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Ruth King

Money for Indoctrination By John Stossel


Glenn Youngkin recently was elected Virginia’s governor partly because he promised to ban teaching of CRT.

CRT stands for critical race theory, which argues that every American institution upholds white supremacy.

Before Youngkin’s surprise victory, the media mocked him for complaining about CRT.

NBC’s Nicolle Wallace said it isn’t even taught in public schools. “That is like us banning the ghosts!” she laughed.

She is wrong.

In my new video, journalist Asra Nomani reveals some rather creepy CRT lessons that are taught in many schools.

Nomani filed Freedom of Information Act requests that forced school districts to reveal how they pay consultants to spread critical race theory.

“We found 300-plus contracts,” says Nomani. “Every day, I’m getting a new contract. For them to deny it is just part of their campaign.”

A CNN guest, history teacher Keziah Ridgeway, admits that CRT influences how some teachers teach. “That’s a good thing, right?” she says. “Because race and racism is literally the building blocks of this country.”

Really? The building block?


Disgraced FBI No. 2 Calls For Feds To Treat ‘Mainstream’ Conservatives Like Domestic Terrorists By: Evita Duffy


To Andrew McCabe, January 6 is the key to implementing frighteningly despotic policies that target conservatives.

Have you ever wondered what disgraced former deputy FBI directors do after trying to stage a coup and lying under oath? Apparently, they give talks about “protecting democracy” at top-rated institutions of higher learning. Indeed, this last Thursday the University of Chicago invited former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe to join a panel of partisans to discuss the Jan 6 “insurrection.” 

McCabe was fired as the deputy FBI director for leaking sensitive information about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation and then lying about it under oath. He also took part in spying on the Donald Trump campaign through a secret warrant granted by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court.

The dossier he used to obtain the surveillance warrant was funded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign and, in an ironic twist, was itself the product of Russian disinformation. McCabe and his allies in corporate media justified all sorts of similar illegal and undemocratic tactics to discredit and attempt to unseat President Trump. 

Of course, neither the University of Chicago nor McCabe acknowledged the irony in him discussing the integrity of “democracy” in America on Thursday evening. In fact, what McCabe said at the University of Chicago event on Jan. 6, 2022 is even more shocking than his invitation to speak in the first place. Below are four of the most appalling assertions and policy proposals McCabe made at the public event.

1. Conservatives Are in The Same Category As Islamic Terrorists 

Joe Biden’s Approval Rating Sinks to New Low of 33 Percent in Shock Poll By Debra Heine


Joe Biden has reached a new low in popularity according to a new poll released on Wednesday.

Despite the corporate media’s liberal bias, only 33 percent of voters approve of Joe Biden’s job performance, according to a Quinnipiac University survey.

Spelling doom for Democrats, only 25 percent of independent voters approve of Biden. Congressional Democrats have uniformly supported Biden’s radical agenda.

Among Democrats in the poll, 75 percent approve, 14 percent disapprove and 11 percent did not offer an opinion, down 11 points from two months ago.

The poll also showed that Biden is deeply unpopular with white men and women, young voters and with Hispanics.

Politicizing COVID-19 From the Start Thousands of Americans have died needlessly because of weaponized disinformation about China’s culpability, vaccines, useful drugs, lockdowns, racial preferences, and long-term care facilities. By Victor Davis Hanson


From the moment COVID-19 appeared, the pandemic became inseparable from politics. 

Political frenzy was inevitable since the SARS-CoV-2 virus likely escaped from a level-4 security virology lab in Wuhan, China. 

The rapid-fire spread soon threatened to indict the communist Chinese government for nearly destroying the world economy and killing millions. 

Western elites, in response, feared that their own lucrative investments in China would be jeopardized by such disclosures—and so acted accordingly in defending Beijing. 

Nonetheless, the most likely scenario remains that the escaped virus was birthed by gain-of-function research scientists—overseen by elements of the Chinese communist military. Worse, the lab was given subsidies by U.S. health authorities, routed through third parties. Hiding all of that damaging information warped government policy and media coverage. 

Belatedly, a panicked China shut down all domestic travel in and out of Wuhan—but not flights abroad to Western Europe and the United States. 

The rest is history. 

From the outset, the World Health Organization simply spread false talking points about the outbreak from the Chinese government, delaying a robust global response. 

Donald Trump’s political opponents initially told Americans to shop and travel as usual—only to pivot as cases mounted and they blamed the president. 

The U.S. 2020 ban on travel from China was met with charges of racism and xenophobia from presidential candidates. Ironically, many were simply channeling racist and xenophobic China’s propaganda. 

Many doctors kept hammering the need for therapeutics, including taboo off-label use of cheap generic drugs. The use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin was widely ridiculed—despite continuing studies from abroad attesting to their usefulness. 

Trump’s Operation Warp Speed project to develop vaccinations was also pilloried. Candidates Kamala Harris and Joe Biden did their best to talk down the safety of the impending inoculations. But once in power, they projected their own prior harmful rhetoric onto so-called “anti-vaxxers.”

Then they claimed credit for the initial success of the Trump vaccinations. 

The Pfizer corporation had promised a major pre-election announcement about its likely rollout of a vaccine in October, just days before the 2020 election. 

Then, mysteriously, Pfizer claimed the vaccine, in fact, would not be ready before November 3. A few days after the election of Joe Biden, the company reversed course and announced the vaccinations would soon be available. 

Then-New York Governor Andrew Cuomo obstructed most all federal help with Trump’s fingerprints on it. That way Cuomo became a media, Emmy-winning darling—before resigning in disgrace. 

Climate authoritarians and the lessons of history By H. Sterling Burnett


To their own peril as well as everyone else, climate alarmists are increasingly embracing authoritarianism.

A rump group of the environmental movement has always been wedded to authoritarianism. Going back to the beginnings of the environmental movement, Progressive-era politicians such as President Theodore Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot, the first head of the newly created U.S. Forest Service, believed democracy and markets were both ill-suited to manage natural resources. Progressives believed natural resources should be controlled, developed, and conserved by elite scientific managers and bureaucrats unbeholden to the wishes of the public.

Later, as detailed by Alston Chase in his powerful book In a Dark Wood, many Nazis were at least in part inspired by an expansive vision of environmental purity.

Although few if any progressives were full-on misanthropes, there have always been some of these within the environmental movement, pushing for increasingly extreme actions in defense of the environment and against human use of natural resources. The misanthropic wing of the movement has referred to humanity as “a cancer,” “a virus,” and “a parasite,” with some openly hoping for a killer virus to come along and wipe out most of humanity. Eco-philosopher Arne Naess, who coined the term deep ecology, said the ideal human population on Earth is 200 million, and he called for policies and personal actions to achieve that goal as soon as possible. Others have estimated the “optimal” human population as 1.5 to two billion people and claimed this justifies population engineering, including both “active” and “passive” means to get there.

 Now even the academic literature is embracing climate authoritarianism as the world’s allegedly last best hope to avert supposedly apocalyptic climate change.

Joe Biden is yelling at Americans again By Monica Showalter


The senile old fool over at the White House, supposedly a man of moderation and experience, sure has a way of persuading voters. 

He made one colossal dog of a speech on Jan. 6, screaming about President Trump and his supporters.  He’s since decided to encore himself, with a new round of yelling at the public.

According to the Newsweek transcript of the speech, which was the only one I could find, he began with this tripe, appropriating the cadences of the Declaration of Independence and President Lincoln’s Second Inaugural address both of which were gravity-laden calls to war

In our lives and the lives of our nation — the life of our nation, there are moments so stark that they divide all that came before from everything that followed. They stop time. They rip away the trivial from the essential. And they force us to confront hard truths about ourselves, about our institutions, and about our democracy.

In the words of Scripture, they remind us to “hate evil, love good, and establish justice in the gate.”

‘If/Then’ is no Policy for Dealing with Russia By Shoshana Bryen


Russia has embarked upon a series of threatening activities ostensibly directed at Ukraine, but that in fact could culminate in enormous and disastrous military and political damage to NATO. Those same threatening activities might also be used by Russia as a lever to get the West to deliver what President Vladimir Putin wants without military action. We don’t know yet which is the Russian endgame, and it is conceivable that they don’t yet either.

Which makes it foolish in the extreme to have an “if/then” policy. “If/then” is transactional — If I’m nice to you, you should be nice to me; if you misbehave, I will impose consequences on you. If/then relies on two things — first, that your adversary believes you and further, that he fears the consequences. This works from parent to child. But with a competent adversary, there is a third requirement — that the consequences he can inflict on you are within your tolerance.

How is it working?

President Joe Biden removed sanctions from the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, allowing Russia to finish the supply line for more Russian gas to Europe and cut Ukraine out as the middleman. In return, Russia has added troops to the border of Ukraine; there appear to be upwards of 70,000 now. In December, the G7 ministers adopted a more threatening tone. “Russia should be in no doubt that further military aggression against Ukraine would have massive consequences and severe cost in response.” In January, Secretary of State Antony Blinken sounded firm. “We’ve offered (Putin) two paths forward. One is through diplomacy and dialogue; the other is through deterrence and massive consequences for Russia if it renews its aggression against Ukraine. And we’re about to test the proposition of which path President Putin wants to take.” 

He was not explicit about the nature of the consequences — the Ukrainians clearly are hoping for a NATO military response, but for many reasons, including that NATO has not even discussed such an option, it is unlikely. The new German foreign minister tipped NATO’s hand that the response will be economic when she said, “Further military escalation wouldn’t bring Ukraine greater security.”

Old Man Yells at Cloud By Kyle Smith


The more Biden shouted and sputtered yesterday in Georgia, the more America went ‘Huh?’

Y ou know you’re about as useful as an anvil on a life raft when a prominent member of your own party won’t come out when you visit her state to talk about the issue closest to her heart. Why did Stacey Abrams suddenly discover she had other commitments when President Biden went down to Atlanta to yammer and squawk about the made-up threat of voter suppression? Did her nephew have a hockey game or something? Ordinarily, you’d guess that a sucking chest wound wouldn’t have stopped Abrams from banging a voting-rights gong beside Biden. Instead, “Sorry, Mr. Leader of the Free World, Ms. Abrams has a scheduling conflict.”

Abrams was wise to stay away; on the same day that the entire state of Georgia was in a state of rapture following the Bulldogs’ National Championship win the night before, Biden shuffled in like the character in Encanto who has a rain cloud over her head, to tell everyone they’re living in 1963 and the Klan is about to ride through whipping everyone with rusty chains if they go near a voting booth in November. The more Biden coughed and shouted and sputtered, the more America went “Huh?” and pictured the president screaming the exact same balderdash at the nearest CNN-spewing monitor while wearing a tattered bathrobe and scruffy slippers at a Sunset Acres facility in Wilmington.

What on earth was the old man shouting about this time? Voter suppression? Voter subversion? Voting in Georgia is easier now than it was ten years ago, much less in 1963. It has more early voting than Delaware. Its electioneering policies forbidding the buying of voters with Happy Meals and Dr Peppers are so not-Jim-Crow that New York and New Jersey have the same rules.

The big news in the speech is that Biden wants to nuke the filibuster he backed throughout his career, up to as recently as six months ago when he warned, “You will throw the entire Congress into chaos and nothing will get done.” Doing so would also likely cost several vulnerable Democrats their seats in that body, which is why Mark Kelly and Maggie Hassan are starting to act like they’re clay pigeons who have just been invited to a shooting party. “I support changing the Senate rules,” said Biden, “WHICHEVER WAY THEY NEED TO BE CHANGED TO PREVENT A MINORITY OF SENATORS from blocking action on voting rights. Cough.” Yeah, but Mr. President, maybe consider that the reason this monumentally dumb idea is dead is that “YOUR OWN PARTY DOESN’T BACK YOU.” Also, there’s no constitutional provision that says CONGRESS SHALL DEFER TO THE PRESIDENT WHENEVER HE SHOUTS.

It seems clear enough that Biden’s is going to be the second straight presidency destroyed by Twitter; Biden actually thinks that the activist obsessions of political alcoholics on social media are an important indicator of where the country is heading. Poll after poll shows that Americans rate the economy, inflation, the ongoing Covid crisis, and (the void of) leadership as their main issues of concern, and the alleged end of democracy and the voter-rights crisis are down there in the lint trap of issues alongside “Do something about the entry fees at the national parks.”

Three Leftist Supreme Court Judges – and Fear Porn Endangering American lives with mangled “facts” about COVID-19. Matthew Vadum


The bewildering array of false statements offered by the three left-leaning Supreme Court justices at the special Jan. 7 hearing on President Joe Biden’s unprecedented vaccination diktats for private-sector and health care workers is now a matter of public record.

It took just a few hours of people tuning into the live broadcast of oral arguments to open a window into why the federal government – filled as it is with ignoramuses, posterior-osculators, charlatans, and grifters – doesn’t work.

All across social media Americans quite properly ridiculed Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer, and Elena Kagan for their fear porn and astonishing ignorance about COVID-19, as if these jurists got all their news from the professional misinformers at the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC.

Sometimes it seemed like the liberal law lords got their professional degrees from arguing on social media comment threads as they amplified COVID-19 hysteria.

The at-times abysmal quality of the justices’ colloquys prompted the satirical Babylon Bee to publish a piece titled “Nation’s Fate Now In The Hands Of 8 Dummies And Clarence Thomas.”

Hyperbolic? A little, maybe.

Dark Thoughts from the Wife of Dr. Doom The NIH bioethics boss, a specialist in “human subjects” research, explains it all for you. Lloyd Billingsley


“This book was written by the author in her private capacity. Opinions expressed are her own. No official support or endorsement by the NINR [National Institute of Nursing Research] the NIH [National Institutes of Health] or other agencies is intended or should be inferred regarding the views presented here.”

Those are the first words a reader encounters in The Search for an AIDS Vaccine: Ethical Issues in the Development and Testing of a Preventative HIV Vaccine, by Christine Grady, from Indiana University Press back in 1995. In the acknowledgments, doubts begin to rise.

The author thanks “my mentor,” Georgetown professor Leroy Walters, along with several academics and medical doctors. Also mentioned are two officials at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), a division of the NIH, and Mary Ropka and others at the Clinical Therapeutics Laboratory at the NINR.

On the book’s final page, readers learn that “Christine Grady is Acting Clinical Director and Research Associate at the National Institute of Nursing Research, the National Institutes of Health,” the very agency that that supposedly offers no support or endorsement for Grady’s book, which is “dedicated to my family.”

How strange, then, that the author includes no acknowledgement for her husband, Dr. Anthony Fauci, whom she married ten years earlier in 1985. Dr. Fauci shows up on page 55, his only named appearance, as the “director of NIAID,” conveniently enough, “the branch of the NIH primarily responsible for vaccine development.” His wife finds limited success in the development of vaccines against retroviral infections and sexually transmitted diseases, and acknowledges that “HIV is an STD.”

HIV is also “associated with social deviance,” but no reference to works such as How to Have Sex in an Epidemic, from 1983, or And the Band Played On: Politics, People and the AIDS Epidemic, by Randy Shilts and first published in 1987. Both works outline bathhouse culture and the widespread use of amyl and butyl nitrites, also known as “poppers” and their destructive effects on health. Grady also ignores The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS, by Michael Fumento, first published in 1990.

Grady does recall how the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT-UP) and other activists were “taking matters into their own hands.” In July of 1990, Dr. Anthony Fauci, announced that such activists would have representation on all committees and in all activities of NIAID’s AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG).