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Ruth King

The working classes are a volcano waiting to erupt Workers across the world are being squeezed from all sides. They won’t put up with it forever. Joel Kotkin


“What is clear is that neoliberalism, which once promised gains for all classes, now means for most people an inevitable diminishment of living standards in ways not widely seen since the 1940s. We do not know when or if the volcano will erupt, but the prospect of it erupting will be with us for the foreseeable future.”

Whatever the final outcome, the recent French elections have already revealed the comparative irrelevance of many elite concerns, from genderfluidity and racial injustice to the ever-present ‘climate catastrophe’. Instead, most voters in France and elsewhere are more concerned about soaring energy, food and housing costs. Many suspect that the cognitive elites, epitomised by President Emmanuel Macron, lack even the ambition to improve their living conditions.

The French elections reflect the essential political conflict of our time. On one side, there is a powerful alliance between the corporate oligarchy and the regulatory clerisy. On the other, there are two beleaguered and angry classes – the small-business owners and artisans, and the vast, largely unorganised service class. The small-business class generally tends to favour the populist right, whether in America, Australia or Europe. These people want the government out of their business and to be left alone. Meanwhile, workers tend towards the populist left, which promises to relieve their economic pain.

The common feature is the politics of anger and resentment. In the first round of the French elections, a majority voted either for Marine Le Pen and other rightist candidates, or for the old Trotskyist warhorse Jean-Luc Mélenchon and other candidates of the hard left. The establishment parties, like the centre-left Parti Socialiste and the Gaullist Républicains, were left way behind. The ultra-green Parti Socialiste mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, won less than two per cent – a pathetic performance from the onetime ruling party. Intriguingly, voters under 35 went first for Mélenchon and then Le Pen, leaving the technocrat Macron in dismal third place among the young. Macron only won decisively among voters over 60.


Tackling the Iranian Regime’s Nuclear Threat by Majid Rafizadeh


[N]o deal will stop the ruling mullahs of Iran from pursuing their nuclear ambitions.

The only way to deter or stop Iran is to impose drastic economic sanctions on the regime again, thereby cutting the flow of funding to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and — one hopes for the sake of the repressed Iranian people as well as any stability in the region — bringing the regime financially to its knees.

If we closely examine the Iranian regime’s nuclear file, it reveals that no deal will stop the ruling mullahs of Iran from pursuing their nuclear ambitions.

A few years after the 1979 revolution, the Islamic Republic appeared to make the advancement of a nuclear program a top item on its agenda after consolidating power in 1984. In the decade after, the Islamic Republic began its nuclear program with the help of some intermediaries such as Russia, China and Pakistan.

At the time, the head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization, Gholamreza Aghazadeh, acknowledged that Pakistan assisted Tehran. He pointed out “I do have information that some years ago, through intermediaries, we received pieces for centrifuges”. According to the United States intelligence, A.Q. Khan, who was known as “the father of Pakistan’s nuclear bomb”, sold expertise and equipment to North Korea, Libya and Iran, and made more than $50 million.

Since then, the Iranian regime has been progressing steadily and investing in its nuclear program for more than three decades. Currently, it has reached a point near the “nuclear threshold.” The regime is perhaps weeks away from obtaining the weapons-grade materials necessary for a nuclear weapon. According to a report in the New York Times:

“Iran has come within roughly a month of having enough material to fuel a single nuclear weapon, crossing a threshold that may raise pressure on the United States and its allies to improve the terms of a potential deal to restore the 2015 nuclear agreement.”


A must read book at a time when indoctrination in schools is destroying the principles of parenting and family….rsk

The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage exposes the sinister attack on the nuclear family as the primary strategy in globalism’s asymmetric warfare on America. The family must be destroyed in order to collapse America from within and impose the Great Reset of technocracy and transhumanism. The “New Normal” replaces family bonding with feudal bondage in the global Managerial State where you will own nothing and be happy. Globalism’s war on America is psychological warfare, an information war fought without bullets. Linda’s closing line warns the nation: “Space is no longer the final frontier-reality is.”

In the 1995 manuscript for her book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? Linda Goudsmit wrote these prescient words: ‘It is not a race war, an economic war, or a war between states. It is a psychological battle between states of mind that will determine who has the power in our society, who is in control.’ In that book, published in 2011, she explained with clarity and precision how America was headed for an epic battle between the advocates of freedom and the believers in lifelong dependency. In her new book, The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage, Goudsmit exposes the targeted attacks on the nuclear and national American family designed to collapse America from within. She reveals the psychological mechanisms employed to frighten and manipulate the public; the role of the collaborating mainstream media; the corruption of politicians; and the billions of dollars spent by predatory globalists to finance their sinister scheme for totalitarian planetary governance. If you want to understand the orchestration of every anti-American, anti-family phenomenon that has menaced the nation since the 21st century began, this one-in-a-million treasure of a book explains it.

The warmists’ real agenda By Don Wilkie


In the Monty Python sketch, “The Parrot,” a customer returns a parrot he had bought just 30 minutes before. Why? Because it is dead. The shopkeeper insists that the parrot is not dead but resting. Nothing the customer says can change the shopkeeper’s mind.

Our modern-day shopkeepers, the global warmists, insist a cataclysmic doom is our future unless we throw the entire world into a state of complete chaos.

There have been a number of studies on our side that show global warming is a hoax. Will the left do what we do, have a serious discussion of those studies? Absolutely not — they are not interested. 

If the hand of God were to deliver two stone tablets with 10 reasons why there is no global warming, would our global warmists listen? Never in a hundred years. The parrot is not dead.

The warmist’s messianic devotion to global warming is completely irrational. They won’t let any fact or reason get in the way of their blind assuredness. In the shopkeeper’s case, he didn’t want to give the money back. In our global warmists case, they are hiding their real agenda, global government.

Their logic is simple enough. How do you fight a global problem without global government? What is the biggest impediment to global government? The United States of America. Therefore, America must be destroyed.

The Democrats’ big lie about puberty blockers being harmless and helpful By Andrea Widburg


From the moment we’re born, our bodies are constantly changing. The initial changes, from baby to toddler to child, occur when we lack the self-awareness to be taken aback by the process. Indeed, there are only two times in life when we are intensely aware of the changes—and, often, find them disturbing. The first is when we go through puberty and the second is when age finally catches up with us.

In both cases, people may fight back against those changes. We know all about Hollywood stars and the fight against aging. It’s the adolescent changes that matter. The changes can be disturbing and even dismaying. Boys’ voices can squeak embarrassingly and they like to hold a notebook in front of their crotch. Girls get boobs (which boys stare at), hips, and painful, messy, inconvenient periods.

We used to sympathize with adolescents and assure them that this was normal and they’d outgrow it. Nowadays, though, as often as not, they’re told that they’re probably transgender. And no, that’s not me saying that. It’s being said in a video from a company called AMAZE Org, which claims to provide age-appropriate sex education for children:

Averting Our Eyes The New York subway massacre has roots in mental illness, but the shooter’s delusions were likely fed by the relentless cultivation of racial resentment. Heather Mac Donald


Had a white male entered a New York subway car in a construction vest and gas mask, carrying a hatchet, a nine-millimeter handgun, extended ammo magazines, gasoline, fireworks, and two smoke grenades; had he then shot off at least 33 rounds, hitting ten people, the Biden administration and the media would have immediately raised an alarm about white nationalist violence. The shooter’s race would have led every story about such an attempted massacre; pundits would have immediately speculated about hate crime and domestic terrorism.

After all, U.S. attorney general Merrick Garland has elevated white supremacist violence to the top of Justice Department priorities. Federal law enforcement agencies regularly warn about coming white nationalist attacks. Since entering the White House, Biden has kept up a constant refrain about lethal white racism. On March 29, 2022, he declaimed that “hate never goes away,” “hate” referring, of course, to white Americans. He added: “If [hate] gets a little bit of oxygen, it comes roaring back out, screaming.” Kamala Harris chimed in: “Racial acts of terror still occur in our nation. And when they do, we must all have the courage to name them and hold the perpetrators to account.”

If that hypothetical white subway shooter had then been discovered to have posted tirades about black people, had he called for whites to get a gun and start shooting blacks, the global media would be in nuclear meltdown about white supremacy. Protests would be breaking out across the country and corporations would be emitting an avalanche of press releases about America’s racial injustice.

Spin, Misrepresentation, and the President’s Economic Policy By Brian Riedl


A recounting of President Biden’s economic falsehoods.
“The Biden administration has rapidly built a remarkable record of ridiculous economic claims, misrepresentations, and worse.”

The recent White House budget proposal was an exercise in misdirection and spin. The budget document reaffirmed the president’s $2.4 trillion Build Back Better proposal, but simply left its massive cost out of the tax-and-spending tables. To make matters more confusing, the other tax-hike proposals that did appear in the budget were scored under a baseline that assumes Build Back Better has already been enacted.

Such economic sophistry has become a trend under President Biden.

White House economic spin is as old as the modern presidency. George W. Bush and Donald Trump portrayed their tax cuts as the most revolutionary economic growth engines in modern history. Bill Clinton took credit for balanced budgets and a late-1990s economic boom that were almost totally unrelated to presidential policies. Barack Obama spun a far-weaker-than-expected recovery from his inherited recession as a magical triumph of economic management.

And now, in just 14 months, the Biden administration has rapidly built a remarkable record of ridiculous economic claims, misrepresentations, and worse. This is especially notable following a campaign in which Joe Biden presented himself as the more professional, level-headed, serious alternative to Donald Trump.

Biden Pollster: 2022 Is the ‘Worst Political Environment of My Lifetime’ By Rick Moran


One of Joe Biden’s most politically savvy pollsters, John Anzalone, thinks that unless the current environment changes dramatically, Democrats are going to get their butts kicked.

Speaking with Politico’s Ryan Lizza, Anzalone gave a grim assessment of his party’s chances in the midterm election.

“No one’s going to sit there as a Democratic consultant and try to bulls**t you that this is anything but a really sour environment for Democrats,” said Anzalone. “So we better look at the strategic ways that we can compete, right? Just compete to not get our as**s kicked.”

When a party tries to “minimize the damage,” they inevitably end up waking up the day after an election and wondering what hit them.

But never fear, Democrats. Anzalone points out that playing the “class warfare” card will work like a charm.

Yes, inflation’s eating it up, but I’ll tell you what they’re pissed about: … They see these big companies not paying any taxes. And Biden’s proposal of making those making over $400,000 pay a little bit more taxes and big corporations pay a little bit more taxes so they pay their fair share to make investments in healthcare and education and childcare is really important.

“Would you dial-up nationally with the populism?” asked Lizza.

“I would so dial-up,” said Anzalone.

Anzalone spoke to the growing realization that Hispanics and even blacks are not the automatic Democratic voters they once were.


How often does he have to be wrong before the Nobel Committee asks for its prize back?

New York Times columnist and – we’re constantly reminded – Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman says that inflation, which hit another new high this month, will soon abate. Why? Because, he wrote on Tuesday, “Lumber prices have plunged in recent weeks. Prices of industrial metals such as copper are coming down. Prices of used cars are still very high, but their surge has stalled and they may have peaked.”

Oh, wait. That was from a column that Krugman wrote in June 2021.

What he wrote this week was that the gigantic bipartisan infrastructure bill passed last fall will get inflation under control because it will “alleviate the supply bottlenecks that have played a big role in recent inflation, while making workers more productive.”

Our apologies. That was Krugman in August 2021.

What he wrote was that “if we finally get this pandemic under control, the inflation of 2021 will soon fade from memory.”

Oops. That was Krugman in September 2021.

Here’s what he said. “The Fed can easily contain any pickup in inflation.”

Sorry, again, that was Krugman way back in January 2021, when he promised that President Joe Biden’s $2 trillion “rescue” plan wouldn’t cause an inflationary spiral and that the Fed could deal with any uptick in prices with a modest boost in interest rates.

It’s hard to keep up with all the times Krugman reassured us over the past year that inflation wasn’t and wouldn’t ever be a problem under Biden.

What Krugman actually wrote this Tuesday was that “inflation will probably fall significantly over the next few months.”