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Ruth King

The Even Higher-Tech Lynching of Justice Clarence Thomas By J. Christian Adams


Justice Clarence Thomas, during his 1991 confirmation process, characterized the personal attacks against him as a “high-tech lynching.” If only he could have seen then what his old foes are up to now.

Call it a higher-tech lynching.

The Left has gone wild, turning every corner of the internet, Twitterverse, and cable news into a renewed personal assault against Justice Thomas, but this time also his wife Ginni Thomas.

In fact, the Left has decided to attack Justice Thomas through his wife. Let’s put aside the diabolical implications of the tactic of attacking a husband through his wife, and explore the merits of the tactic.

It goes like this. Ginni Thomas has a life separate from her husband’s role on the Supreme Court. She has her own beliefs, her own friends and professional acquaintances, and she voices her opinions. Because the Left hates Justice Thomas occupying a seat on the Supreme Court for reasons we will get to, annihilating him through any possible means must follow.

Ginni Thomas, so the battle plan goes, is active in conservative causes, and she shouldn’t be. Ginni communicated with President Trump her views that establishmentarian staff at the White House were blocking his agenda, and she should have kept quiet.

Ginni Thomas texted Mark Meadows her views about the 2020 election, and nobody, of course, should ever speak about that.


Why is there so little coverage and so little protest. ?”No “Jewish Lives Matter” no “We Are All Israelis Now.”






Beyond the Reach of Debate, Evidence and Logic: Michael Greene


Even as the wave of wokeness seems at its peak, there are signs it could be about to break. ‘Defund the police’ is being replaced in many US cities that embraced it in 2020 with ‘Refund the police’. The 2021 Virginia gubernatorial race was won by Republican Glenn Younkin, in part a voter rejection of the teaching of critical race theory in schools. President Biden’s deep trough of climate change and social spending demanded by the Democrats’  Bernie Sanders wing crashed in the Senate. The re-emergence of serious geopolitics with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has re-oriented energy policy in Europe and elsewhere. And women are pushing back against the transgender activists to protect their sports and facilities from encroachment. It’s encouraging, despite the depressing grip woke agendas have rapidly gained in many public and private organisations.

Encouraging, too, is that the once isolated critical voices, such as Jordan Peterson, are becoming a choir, even if not yet a massed choir.

Joining the chorus is John McWhorter, an associate professor of linguistics at Columbia University and regular New York Times columnist. And he’s black. He wrote his new book, Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has
Betrayed Black America, on his porch in the summer of 2020, when the US was engulfed in the civil unrest following the killing of George Floyd.

Putin’s War and the Lessons of History Tony Abbott *****


The Hon. Tony Abbott was Prime Minister of Australia from 2013 to 2015

We who shrink from war because it’s morally wrong have to make others shrink from war because they’d likely lose. —Tony Abbott

In his prescient address to the Danube Institute in Budapest on February 21, Tony Abbott criticized Western democracies’ failure to boost their military capabilities and predicted the Russian invasion of Ukraine that took place just three days later. We print here the full text of his address, courtesy of Tony Abbott and John O’Sullivan, president of the Danube Institute and Quadrant’s international editor.

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SOME years ago, at an East Asia Summit in Burma, I found myself standing with Japan’s Shinzo Abe, plus China’s Le Keqiang and the Sultan of Brunei. China’s premier was upbraiding the prime minister over Japan’s war record, so to create a distraction, I grabbed the sultan and loudly told him that he must be very angry about British colonialism.

Having thus seized the antagonists’ attention, I observed to Le Keqiang that history was a good teacher but a bad master. So with that in mind, I’ve adjusted the topic of this talk from the revenge of history to the lessons of history, because history isn’t malicious, just instructive.

It tells us that progress isn’t inevitable; that justice isn’t always done; that good won’t always win; and that danger always lurks. Above all, it tells us that individual and collective choice matters: that our beliefs drive our actions, and that havoc can be wreaked, or stopped, because people decide to make a stand.


Joe Lisuzzo, a Los Angeles business owner who, with his family, ran the AL Gelato Ice Cream Company & Restaurant for 32 years is now running for California State Senate.
Joe lives and worships in his neighborhood and now wants to serve his community again, this time by running for a California senate seat to represent his district in state senate office.
Joe understands the plight of the people in his district; the homeless are tenting everywhere; the crime, the inexcusable high taxes and now the added inflation all are causing the people great suffering.

Black Republican Puts Crime Front and Center in Bid to Unseat Illinois Governor by Brittany Bernstein


When rioters overtook cities across America for months in 2020, the Republican mayor of Aurora, Ill., remained tough on crime and quickly restored peace to his city.

After “opportunists” descended on the city in June 2020 and caused an estimated $3 million in damage, Mayor Richard Irvin called in the National Guard, shut down roads, and supported the city’s police force.

“Aurora will be ready for you, if you come to our community and attempt to cause destruction. We will not put up with this BS and foolishness. We will not put up with outsiders coming in and causing havoc. We will prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law, and we already have for those who were identified last night,” Irvin said at the time.

Now Irvin, who has been mayor of Aurora, his hometown, for five years, is running for governor of Illinois. He hopes to oust the incumbent, J. B. Pritzker, with the support of billionaire hedge-fund owner Kenneth Griffin, who has vowed to use his wealth to defeat the Democrat.

The Short-Sighted, Ignoble Lie of DEI By Aron Ravin


Universities nationwide mistakenly yield to a revolutionary minority of students arguing for ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion,’ hoping to ward them off.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. These three words are now the holy trinity of woke activists seeking to impose their ideology on institutions across the country. It’s worst at — though by no means exclusive to — universities. Ever since DEI-inspired protests at the University of Missouri caused that school’s president to resign in 2015 despite an absence of any wrongdoing, raging students, working hand-in-hand with activist administrators and sympathetic faculty members, have only grown more ambitious. Just this past November, at Coastal Carolina University, Steven Earnest was, at the behest of the school’s DEI committee, temporarily removed from teaching duties for uttering the following heresy (***Content Warning***): “I’m just sad people get their feelings hurt so easily.”

Based on such stories, it’s easy to assume that university administrators have lost their minds. The now-commonplace and well-funded DEI departments on campuses, which are consistent sources of identity-based propaganda, certainly give that impression. But in reality, the vast majority of statements and initiatives from such departments are half-baked, designed to quell the shrieks of a frothing, vocal minority — the one that’s actually in charge.

Unfortunately, this minority is not confined to academia. Its aims have spread elsewhere, including to the legal sector, helped in part by its proximity to academia in the form of law school.  As Aaron Sibarium has written, the American Bar Association has recently acquiesced to the woke aims of a petition from 176 law-school deans, including the likes of UChicago and Yale. Now, the ABA requires students to receive “education on bias, cross-cultural competency, and racism” for accreditation purposes.

Looking for a Democrat who stands up to the crazies? Here he is By Silvio Canto, Jr.


Over the last 15 months, Rep. Henry Cuellar of South Texas has been a loud critic of President Biden’s border policies, such as eliminating Title 42.  Cuellar was one of two Democrats in Texas to say no!

On another matter, Mr. Cuellar is refusing to go along with his party.  This is from The Texas Tribune:

U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar, a moderate Democrat from Laredo, broke with his party to vote against a landmark marijuana legalization bill on Friday that passed in the House. Only one other Democrat voted against it.

Cuellar, who is currently in a fierce runoff for his 10th term against progressive attorney Jessica Cisneros, has long infuriated progressive Democrats with his conservative positions on many social issues.

The Laredo politician opposes abortion and was the lone Democrat to vote against federal abortion rights [sic] legislation last fall.

Yes, Mr. Cuellar is making it easy for the AOC wing of the party to hate him, opposing open borders, marijuana, and abortion.

Mr. Cuellar may pay a price for his conservatism or independence.  He is fighting to keep his seat in a party runoff.

Your Top Priority is The Emotional Comfort of the Most Powerful Elites, Which You Fulfill by Never Criticizing Them. Corporate journalists have license to use their huge platforms to malign, expose and destroy anyone they want. Your moral duty: sit in respectful silence and never object. Glenn Greenwald


When Hillary Clinton’s divine entitlement to the U.S. presidency began to look imperiled in 2016 — first due to the irreverent and unkempt (but surprisingly formidable) Democratic Party primary challenge from Bernie Sanders, the independent socialist Senator from Vermont — her campaign and its media allies invented and unveiled a deeply moving morality tale. A faceless horde of unnamed, uncredentialed, unmannered, violent, abusive and deeply misogynistic online Sanders supporters — dubbed with the gender-emphasizing name “Bernie Bros” even though many were women — were berating, insulting and brutalizing Hillary, her top campaign surrogates (U.S. Senators, former cabinet members, corporate executives), and especially pro-Hillary corporate journalists with a vast artillery of traumatizing words and violent tweets.

This storyline — and especially the way it cleverly inverted the David v. Goliath framework of the 2016 campaign so that it was now Hillary and her band of monied and Ivy-League-educated political and media elites who were the real victims — was irresistible to Harvard-and-Yale-trained journalists at NBC, CNN, The New York Times and Washington Post op-ed pages who really believe they are the truly marginalized peoples. This narrative scheme enabled them — the most powerful and influential media and political elites in the world, with access to the most potent platforms and megaphones — to somehow credibly lay claim to that most valued of all currencies in American political life: victimhood.

Joe Biden flying too close to the son Michael Goodwin


If there’s one thing Joe Biden doesn’t need, it’s more problems. With soaring inflation pushing household budgets into the red, crime rising everywhere, the southern border open to all comers and his agenda stalled in Congress, the 46th president is beyond beleaguered.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and his efforts to rally NATO initially seemed to give him a second chance with disappointed voters. After Biden focused a big portion of his State of the Union address on the war, he did get a bump in the polls.

But it didn’t last, and even his recent trip to Europe that was filled with photo ops with refugees and tough, if bizarre, talk about Vladimir Putin couldn’t stop the spiral. Two surveys released since the president returned show him with just 38% and 39% approval, respectively.

These are dead-man-walking numbers, and another bombshell waits in the wings. This one has the potential to deliver a fatal blow to his presidency.