Climate change is the unofficial state religion of the Biden administration. In his commentaries on mass movements, Eric Hoffer warned of the “religiofication” of practical purposes into holy causes and noted, “Blind devotion and religiosity leads to belief that the movement is virtuous and a source of strength. The adherent identifies as a supporter and defender of a holy cause.”
The Supreme Court has not established a formal definition of religion. Standards differentiating religious and similar non-religious beliefs remain elusive. The Second Circuit Court noted that for the purposes of the First Amendment, beliefs that constitute a religion are evaluated on whether the beliefs are sincerely held. The 10th Circuit Court quoted philosopher William James’s definition of religion: “the feelings, acts, and experiences of individual men in their solitude, so far as they apprehend themselves to stand in relation to whatever they consider the divine.”
Barbara Burnett attempted to define religion from a twentieth-century perspective, drawing on Clifford Geertz’s thesis of applying five tests based on symbolic anthropology. Judge Adams of the Third Circuit Court distilled the definition to three points, honoring Supreme Court precedent and the practical needs of the courts.
Climate change fulfills both Geertz’s anthropological and Judge Adams’s legal tests to qualify as a religion. The movement deals with fundamental questions dealing with the sacred planet. The believer’s passions are deeply held, comprehensive, and nurtured and promulgated by an array of organizations representing all aspects of worldwide society. The true believer views climate change as a good vs. evil phenomenon. The threats to the planet are not theoretical, but realistic and personal. The liturgy of the religion is promoted by a network of teachers who disseminate its beliefs, practices, ceremony, and rites.
Climate czar John Kerry stated that walking away from global warming at Kyoto sent a message of duplicity and hypocrisy and that ignoring the twelve-year doomsday forecast issued in 2019 spelled certain disaster for the planet. When criticized for using a personal jet to accept a climate award in Iceland, he placed the onus on others and replied, “If you offset your carbon, it’s the only choice for somebody like me who is traveling the world to win this battle.”