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Ruth King

It’s All About Control: The Elite Plan for the Great Food Reset By Janet Levy


Besides ‘degrowth’ and ‘net zero,’ one other dangerous buzz phrase being bandied about by proponents of the Great Reset is “nature-positive food systems.”  The stated goal of moving to new food systems is to reduce nitrogen emissions, livestock production, and meat consumption.  This is to be achieved by consuming plant-based products, lab-grown foods, and insects (as a source of protein).  The moot question, however, is whether such a change is at all necessary?

The U.N., the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and other NGOs would have us believe so.  These institutions are controlled by the global elite, who aim to create monopolistic markets for themselves and enslave people, turning them first into captive consumers without choice, and eventually, without free will.  So, the U.N. and its co-conspirators have manufactured a food crisis, and by linking it to their other fabrication — an exaggerated climate crisis — they are using it to reset the world’s food system.

Their plan to “transition to net zero, nature-positive food systems by 2030” translates into a war on traditional farmers.  Unable to absorb the added costs of new regulations and controls, small, independent producers are being squeezed out of farming.  Their place is being taken by multinational agribusinesses.  Unchecked, these multinationals will dominate farming in a decade or two.

The Futile Quest for Equity By Robert Weissberg


Being a pedestrian in New York City can be dangerous. As one headline put it, “Last Years was Deadliest in NYC Streets in Nearly a Decade.” Reckless drivers killed 124 pedestrians, 50 motorcyclists, and 19 bike riders. New York City has tried to reduce these fatalities with lower speed limits, cameras to catch those running red lights and clearly marked pedestrian safety zones.

Surprisingly, the city recently reversed course and eliminated the $250 fine for jaywalking or crossing against the signal. Why invite more deaths and injuries? According to city council member Mercedes Narcisse, “Laws that penalize common behaviors for everyday movement shouldn’t exist, especially when they unfairly impact communities of color,” and since in 2023, 90% of the issued tickets targeted black and Latino pedestrians.

Repealing the jaywalking law is about equity, as understood politically, and requires that all outcomes must reflect population proportionality, and if they do not, government must level them, or at least make it appear that differences are nonexistent. So, though we may be unable to stop unsafe behavior, government can keep such unequal behavior out of the public eye by decriminalizing it, even if imposing equity disproportionately harms the intended beneficiaries. Note. blacks nationally experience death when walking at a 118% higher rate than whites. The New York City law does not help anybody. It probably hurts blacks the most. The only beneficiaries are those made uncomfortable by encountering statistics depicting blacks and Hispanics in a bad light. Why not end poverty by eliminating economic data?

This example is only one of many equity crusades. The city has also relaxed enforcing the law against those not paying subway and bus fares since culprits were disproportionately black and Hispanic. That such fare avoidance may bankrupt the public transportation vital for the city’s poor is irrelevant. Furthermore, as in other cities, “broken windows” policing where minor offences such as public intoxication have been sharply reduced since too many blacks and Hispanics were arrested. New York City’s district attorney Alvin Bragg has “reduced” crime by not prosecuting offenders though actual crime remains rampant.

The equity battle goes beyond decriminalization. Many schools today no longer disproportionately punish blacks for misbehaving, regardless of their bad behavior, while adjusting test standards to eliminate gaps in academic performance.

State of Play, November 3, 2024 We keep hearing that the race will be close. I think it will be like Patton’s Third Army racing across France in 1944. By Roger Kimball


Historians have often noted the tendency of generals to embark on a new war with assumptions more pertinent to the last one. This is what the enemy did last time; ergo, he’ll do something similar this time. That worked for us last time; ergo we should do it again. Fighting the last war is always a dangerous temptation.

The conduct of political warfare is not unlike the conduct of the wars that deploy armies rather than candidates, navies rather than the media, aircraft rather than pollsters. There is always the temptation to think that the assumptions and tactics of the last war are relevant to the current campaign.

This is especially the case, I believe, in the 2024 presidential race. The principals are the same: Donald Trump vs. what Vivek Ramaswamy has dubbed “the System.” The Dems changed out their primary avatar in July, shoehorning in Kamala Harris, where Joe Biden had been standing.  But that maneuver, though profoundly anti-democratic, was merely a cosmetic expedient.  The public face of the campaign was changed.  The organizing soul remained the same.

In essence, the Dems are waging the same campaign now that they waged in 2016, in 2020, and beyond.  Counting once again on their huge advantages in money (almost 3 to 1) and near total control of the media, they believe—or at least have acted as if they believe—that they can play the same game this time and win. They have not yet noticed—or at least have not yet effectively recalibrated their campaign to account for the fact—that many things “on the ground” have changed radically.

The Dems are fighting the last war.  Trump is not.

For one thing, the day-to-day running of the Trump campaign, overseen from on high by Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, is superb. Both are geniuses.  Unlike in 2016 or 2020, this year the Trump juggernaut is a well-oiled, multi-chambered, highly adaptive machine.

Global Threat: The Biden-Harris Administration Is Enabling Iran to Become the Next Nuclear State by Majid Rafizadeh


Iran is now just a technical step away from acquiring a nuclear bomb, and these advances have been taking place while the Biden-Harris administration has done not a single thing to stop or even slow them.

Why are the US and its allies not alarmed?

The dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran are clear, particularly given the regime’s long-standing support for terror groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis, as well as its history of muscular aggression into Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Lebanon, Africa, Argentina, Panama, Venezuela, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, and the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

[T]he Biden-Harris administration is paving the way for a future where Iran becomes a nuclear-armed state. This outcome would have catastrophic consequences for global security, not only the Middle East.

One of the most alarming features of the Biden-Harris administration is its permissive stance towards Iran’s nuclear program. When this administration came into power, they promised that they would effectively address and curb Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Yet, nearly four years into Biden’s term, US Secretary of Stare Antony Blinken announced that Iran is “probably 1-2 weeks” away from having nuclear weapons — and that was in July.

Iran is now just a technical step away from acquiring a nuclear bomb, and these advances have been taking place while the Biden-Harris administration has done not a single thing to stop or even slow them.

Kamala’s Open Border Is an Attack on America By John Fonte


Immigration, or specifically, the migration crisis, has emerged as a major issue in the 2024 presidential election. This crisis is not simply a traditional dispute over policy. It is one front in an ongoing “cold civil war” over the future of the American way of life. 

On January 20, 2021, President Joe Biden issued a series of executive orders: stopping all deportations for 100 days; halting construction of Trump’s border wall; and phasing out the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) or “Remain in Mexico” program that required asylum-seeking migrants to stay in Mexico (instead of in the U.S. in violation of immigration law). 

On the same day, President Biden also proposed massive new amnesty legislation for an estimated 11 million illegal aliens with no serious enforcement measures. During the first hundred days, the Biden-Harris administration issued 94 executive actions to gut Trump’s border policy. Not surprisingly, thousands of migrants began to pour across America’s open southern border every day. Two months later, on March 26, 2021, after a congressional visit to the border, Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) declared, “Border Patrol is overwhelmed, overworked, and discouraged by the new [Biden-Harris] policies.” She recounted, “Agents took us through a dangerous path to the Rio Grande where we could hear the cartel members taunting us across the river. … Human trafficking, child abuse, and drug smuggling are rampant. This is a crisis.”

Two weeks later, the president of the National Border Patrol Council said the United States had lost operational control of the southern border to the cartels. He remarked, “I was asked last night,‘Who is controlling the border? Is it President Biden? Is it Kamala Harris, who is it?’ And my answer was, ‘It’s the cartels.’ The cartels control the border now. It’s not even the Border Patrol. It’s not even the U.S. government.”

Unlike any previous administration in American history (including even Barack Obama’s) the Biden-Harris administration has completely refused to obey immigration law. Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, aliens seeking asylum are to be detained until their cases are decided. Instead, under Biden-Harris, the aliens are not only released but bussed and flown into towns throughout America without the knowledge or consent of the citizens of those jurisdictions. Officials in Westchester County, New York, complained that unwanted migrants were being flown in by government-funded NGOs in the middle of the night to avoid detection.

Over the past three and a half years, the Biden-Harris administration has implemented measure after measure that has weakened border enforcement, the safety and security of Americans, and that of the migrants themselves. 

Steyn on the Personal Toll of Lawfare


“You prove your innocence, but at the end you’re a charred, smoking lump, and so is your career and so is your savings account.” In this excerpt, Mark Steyn reveals the risks of facing an American justice system where the process is the punishment. Steyn’s entire talk and other events from Hillsdale’s 2024 Constitution Day Celebration are now available to watch. 

Dear Jews, we have failed miserably at teaching generations one of the most important lessons of the Holocaust – Diane Bederman-


Somewhere along the way, we forgot to teach our children that a Jew is a Jew is a Jew. From time immemorial, there have been all kinds of Jews. Especially after the Enlightenment when Napoleon gave Jews their freedom from the ghettos. He declared France the homeland of the Jews, after it became obvious he could not establish their national home in Palestine.  He was one of the people most responsible for their transition from enduring medieval restrictions inside ghettos to becoming citizens of modern nation states.

Oh the freedom. But not.

Jew hatred never went away. It just shapeshifts every generation or so.

No matter what causes you defend, a Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

Do you Democrat Progressive Jews really think your Progressive DEI,WOKE friends care about you? Have they fought against Jew hatred on campus and in the streets the way Jews fought for the rights of black people to vote or Jews standing with Palestinians? Do you think they will stand by you if Jew haters come after you?

Douglas Murray: What the British Government Wouldn’t Say Over the summer, UK police threatened people who dared to speculate about the background of a killer. Now, they’ve admitted that he possessed an al-Qaeda manual.


There are certain rules in British public life that are worth noting. Such as this one: If someone is killed by a jihadist or someone who could plausibly be connected to immigration in any way, the British public will not be informed of the possible motive—or at least not until it becomes impossible to conceal it any longer.

Certain rules follow on from this. One is that “wise” heads will inform anyone who does mention a likely motive that they must be exceptionally careful not to prejudice any forthcoming trial. There then comes an insistence that there will be a time and a place to debate these things. Quite often, that time and place never arrives.

We have seen this enough times now, from the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby to the murder of Sir David Amess; from the Ariana Grande concert attack to the Taylor Swift dance-class massacre. This last has come back to the fore with a suggestive revelation this week. Readers may recall that back in July a maniac went into a children’s dance workshop in Southport, England, and started knifing the participants. Three young girls—Bebe King, Elsie Dot Stancombe, and Alice da Silva Aguiar (ages 6, 7, and 9, respectively)—died of their injuries. Many others had life-changing wounds.

For the time being, it is safe to say that such horrors are relatively uncommon in the UK. We do not have such attacks on a daily basis, so it is inevitable that as well as being angry, the British public might be curious about how such a grotesque and unusual attack could occur. But the police seemed strangely unwilling to release any information. And this is when people can surmise something with considerable accuracy: If the attacker had been a far-right extremist of the kind we are told is so common in our country, and had shouted, “I’m doing this for Oswald Mosley,” then we would have heard about it. If the attacker had said, “All Taylor Swift fans must be killed,” we might also have heard of it. But there was silence.

Eventually there was a coy statement that Sky News and other media eunuchs were all too pleased to report—which was that the suspect was from Cardiff. “Ah,” we might all say, “a typical Welshman.” Except that nobody does think that. People knew that there must be more. Soon it was revealed that the attacker was of Rwandan heritage, at which point all the anti-speculation people said: “You see, nothing to see here.” After some furious googling, these same people pointed out that Rwanda is a majority-Christian country and that, in any case, the suspect was the child of immigrants, and not a recent arrival on an illegal boat. Meaning that the identity of the attacker didn’t matter, because one dogma of the multicultural state is that once you are in Britain, you become as British as roast beef, whether you originated here or not.

Gunman who shot Jewish man near Chicago synagogue is illegal migrant who targeted victim in antisemitic attack: sources


The gunman who opened fire on a Jewish man walking to synagogue in Chicago is an illegal migrant from West Africa who was released into the US last year — and he targeted the victim because of his faith, law enforcement sources tell The Post.

Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi, 22 —  who hails from Mauritania —  crossed into San Diego in March 2023 and was screened by border agents, who quickly released him into the US, officials said.

Federal investigators believe Abdallahi was specifically targeting Jews in an antisemitic attack when he ambushed a 39-year-old Orthodox Jewish man in the city’s West Ridge neighborhood — which is home to several synagogues, sources said.

The gunman was then reportedly caught on video shouting “Allahu Akbar” before opening fire on police — who critically wounded him in a shootout.

The Cook County prosecutor has sparked outrage from the Windy City’s Jewish community after Abdallahi was not charged with a hate crime.

Remember the J6 Political Prisoners Eileen F. Toplansky

I always wondered how the Nazis and the communists could just take over a country of millions and then destroy the bodies and souls of the people.

In America, it is happening before our very eyes. In fact, the American Gulag is sadly alive and well.  At the Gateway Pundit site article titled “J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Thrown in Permanent Solitary Confinement”of October 24, 2024, one learns that

“The Biden-Harris regime has passed a red line that hallmarks all totalitarian regimes: persecution and torture.

“January 6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang has been thrown in solitary confinement permanently for posting a video from a secret contraband cell phone of himself praying, Holy Bible in hand, on the floor of his prison cell.

“Lang is a January 6 patriot and founder of the community fundraiser for all of the J6ers, SponsorJ6.com, who has spent nearly 1,400 days behind bars without a trial [emphasis mine]. Jake’s treatment has become an example of the egregious overreach of a weaponized federal government. For almost four years, he’s been incarcerated as a political hostage of the Biden-Harris regime, enduring unimaginable hardship, including over 900 days in solitary confinement.

Patriots are being urged to call the following and demand that all January 6 detainees be moved back into their own cell block C3B in the Central Treatment facility so as to avoid being further mistreated.