Florida Governor Ron Desantis declared his state a “citadel of freedom” primed to push back against the left’s embrace of critical race theory in K-12 curricula, illegal immigration, and Covid restrictions.
Speaking at the 2022 Conservative Political Action Conference, DeSantis noted that Florida tourism and transplant rates have been off the charts, especially during the pandemic when so many progressive states saw net population outflows. Some of Florida’s guests have included those Democratic politicians that regularly criticize the state’s leadership, he noted.
While the state’s record has been a leader on all manner of culture war issues, he claimed, the main attraction for prospective residents and visitors was that “we refused to let this state descend into some kind of Faucian dystopia where people’s freedoms are curtailed and their livelihoods are destroyed.”
Florida rejected the “biomedical security state” and the temptation to defer to “health bureaucrats” during the apex of the Covid crisis, even when that approach was politically unpopular at first.
“My job is to stand up and protect the freedoms and the jobs of the people I represent and if that puts me in political jeopardy then so be it,” he said as the audience erupted into applause.
“I believe that if Florida had not led the way, this country could look like Canada and Australia,” he said noting the seemingly authoritarian downslide of those liberal societies over the last two years.
DeSantis spoke as President Biden was addressing the nation on the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. He did not mention the situation in Ukraine during his speech.