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Ruth King

Dr. Fauci Smears Rand Paul By David Harsanyi


Nothing in Paul’s critique of Fauci calls for any violence. It calls for a mendacious government official to be fired because he’s been awful at his job.

It’s no surprise that Anthony Fauci, who believes attacks on him are “attacks on science,” is extraordinarily thin-skinned. But today, after being grilled by Senator Rand Paul over his involvement in concerted attacks on apostate scientists, Fauci deflected by noting that a man who’d threatened to kill him had been arrested a couple of weeks ago. Fauci went on to, in part, blame Paul for threats against him, claiming that Paul’s accusations “kindle the crazies,” and even pulled out a printed copy of a “Fire Fauci” headline from the senator’s website.

Is Fauci really arguing that calling for his firing — from a job he’s held since 1984 — is tantamount to inciting violence? Does that go for the Democratic Party rhetoric that motivated a Bernie Sanders fan who attempted to murder, among other Republicans, Paul on a baseball field in Alexandria in 2017? Or progressive rhetoric that motivated a mob to menace Paul and his wife on D.C.’s streets in 2020? Nothing in Paul’s critique of Fauci calls for any violence. It calls for a mendacious government official to be fired because he’s been awful at his job. Even if Paul is wrong, political discourse shouldn’t be inhibited by the prospective actions of third-party nuts. We don’t let those nuts undercut our ability to freely express our political disagreements. Those who do are usually engaged in a transparent attempt to chill speech.

Hillary Clinton 5.0? By Charles C. W. Cooke


If Hillary is the Democrats’ best option in 2024, the party is in more trouble than we thought.

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Douglas E. Schoen and Andrew Stein suggest that Hillary Clinton may be gearing up for another shot at the White House:

A perfect storm in the Democratic Party is making a once-unfathomable scenario plausible: a political comeback for Hillary Clinton in 2024.


Several circumstances—President Biden’s low approval rating, doubts over his capacity to run for re-election at 82, Vice President Kamala Harris’s unpopularity, and the absence of another strong Democrat to lead the ticket in 2024—have created a leadership vacuum in the party, which Mrs. Clinton viably could fill.

She is already in an advantageous position to become the 2024 Democratic nominee. She is an experienced national figure who is younger than Mr. Biden and can offer a different approach from the disorganized and unpopular one the party is currently taking.

Education Secretary Cardona solicited NSBA letter comparing protesting parents to domestic terrorists: email NSBA official said controversial letter followed ‘a request by Secretary Cardona’ Peter Hasson


FIRST ON FOX: Education Secretary Miguel Cardona solicited the much-criticized letter from the National School Boards Association that compared protesting parents to domestic terrorists, according to an email exchange reviewed by Fox News.

The email exchange indicates Cardona was more involved with the letter’s creation than previously known.

President Biden’s Department of Justice relied on the NSBA letter, which suggested using the Patriot Act against parents, in creating its own memo directing the FBI to mobilize in support of local education officials.

In the Oct. 5 email, NSBA Secretary-Treasurer Kristi Swett recounted that NSBA interim CEO Chip Slaven “told the officers he was writing a letter to provide information to the White House, from a request by Secretary Cardona.”

Previous emails had revealed that the NSBA was in contact with the White House and Justice Department in the weeks before it publicly sent the letter.


The emails were obtained by the parents group Parents Defending Education in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

“Should this allegation be true, it would reveal that this administration’s pretextual war on parents came from the highest levels,” PDE President Nicole Neily told Fox News Digital.

Cop Who Killed Ashli Babbitt Was Cleared of Criminal Wrongdoing Without Interview By Paul Sperry


When U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd went on “NBC Nightly News” to tell his side of shooting and killing unarmed Jan. 6 rioter Ashli Babbitt, he made a point to note he’d been investigated by several agencies and exonerated for his actions that day.

“There’s an investigative process [and] I was cleared by the DOJ [Department of Justice], and FBI and [the D.C.] Metropolitan Police,” he told NBC News anchor Lester Holt in August, adding that the Capitol Police also cleared him of wrongdoing and decided not to discipline or demote him for the shooting.

Terry Roberts, Babbitt family attorney:  “It’s astonishing how skimpy his investigative file is.”
Roberts & Wood

Ashli Babbitt: Her family calls the rushed Byrd investigation a “whitewash” and a “coverup” of misconduct by the officer.

If you are a vaccine company executive, it’s time to slam the brakes Pfizer’s CEO Albert Bourla sees the dangers ahead, as his very carefully worded interview (worthy of close review) with CNBC yesterday shows. Alex Berenson


Remember NINJA loans?

NINJA stood for “No income, no job/assets.” Back in the mid-aughts, when the banks and not the regulators were the ones going crazy and setting the financial system on fire with free money, they were all the rage.

I remember hearing ads for them in 2006 and 2007 and thinking, this has to be a bait and switch. You cannot walk into Your Friendly MegaBank and walk out with a few hundred grand for a house with no proof you even have a job! A job seems pretty basic.

But you could. And people did. Lots of people.

Underlying this madness was a model, naturally. American housing prices had never collapsed nationally and simultaneously since at least the Depression. Therefore the models that the banks and mortgage originators used said they never would.

Therefore on a national basis the collateral – the houses – underlying the mortgages would always be fine, even if the borrowers couldn’t repay them. The lenders just needed to be in different markets to be geographically protected. Besides, the bankers were all reselling the loans and offloading the risk. They got paid up front, whether the loans were paid back or not.

It was a very good business.

Until it went bad.

Arabs ‘Frustrated’ With Biden’s Iran Policy by Khaled Abu Toameh


The Biden administration’s position “raises a question mark about the seriousness of American efforts to save the world from Iranian threats…. The Iranian regime insists on adopting, supporting and arming terrorist entities in order to continue committing crimes and violations that destabilize the security and stability…in the region.” — Al-Yaum, Saudi Arabia, December 23, 2022.

“Iran’s interventions in neighboring countries… Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Bahrain and Kuwait, have become clear and tangible….” — Adnan Salman, Iraqi military expert, Azzaman, January 8, 2022.

Iran boasted that it occupies four Arab capitals: Baghdad, Beirut, Sana’a and Damascus. “The Iranians have turned these Arab capitals into bases for its armed militias, providing them with money, weapons and everything they need to assert Iran’s hegemony over the region.” —Abdel Aziz Khamis, Saudi writer and political analyst, Sky News Arabia, January 6, 2022.

“The Ansar Allah group in Yemen [the Houthis], Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Hezbollah Brigades and Sayed al-Shuhada Brigades and other gangs in Iraq, as well as other brutal gangs in the Syrian and Palestinian territories, have served as tools that allowed Tehran to interfere in the affairs of these countries and threaten others.” — Abdel Aziz Khamis, Sky News Arabia, January 6, 2022.

“What Iran is doing is tantamount to an open war against the Arabs.” — Saleh Al-Qallab, former Jordanian minister of information, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, January 6, 2020.

“Iran is interfering in the region with the aim of dominating it…. The current Lebanese model of Iran’s hegemony through Hezbollah is the model that Iran aspires to and plans for in all the Arab countries.” — Former Kuwaiti Minister of Information and Culture Saad Bin Tefla Al-Ajami, Independentarabia.com, December 31, 2021.

The Biden administration refuses to disclose information about the negotiations that could “pose grave dangers” to the US. “The Biden administration argues that making this information available may harm American national security and reveal intelligence sources. This excuse is flimsy and weak. Here is the clear truth: the weak Biden administration is striving to reach an agreement [with Iran] at any cost to beautify its image in front of the Americans.” — Emil Amin, Egyptian writer, Al-Arabiya, January 7, 2022.

These Arabs, in short, are saying that they view Iran and the United States, and not Israel, as the major threats to their security and stability.

It now remains to be seen whether the Biden administration and the other parties negotiating with the mullahs will heed the voices coming from the Arab world — or continue to allow the mullahs to hoodwink them by having the US sanctions lifted while Tehran continues to advance its plans to obtain nuclear weapons and extend its control to more Arab countries.

Syrian-born TV host Faisal Al-Kasim recently asked his 5.9 million followers on Twitter the following: “Which is better, Israel’s reputation or Iran’s reputation in the [Middle East] region?” The result of the poll showed that 74.8% viewed Israel as having a better reputation as opposed to 25.2% in favor of Iran.

Right Wing Nazis: The Big Lie By Jim ONeill


Once you are aware of the truth behind the “Big Lie” you will notice it popping up over, and over, and over again

“And there are moments when I curse myself for not having understood it earlier; for having let myself be fooled by the two ‘soccer-teams’ for so long.  Dammit.”—Oriana Fallacci (1929-2006) “The Force of Reason”

Traditionally the political spectrum in the United States runs from Big Government on the left side of the spectrum to no government at all (anarchy) on the extreme right of the spectrum.  This is not rocket-science folks:  Big Government on the left; limited or no government on the right> – capiche?

Now you tell me, how do the Nazis, an offshoot of Big Government fascism, end up on the right side of the political spectrum (let alone the far right)?  Go ahead, I’ll wait.

I’ll save us any further delay—there is no legitimate reason for the Nazis to be labeled right wing, let alone “extreme” right wing.  The fact that most people blithely accept the “common wisdom” that Nazis were/are a right wing ideology is due to the Left’s hugely successful ploy to foist one of their own worst failures onto the shoulders of the political right.  This “Big Lie” is perhaps more responsible for muddying the waters of political discourse than any other single factor.  Big Government ideologies belong on the LEFT side of the political spectrum—period. 

That is not to say that similar ideologies get along like peas in a pod – they, of course, quite often do not.  It is not uncommon for them to detest each other with a visceral passion.  One need only look at the ongoing bloodshed between Shiite and Sunni Muslims to see the sort of internecine conflict I’m referring to.

When the fascists fell out of favor with the much more numerous and influential communists in the 1920s, what better way for the communists to defame their fellow leftists than to hang the noxious appellation of (gasp) “right wing” on them?

After Hitler attacked Stalin the communist defamation of fascists went into overdrive, and following WW II the Left had even more reason to distance themselves from the fascists, due to the atrocities committed by the Nazi version of Big Government.  The right wing has been stuck with the Nazis and fascism ever since – despite the fact that it makes no sense whatsoever.

Durham’s Investigation: Incriminating Inference in the FBI’s Empty Russiagate Predication By John D. O’Connor


James Comey’s cohorts were not memory-challenged Clouseaus but were more like diabolical Lex Luthors, ruthlessly plotting to take down a despised newcomer politician for partisan ends.

The vaporous predication for the FBI’s opening of its “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation of “Russian collusion” is often attributed solely to anti-Trump bias, with no more to learn from its study. But sustained examination shows it to be not only pretextual but also designed to conceal American history’s most insidious governmental treachery since Benedict Arnold.

According to the FBI, the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation was opened on July 31, 2016, because lowly Trump aide George Papadopoulos had been told by one Professor Joseph Mifsud that Russia had emails harmful to Hillary Clinton. Two weeks later, Australian (FFG) diplomat, British-connected Alexander Downer, pried from Papadopoulos that Russia had dirt on Hillary, which he repeated in July to an American embassy in London. 

Because both Mifsud and Downer were Western intelligence plants, without any knowledge of Russian designs, this was clearly a bootstrapped, circular predication. That millions of common citizens also suspected Russia had email dirt on Hillary did not seem to dampen FBI ardor.

Quickly thereafter, the FBI opened highly secretive “SIM” (Sensitive Investigation Matter) investigations on Trump advisors Paul Manafort, Carter Page, Michael Flynn, and George Papadopoulos without any actual evidence, on the speculation that they were the most likely conspirators. 

Later, the FBI was adamant to Inspector General Michael Horowitz that the CIA’s “Brennan did not provide the FBI any intelligence that predicated the opening,” nor did Comey’s team “become aware of Steele reporting until September 19, 2016.” Rather, “predication . . . was based solely on the FFG (Downer) information.” 

All of these denials, as shown below, are arrant nonsense, but why is the FBI staying so far away from these two sources? Wouldn’t both Steele’s and Brennan’s investigations strengthen the nonexistent basis for opening Crossfire Hurricane? 

The Likely Cause of the Media Blackout on Imploding Whitmer Kidnapping Plot It is impossible to report on the Whitmer case without connecting it to January 6. So rather than do its job, the national news media is completely ignoring this sensational story. By Julie Kelly


Once upon a time in America, a high-profile federal prosecution imploding amid credible accusations of FBI entrapment would earn wall-to-wall headlines in the national news media. A wife-beating FBI agent who used at least one criminal informant and a dozen more government assets to concoct a plot to abduct a sitting governor—intended to create damaging headlines for an incumbent president right before Election Day—would receive nonstop coverage on cable and broadcast news outlets.

Social media would be flooded with all the juicy details. Names like “Richard Trask” and “Stephen Robeson” would be household names.

But none of that is happening with the Justice Department’s rapidly crumbling case against several men arrested for allegedly conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer from her vacation cottage in the fall of 2020. Defense attorneys have made a strong case that without the FBI’s guiding hand—and deep pockets courtesy of American taxpayers—the scheme never would have materialized past random social media chatter.

“[The] undisputed evidence . . . establishes that government agents and informants concocted, hatched, and pushed this ‘kidnapping plan’ from the beginning, doing so against defendants who explicitly repudiated the plan,” five defense attorneys wrote in a December 25 motion, one of several defense filings that details proof of an elaborate FBI operation to lure their clients into the abduction caper.

And the bad actors in the government’s script keep finding themselves in more trouble. 

Richard Trask, the lead FBI agent on the case, was fired for physically assaulting his wife in a drunken rage following a swinger party last summer. Body-camera footage made public last month shows a shirtless and clearly inebriated Trask being arrested by local police. (He was not charged with driving under the influence.)

A Michigan news station recently unearthed Trask’s Trump-hating rants posted on social media in 2020. “If you still support our piece of shit president you can fuck off,” Trask wrote on Facebook at the same time he was “investigating” threats against Whitmer. Trask said he hoped people who support Trump “burn in hell.”

Two other FBI agents working with Trask at the Detroit FBI field office who handled multiple informants also have been dismissed from the case; FBI agent Jayson Chambers is accused of running a security business on the side and FBI agent Henrik Impola is accused of committing perjury in another case. The Justice Department just notified the court that Trask, Chambers, and Impola are no longer on the government’s witness list.

The Graveyard of False Covid Claims By Kyle Smith Is it any wonder people are at the boiling point when so many influential figures seem to have developed an allergy to the truth?


O n the Fourth of July, President Biden said, “Two hundred and forty-five years ago, we declared our independence from a distant king. Today, we’re closer than ever to declaring our independence from a deadly virus.”

How’d that turn out?

Bad predictions, bad information, and a habit of stomping all over the truth are a big part of the reason why so many Americans are feeling not just depressed but actually angry about what’s going on with the virus.

Six months after Biden’s “Mission Accomplished” moment, caseloads are at record levels, an average of 1,500 people a day are dying from Covid, and, far from being independent from the virus, we seem to be its seething subjects. Teachers are refusing to go back to school in Chicago and elsewhere, while strict mandates remain in effect in many locales such as New York and Los Angeles County, where two-year-olds are required to wear masks indoors, and masks are even required outdoors at large gatherings, such as the Super Bowl slated to be held in L.A. on February 13.

All this after we were told we were in the mopping-up phase. Studying the virus seems to work a lot like Hollywood, where, as William Goldman famously put it, nobody knows anything.

Consider that a Supreme Court justice said something utterly asinine the other day: “We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition and many on ventilators,” claimed Sonia Sotomayor. Only about 5,000 children are hospitalized with, or because of, Covid. Suddenly the Supreme Court is a fount of misinformation.