue with its benighted policy of appeasing the mullahs or heed the insistent wake-up calls of America’s real allies.

As the European Union is trying to revive the stalled talks on restoring Iran’s nuclear deal with world powers, many Arabs are again warning the Biden administration against rushing to strike a deal with the mullahs, saying this could jeopardize Washington’s relations with its Arab allies in the Middle East.

Wicked witch of the woke Nina Jankowicz resigns as Disinformation Governance Board is put on ‘pause’ By Thomas Lifson


Just when I thought the Biden administration was beyond shame, they (at least temporarily) pulled the plug on the Disinformation Governance Board, causing the buffoonish Nina Jankowicz to resign. I can’t recall a speedier and more embarrassing belly flop of a government initiative than the announcement of this transparently Orwellian state organ headed by cringeworthy exhibitionist besotted with her own musical talent and purported wisdom.

The astonishing lack of forethought in choosing Jankowicz as the arbiter of truth, when she is on the record affirming that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation (even the Washington Post and New York Times have given up the ghost on that fraud) betrays an administration with no leadership at all. As the old saying goes, “A’s hire A’s; B’s hire C’s,” and when you have a D at the top, they really have the scrape the bottom of the barrel to find subordinates that do not threaten the apex of the authority structure.

Naturally, the news of the “pause” and of Jankowicz’s departure were leaked to none other than Taylor Lorenz of the Washington Post, another left winger crybully with no self-awareness, a classic mean girl who outs the identity of anonymous internet posters but who self-righteously denounces any inquiry into her own transgressions. Lorenz’s Washington Post article is behind a paywall, but the Ace of Spades and Robby Soave of Reason have delightful takedowns of its utter fatuousness. It is as ludicrous as Jankowicz, whihc s saying a lot.

 The question that immediately concerns me is whether the “pause” is merely a face-saving way to shut it down without admitting the a swift death, or whether it is itself a matter of disinformation, intended to lull critics into the assumption that it is gone for good, only to awaken in some new, less Orwellian guise with a less comical head. Lorenz tweets out a statement from DHS that suggest it may be reborn after a decent interval of 75 days as “experts” cogitate.

Economic Optimism Has Collapsed Under Build-Back-Better-Biden: TIPP Poll


Last week, President Joe Biden gave a speech about the economy, saying that “as I go across the country, our economy has gone from being on the mend to on the move.” What country is Biden talking about, exactly? Because here in the U.S., the economy went from booming under President Donald Trump to disaster under Biden. 

The latest evidence of Biden’s detachment from reality comes from the IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index, which plunged 9.5% in May, dropping down to 41.2 (anything under 50 signals pessimism).  

That puts it below the Index’s worst reading during the height of the COVID pandemic, when it bottomed out at 44 in July 2020. By the time Biden took office, it had rebounded and was back above 50, where the Index had been during the entirety of the Trump administration. 

The IBD/TIPP Financial Stress Index, meanwhile, has shot up to 69.3 (anything above 50 indicates high stress), roughly where it was during the 2008 financial crisis. It has climbed 22% on Biden’s watch. 

For Biden to say the economy “is on the move” is truly delirious. GDP was down 1.4% in the first quarter, and nearly half of adults think we are already in a recession, the IBD/TIPP poll found. 

Biden also bragged about how the economy created “8.3 million jobs in my first 15 months in office – a record.”  

Big deal. 

The Liberals Who Saw Through Russiagate Not all of us were in the bag, writes the publisher of Harper’s Magazine.


Holman Jenkins, Jr. has for the past several years done an admirable but thankless job exposing the Russiagate fraud by focusing on the sleazy and now thoroughly discredited Steele dossier, which posited a conspiracy between the 2016 Trump presidential campaign and the Russian government. But when he writes about the cowardice of the “90% of the media and 100% of the foreign-policy class in Washington” that encouraged Russiagate to bloom and poison our politics (“What Did the Steele Dossier Hoax Cost America?” Business World, May 14), he should take a moment to credit the 10% that didn’t go along for the ride, even before the Steele dossier was published in January 2017 by BuzzFeed and its feckless editor, Ben Smith.

Andrew Cockburn’s cover story in the December 2016 issue of Harper’s Magazine blew the whistle loud and clear on the Clintons’ drive to blame Donald Trump’s Electoral College victory on Vladimir Putin instead of on Hillary and Bill Clinton themselves. So shocked were the Clintons and the establishment media by Mr. Trump’s dreadful triumph that they faulted a nasty foreigner from central casting, and some alleged hacker henchmen, rather than examining the corrupt personal conduct or the anti-working-class politics of America’s first couple of neoliberal con artistry. Not all liberals were in the bag, Mr. Jenkins.

John R. MacArthur

President and publisher Harper’s Magazine

New York

Fentanyl Overdose Rates Are Rising Fast The drug will continue killing Americans until Biden decides to get control of the border. By Joseph Grogan and Casey B. Mulligan


The latest tally of fatal drug overdoses from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows nearly 108,000 fatalities in 2021. This is far more than in 2017, when President Trump declared drug deaths a public-health emergency. Among blacks, the drug mortality rate has quadrupled in less than eight years.

The Trump administration acted aggressively and directed agencies to implement several recommendations from the Commission on Combatting Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis. These included changes to prescribing patterns, treatment paradigms and law-enforcement procedures. The rate of deaths from drug overdoses slowed and then dipped. But then Covid hit, with all its mental-health consequences. The addiction and overdose crisis is now the most important public-health issue facing the country.

Apart from asking Congress for more money, the Biden administration hasn’t focused on this crisis. President Biden’s most recent budget pays scant attention to it, while his National Drug Control Strategy provides resources, such as clean syringe programs, that aren’t coupled with strategies to help patients beat their addictions.

Most of the additional fatal overdoses post-Covid involve methamphetamine and fentanyl made in Mexico, China and India. For each overdose death, more than 100 people struggle with debilitating addictions to these dangerous substances.