Justice Clarence Thomas, during his 1991 confirmation process, characterized the personal attacks against him as a “high-tech lynching.” If only he could have seen then what his old foes are up to now.
Call it a higher-tech lynching.
The Left has gone wild, turning every corner of the internet, Twitterverse, and cable news into a renewed personal assault against Justice Thomas, but this time also his wife Ginni Thomas.
In fact, the Left has decided to attack Justice Thomas through his wife. Let’s put aside the diabolical implications of the tactic of attacking a husband through his wife, and explore the merits of the tactic.
It goes like this. Ginni Thomas has a life separate from her husband’s role on the Supreme Court. She has her own beliefs, her own friends and professional acquaintances, and she voices her opinions. Because the Left hates Justice Thomas occupying a seat on the Supreme Court for reasons we will get to, annihilating him through any possible means must follow.
Ginni Thomas, so the battle plan goes, is active in conservative causes, and she shouldn’t be. Ginni communicated with President Trump her views that establishmentarian staff at the White House were blocking his agenda, and she should have kept quiet.
Ginni Thomas texted Mark Meadows her views about the 2020 election, and nobody, of course, should ever speak about that.