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Ruth King

Biden’s diplomacy of disaster – The Iranians just checkmated him with the whole world watching Dominic Green


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me seven times, shame on the United States, whose leaders seem determined to drive it into a decline whose rapidity and extent is unparalleled in the history of great powers.

Shame on the Democrats too, for putting domestic vanity over the national interest. Shame on Barack Obama and, should he be aware of what’s going on in Vienna, shame on Joe Biden, for pursuing the diplomacy of disaster.

The State Department’s envoys are back in Vienna in the hope of starting a seventh round of negotiations over reviving Obama’s “Iran deal.” But there seems to be nothing left to talk about. Iran is increasingly intransigent, and its latest demands give the US and its allies a choice between surrender or defeat.

The problem with “jaw-jaw” is that when the talking stops, “war-war” is what remains. The Iranian regime has outplayed the American amateurs at every turn. It is often noted that the Iranians play chess and like to haggle, but really, a child could have outplayed the US.

In their colossal self-regard, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his chief negotiator Robert Malley promised Iran what it wanted — sanctions relief and an open path to the Bomb — before the negotiations had even begun. Naturally, the Iranians pushed for more, played for time and prepared for the day of victory. And now, to the shock of the State Department, they’ve announced a new set of demands that undo the hypothetical progress achieved in the previous six rounds of talks.

Checkmate. Now, it is possible that the US will surrender and get some kind of deal that John Kerry will call a return to the JCPOA of 2015. But this will be an exercise in face-saving — and it will only happen if the Iranians let it happen. If I were them, I’d keep pushing. Iran is now not just on the threshold of nuclear weapons; it’s on the threshold of finally defeating the Great Satan, expelling the US from the Middle East and Central Asia, establishing an empire over the Arabs and nuclear-tipped intimidation over Turkey and the Europeans.

Bette Midler: ‘Trump IS the Devil,’ Should Be Arrested for Attempted Murder of Joe Biden Welcome to a particularly virulent strain of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Robert Spencer


Bette Midler is enraged, and the object of her rage is all too predictable. The America-First President has been out of the White House for nearly a year now, but the Left still focuses on him with passionate intensity, using him as an all-purpose scapegoat for everything that has gone wrong (and there is so much) since they took over. Now the washed-up chanteuse, whose claim to fame is that time she brought us a stiff, lukewarm remake of the Andrews Sisters’ “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,” wants the threat neutralized once and for all: she is demanding that Trump be locked up and charged with attempted murder for trying to infect Old Joe Biden (everyone’s idea of a competent, capable president) with COVID-19.

When did Trump try to kill Old Joe, you ask? Why, it all goes back to the sensationalistic recent fake news claim that Trump had tested positive for the dreaded killer disease with a 99% survival rate before his first debate with Biden. As my PJ Media colleague Matt Margolis noted here Thursday, Trump’s test was actually a false positive, followed by two negative tests before the debate, so Old Joe was never actually in any danger.

Midler, however, was unmoved by these facts. She tweeted Friday to her two million Twitter followers, “#DonaldTrump should be arrested for attempted murder. He tried to infect & kill #JoeBiden at the debate; by turning up too late to be tested, knowing full well he was positive; then screeched, sputtered, spit, and foamed at the mouth, hoping to infect Joe. He IS the devil.” And then: “How many people did #TyphoidTrump knowingly infect with #Covid after he tested positive last year? Between that & producing Don Jr., Eric & Ivanka, it seems like #trumps fluids are hell bent on destroying the world.”

Trump Derangement Syndrome has long been a pandemic on the Left, but Midler is suffering from a particularly virulent strain. She has consistently been one of the most hysterical among the ranks of Leftist hysterics. Back in 2018, when one of Senator Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) neighbors savagely beat him and put him in the hospital, Midler applauded the attacker. In August 2020, she mocked “this awful person,” Melania Trump: “Oh, God. She still can’t speak English.” In February 2021, it was the late Rush Limbaugh’s turn: “#RushLimbaugh has gone to his reward. Bet it’s hot.”

Merit Vs. Wokeness: Universities Must Choose Henry I. Miller and Tom Hafer


Note: This article appeared in Human Events; it has been republished with permission.

We graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 50 years ago. Though it was a tough place academically, MIT taught us our crafts and the essence of problem-solving and enabled us to thrive in our chosen careers. We owe much to “the ‘tute,” as it is fondly known, and have demonstrated that financially over the years.

But no more.

Today, the 160-year-old-institution, once a bedrock of science and innovation, has caved to the demands of “wokeness.” In autumn of 2020, MIT sent an email to students, including those already registered and attending, informing them that if they failed to undergo instruction in “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” and “sexual assault prevention ongoing: healthy relationships,” they would be unable to register for spring classes.

“You will have a registration hold placed on your account and will be unable to register for [Independent Activities Period] and/or spring 2021 classes if you do not complete both trainings by the Nov. 2 deadline,” the email read.

Portions of the actual training materials are available here. The training turns out to be what you would expect: a bunch of compulsory videos that cannot be fast-forwarded, containing deftly worded but fatuous questions that let you know (without coming right out and saying it) that straight white males are the “intersection” of all oppressive behaviors. Everyone else is an oppressed victim of some sort, with extra victimization points for being a member of multiple minorities. (Fortunately, the passing score is zero, so most students will be allowed to resume their studies.)

This new policy is just one instance of a dangerous trend: MIT’s administration is acting in ways that we consider unfair, hypocritical, and harmful to the university, its student body, and academic freedom generally.

Are Media Now Taking Orders Straight From The White House?


If you needed further proof that the big media are deeply biased toward the political left, look no further than the recent secret meetings held by the White House with some of its favorite news outlets. Why? To get them to spin bad economic news. And, given the generally low ethics and political bias of their profession, they’ll no doubt willingly do so.

Three top Biden officials appear to be spearheading the effort. Angry at what they see as unfair coverage of Biden’s supposed economic successes, they have decided to hold sub rosa sessions and phone calls as part of an “outreach” to the national media.

The media are of course willing to be used. After all, President Joe Biden’s administration is the furthest left in our nation’s history in the scope and content of its policies.

From the open border that has brought in hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to naming out-and-proud Marxist nominees to key administration posts, from COVID lockdowns that have divided our nation but not stopped the Wuhan bug, to non-stop “stimulus” spending that has set off the worst inflation in decades, Biden literally has nothing to brag about, as we noted earlier this week.

President Jimmy Carter can now rest easy. He’s no longer the worst president of the postwar era. Biden is.

The White House decision to reach out to the media apparently came after a Dec. 3 rant by leftist Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank, who claims the media are treating Biden worse than they treated President Donald Trump — a laughable idea on its very face, given Biden’s spectacular failures on issue after issue, and the nonstop vitriol and scorn directed at Trump during his four years in office.

The three officials — National Economic Council Deputy Directors David Kamin and Bharat Ramamurti and port czar John Porcari — felt the bang-up job they were doing wasn’t getting through to the public.

Yes, the Crime Wave Is as Bad as You Think Progressives gaslight the public by claiming things used to be worse. By Rafael A. Mangual


The U.S. experienced its largest-ever single year homicide spike in 2020, and crime now polls as one of the top voter concerns. This has many criminal-justice-reform advocates and their media allies scrambling to convince Americans that things aren’t really so bad, no matter what the data say.

At CNN, data journalist Priya Krishnakumar explains “how crime stats lie” by pointing out that 2020’s murder rate was “40% below what it was in the 1980s and 1990s.” The Brennan Center for Justice acknowledges that the homicide trend is “frightening” but insists that murders “have stayed far below their peaks” in earlier decades. In a “fact check” of “the ‘crime wave’ narrative police are pushing,” the Guardian reminds readers that “even after an estimated 25% single-year increase in homicides” in 2020, “Americans overall are much less likely to be killed today than they were in the 1990s, and the homicide rate across big cities is still close to half what it was a quarter century ago.”

True enough: The national murder rate was significantly higher in the 1980s and early ’90s. But the national murder rate reflects an aggregation of all the country’s homicides measured against the national population. When it comes to the recent upticks in killings, this talking point ignores two important realities.

First, we don’t live in the aggregate. The majority of Americans spend their lives in the communities where they live and, if they commute, where they work. Given how hyperconcentrated serious violent crime is—and, therefore, how widely the homicide rate can vary from one neighborhood to the next—the national homicide rate doesn’t provide most Americans with a sense of the dangers they face. A handful of extremely safe Illinois suburbs may counterbalance Chicago’s contribution to the national murder rate, but that’s little consolation to those who live in the South Side war zones.

Capitalism—the People’s Choice Gallup finds that most Americans prefer capitalism.


Politicians and think tanks these days welcome the death of free markets as they support more power for the state. But a new poll from Gallup confirms that the American people still have more faith in capitalism than they do in socialism. Gallup further reports that this support for capitalism over socialism has held steady for more than a decade.

Asked in an October survey—“just off the top of your head”—whether they have a positive or negative image of six different economic and governmental terms, 60% reported “positive” for capitalism against 38% for socialism.

Gallup notes that the negative view of socialism has remained constant “even as Sen. Bernie Sanders and progressive Democratic politicians have pursued an expanded government role in addressing healthcare, poverty and early childhood education.” They might have noted that some of the push these days for more government control of economic life is coming from the political right as well.

The other positives and negatives are also revealing. “Small business” clocked in at 97% positive, and “free enterprise” at 84%. Only 46% of the public had a positive view for “big business,” which dropped from 52% in 2019.

We wonder if that’s because so many big businesses these days no longer support capitalism while stressing left-wing cultural causes. The two terms that scored lowest in public esteem were “socialism” and “the federal government,” which each had only 38% positive.

Senate Passes Republican Bill to Overturn Biden Vaccine Mandate


The Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate on Wednesday approved a Republican measure that would overturn President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine-or-test mandate for private businesses, with two Democrats joining Republicans to back the initiative.

The 52-48 vote sends the legislation to the Democratic-led House of Representatives, where it faces strong headwinds, while Biden has threatened to veto it.

The legislation would overturn administration rules ordering businesses with 100 workers or more to require vaccinations or coronavirus testing for millions of employees.

The measure was not subject to Senate rules that require 60 of its 100 members to agree on most legislation, meaning it could pass with just a 51-vote simple majority. Two Senate Democrats – Joe Manchin and Jon Tester – joined 50 Republicans in voting for the bill.

The initiative underscores the intense political opposition facing administration efforts to combat COVID-19 at a time when health officials are trying to contain the highly contagious Omicron variant.

Republicans have said they were inundated with calls from businesses with up to 500 workers that are concerned about having to fire employees who oppose COVID-19 vaccines and testing.

“It’s got Main Street America scared,” Republican Senator Mike Braun, who was spearheading the legislative drive, said before the Senate vote.

The White House said in a statement on Tuesday that employers would face no burden from the mandate because the vast majority of American adults are fully vaccinated and noted that the rule exempts small businesses.

Democrats’ Longtime ‘Unity’ Sham Is Creating A Dangerously Intolerant Next Generation By Jordan Boyd


President Joe Biden kicked off his time in the White House by preaching unity, but it quickly became clear that Democrats’ so-called mission for coexistence just meant “endorse our ideology or get steamrolled and canceled for trying to oppose it.”

Just this week, Biden, whose track record on COVID-19 and pretty much everything else is nothing to write home about, once again claimed that some top-down order would “unite” the divided country.

Ever since the rise of former President Donald Trump, Democrats have screamed at the top of their lungs about how conservatives and any other Trump allies are the worst people ever to inhabit the country. Leftists, aided by the corrupt corporate press, complained for four years that the Trump administration sowed division, and they advocated for impeachment and radical change. Their version of tolerance included letting boys into girls’ bathrooms and sports and calling anyone who dared question their methodology or candidates racist, sexist, bigoted, and homophobic.

Following Biden’s transition to the White House, the left’s disregard for unity became even more apparent, especially concerning COVID-19 vaccines. The Biden administration started by promoting the COVID shot as a good choice for Americans and even promised there would be no mandates. When Biden told Americans earlier this year, however, that “our patience is wearing thin” and “your refusal has cost all of us,” it became clear that anyone who stands in the way of his agenda, even though federal courts have temporarily suspended all of Biden’s civilian vaccine mandates, is the enemy.

Not only is Biden’s “unity” not uniting the country, but it’s certainly not making younger generations any more tolerant.

In a recent poll of 850 private and public college, university, and trade school students spread across the United States, Generation Lab and Axios found “Young Dems more likely to despise the other party.” While just 5 percent of young Republicans said they wouldn’t be friends with someone who votes differently than they do, 37 percent of the young Democrats polled said they would end friendships based on voting records. An even higher number of Democrats, 41 percent, claimed they wouldn’t support a business they knew had political allegiances to other parties while just 7 percent of Republicans said the same.

All for Show De Blasio’s eleventh-hour vaccine mandate is motivated by politics, not public health. Joel Zinberg


New York City mayor Bill de Blasio will end his tenure at midnight, December 31, 2021, but he seems intent on inflicting one last insult on New Yorkers before he goes. De Blasio announced a mandate for the city’s approximately 184,000 private businesses, requiring them to ensure that their employees have at least one vaccine dose by December 27. The announcement seems more like a politically motivated stunt to show that de Blasio is taking, as he described it, a “bold, first-in-the-nation” measure than a medically necessary policy.

While de Blasio claims to be taking “a preemptive strike” against a potential winter Covid-19 surge brought on by the new omicron variant, cold weather, and holiday gatherings, no evidence yet suggests that a surge is imminent. New cases are high in upstate and western New York, not in New York City. The city’s seven-day average of cases is half the statewide average and one-third the average in high Covid-19 parts of the state to the north and west of the city and the mid-Hudson region. Meantime, the city’s seven-day percentage of positive Covid tests—a measure of high transmission—has been relatively stable, at one-half the statewide figure and one-third to one-quarter the level in New York’s upstate and western regions.

No one really knows how severe a threat omicron poses. It’s unclear if omicron is more transmissible or virulent than earlier variants, or if it can evade vaccination or natural immunity. Preliminary reports from South Africa indicate an increase in omicron cases but no corresponding growth in Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths. Even Anthony Fauci has said that he is encouraged that, so far, omicron does not seem to cause severe disease.

A surge is unlikely in New York City, which has higher vaccination rates than the rest of the state and the country. New York Department of Health data show that the percentage of New York City residents fully vaccinated ranges from a low of 60 percent in Brooklyn to a high of 77 percent in Manhattan, while the proportion of those receiving at least one dose ranges from 67 percent to 88 percent. On a per capita basis, New York is among the most heavily vaccinated states. South Africa, by contrast, has vaccinated only 25 percent of its citizens.

Former Harvard President Says ‘Antiracist’ Math Curricula Poses a National Security Threat By Eric Lendrum


On Monday, economist and former President of Harvard University Larry Summers shared a letter declaring that the rising trend of “antiracist” mathematical education in America is a threat to the American economy and national security, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Summers, who also served as Secretary of the Treasury in the final years of the Clinton presidency, cosigned the letter with 600 other academics, all condemning this new form of education in K-12 schools. The letter says that efforts to force racial awareness into math have sacrificed the value of a strong education in mathematics in order “to reduce achievement gaps.”

Summers described mathematical education as “an economic and national security imperative,” contrasting the current approach in the United States to the one currently taken by China, where “math standards are not subject to continued erosion by social justice warriors who can’t themselves define exponential growth or solve quadratic equations.”

The bizarre push to make math about race has been funded by billionaire leftists such as Bill Gates, who used the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to fund “A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction,” a nationwide nonprofit initiative asking teachers and schools across the country to consider the possibility that math “is used to uphold capitalist, imperialist, and racist views.” Among other things, this and other similar efforts have tried to declare that some of the foundational tenets of math in education, such as students showing their work and how they arrived at the correct answer, are racist.

The coalition behind the letter signed by Summers and 600 others, “K12MathMatters,” says that this politicization of math only reduces “access to skills needed for social mobility.”

“While the U.S. K-12 system has much to improve,” the letter reads in part, “the current trends will instead take us further back. Reducing access to advanced mathematics and elevating trendy but shallow courses over foundational skills would cause lasting damage to STEM education in the country.”