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Ruth King

In New York City, the leftist war on children continues under a new health tsar By Andrea Widburg


If there are only two things that the last two years have taught us, they are (1) that young children do not get extremely sick or from COVID nor do they spread it, and (2) that cloth and paper masks are ineffectual against a virus. However, New York City’s new health commissioner, Ashwin Vasan, doesn’t let little things like facts get in the way. He’s doubled-down on keeping children five and under smothered in masks for the indefinite future, even as mandates for adults are finally going away. Because there is no health reason behind it, the only reason, a sinister one, can be to train both children and their parents to obey the government at all times.

The Daily Mail has the story:

New York City‘s new health commissioner sparked outrage after announcing that children aged five and under should wear face masks indefinitely, bucking the national trend of ditching masks and going in the face of vast evidence that kids are at little risk from Covid-19.

‘I think it’s indefinite at this point,’ Dr. Ashwin Vasan said Friday during a COVID-19 briefing in Queens. ‘People who have tried to predict what’s going to happen in the future in this pandemic have repeatedly found egg on their face, as they say, and I’m not going to do that here today.’

The woke commissioner, who lives in Brooklyn with his partner and three children, including a four-year-old son, argued he wanted to mask children because under fives are not vaccinated.

How today’s ‘Diversity’ damages our military By Brig. Gen. Chris Petty


Diversity sounds great.  That’s part of the problem.  Today’s “diversity,” however, isn’t what it used to be.  Rather than diverse experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives — that promote healthy group decisions and outcomes ‒ “diversity” has come to mean only race, ethnicity, and gender.  Unfortunately, today’s “diversity” is replacing our long, and largely successful, journey towards equal opportunity.  We have moved the goalposts to the end of a new field — a field where equal racial and gender outcomes determine the score.  In this new world, “diversity” has become an end unto itself, undermining the purpose of our military: winning wars.  Here is why it is so damaging.

Today’s diversity advocates measure organizational success by race/ethnicity and gender — factors that have nothing to do with performance or potential.  Yet, they are influencing accessions, advancements, and promotions across the force.  Prioritizing racial and gender goals clearly undermines the importance of performance and merit.  Sadly, today’s military leaders are often downplaying talents, experience, and skills in favor of skin color and gender in their personnel decisions.  The result is a less capable force with less capable leaders.

This new push for diversity also destroys trust. When merit and performance are downplayed in the name of quotas and goals, excellence is undermined.

First, Do Some Harm: Peachy Keenan


While we are finally starting to win the fight for our children’s minds, we are losing the battle for control of their bodies.

First, the good news. Recent legal wins over woke schools in Florida have the education industrial complex reeling. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis successfully banned his state’s education lunatics from “injecting,” as he likes to say with a twinkle in his eye, depraved gender poison into the state’s Kindergarten-through-3rd grade curriculum. This is the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” Act, which produced some hilarious meta-content, like braindead woke celebrities screeching “Gay!” repeatedly on social media.

Even better, the dead-eyed do-nothings who sit on school boards and the moldering teachers’ unions who control them are getting b*tch slapped—finally—by outraged parents who are taking the fight to them. The battle is over who, exactly, has control over a child’s mind. Until now, the people in full control of the minds of our youth have been the army of 31-year-old TikTok-and-Adderall addicts with multiple piercings and furry fetishes and baroque multisyllabic pronouns who seem to work at every preschool and elementary school in the country. I don’t know where these weirdos come from, but I want to thank the China-owned TikTok app for giving them a platform on which to expose themselves. 

These “teachers” get their jollies by stocking kindergarten bookshelves with dystopian titles like “She’s My Dad” and “I’m Not a Girl” and by instructing five-year-olds who barely know how to wipe themselves properly about how fun it is to touch their own private parts.

You should see what they do on Show-and-Tell day.

We are slowly chipping away at the rotted American education colossus. It feels good to notch a few Ws in our belt. Been awhile, right? 

What Real Economic Warfare Looked Like Sanctions against Russia over Ukraine are mild compared with Britain’s effort against Germany before World War I. Nicholas Lambert


In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Moscow has accused the West of waging economic warfare. Many in the West have agreed, celebrating the supposedly unprecedented nature of Western sanctions as evidence that the West isn’t dead yet. But these claims on both sides are overwrought. There are precedents: The U.S. government froze the assets of Japan’s central bank in July 1941. And we could go back further still, to a time when the world knew better than it does today what this kind of warfare could achieve.

The only previous period when the world economy was as globalized as it is now was in the early 20th century, before World War I. Then as now, advanced industrial nations depended on access to the global trading system for sociopolitical stability. Globalization was characterized by high volumes of international trade, driven by cheap oceanic transportation and facilitated by cable and wireless communications and sophisticated financial instruments.

These made possible long-distance supply chains and just-in-time ordering (then known as “hand to mouth”). The system lowered costs and reduced consumer prices, but it was fragile. If an economic shock occurred, its effects were bound to propagate swiftly throughout the entire system. All of this should sound familiar.

Britain, the hegemon of the day, had a uniquely powerful capacity to turn the propagation of shock to its advantage. British companies dominated the infrastructure of the global trading system: international financial services, shipping and telecommunications. Taking what would now be called a “whole of government” approach, the British government realized the strategic opportunity latent in this dominance well before 1914 and planned accordingly.

Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Finally News Fit to Print The press that ignored the story in 2020 admits that it’s real.


“The emails make clear that Hunter was cashing in on the Biden name, including as a board member of Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company. That influence-peddling was a potential political liability for Mr. Biden, which was why the facts deserved an airing before the election. They are still relevant, especially with U.S.-China relations so fraught.”

Talk about burying the lead—for 17 months. The New York Times has finally acknowledged that Hunter Biden’s business dealings are legitimate news. Implicit apology accepted.

The Times waddled in this week with a story on the “tax affairs” of the President’s son, including this gem in the 24th paragraph: “Those emails were obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop. The email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation.”

You don’t say. This admission comes six months after a Politico writer published a book that also confirmed that the laptop emails were authentic. But the original scoop belonged to the New York Post, which broke its laptop story in October 2020—only to meet a media wall of denial and distortion.

Rather than attempt to confirm the emails, nearly all of the media at the time ignored the story or “fact-checked” it as false. This in-kind contribution to candidate Joe Biden was all the more egregious given other evidence supporting the Post’s scoop. Neither Hunter Biden nor the Biden campaign denied that the laptop was Hunter’s. And Hunter’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, went public with documents backing up some of the laptop’s contents.

Eliminating Dr. Doom’s Job Rand Paul introduces an amendment. Lloyd Billingsley


“We’ve learned a lot over the past two years, but one lesson in particular is that no one person should be deemed ‘dictator in chief.’ No one person should have unilateral authority to make decisions for millions of Americans.”

That was Sen. Rand Paul and the dictator is Biden advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, a government bureaucrat since 1968 and head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984.

Paul, a physician for more than 33 years, has “never encountered someone with the gall to proclaim himself ‘the science’ and portray anyone opposing him as ‘attacking science.’ That is, until Dr. Fauci became the COVID dictator-in-chief.” Paul mourns “those we lost to the crushing and overbearing lockdowns and mandates that were based on junk science.”

Paul will introduce an amendment to eliminate Fauci’s NIAID position and establish three new institutes headed by presidential appointees, confirmed by the Senate, and serving a term of five years. As Paul explains, “my amendment, which will get a vote this week, will finally force accountability and fire Dr. Fauci.” Such a move is long overdue, and the timing is right.

“You may be done with COVID,” Fauci told reporters last month,  “but COVID is not done with the United States, nor is COVID done with the world.” Fauci’s dictatorial clout, coupled with junk science, empowers the NIAID boss to fulfill his own prophecy.

The Road to Serfdom—We’re Almost There: Roger Simon


We are learning March 18 something that apparently slipped under the radar for a few days.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “quietly” made some changes to its data tracker website on March 15, removing tens of thousands of deaths from COVID-19, nearly a quarter of which were those for young people under 18.

They tell us this occurred because of a “coding logic error.”

I wonder how many they would have had to remove if they included those who were registered by hospitals—for profit or otherwise—as having died from the virus when they had multiple other of what we have learned to call co-morbidities. (If there’s one thing we can say for the pandemic, it built our vocabularies.)

In other words, they didn’t necessarily die of COVID-19, but the hospitals said they did, a different kind of coding error, I guess.

The number would likely be staggering.

This supposed “coding logic error”—whatever that may be; the CDC doesn’t precisely tell us—could indeed be symbolic of, or even actually encompass, the entire pandemic.



Folks, we are in a world of trouble.

America has faced tough odds before. America beats impossible odds all the time. We are resilient and relentless. We are a nation of people who believe nothing is impossible. So, never count us out. There is always hope.

But make no mistake, we are now in the fight of our lives. The odds may be worse than we have ever faced. Our nation is being destroyed from within. America is hanging by a thread. The attacks are relentless and ominous.

The nation is divided like never before. You’d have to go back to the Civil War to find our nation this bitterly divided.

Our borders are wide open with millions of foreign invaders coming in each year. The bad countries of the world are emptying out their prisons- to send their worst criminals to us. Illegal aliens by the millions are bringing poverty, disease and violent crime; bloating our budgets; exploding our national debt; and destroying our education, healthcare and social security systems.

Inflation is raging like never before in modern history. No one really knows how bad it will get. But the government is hiding the true level. More accurate measurements of inflation put us in the range of 15% to 20%. And it’s only going to get worse. This has the potential to wipe out the great American middle class.

Shameless, delusional Cuomo brothers continue to play the role of victims By Maureen Callahan



Keith Richards.

The Cuomo brothers.

Yes, Andrew and Chris, those heroes-to-zeroes, have officially earned their place among the rare life forms sure to survive Armageddon.

Nothing can exterminate these two from public life, because nothing Andrew or Chris has ever done is their fault.

Actually, scratch that. The problem, you see (and can’t you just hear Andrew’s pedantic, patronizing voice saying this, lowering down into that slow, conspiratorial whisper?) is ev-er-y-bo-dy else.

And really, the Cuomo brothers believe this. Two delusional, power-hungry, disloyal narcissists, determined to bully weary voters and viewers into submission. It’s all so very dignified and statesman-like.

On Thursday morning, just seven months shy of resigning in disgrace, Andrew gave a lengthy speech explaining what’s gone wrong with the modern Democratic party.

Answer: They pushed him out of it.

Retiring Moderate Democrat Unloads on Her Party’s Extremists By Rick Moran


Rep. Stephanie Murphy of Florida is retiring despite being only 43 years old and well established in her Orlando-area district. She has helped lead the few remaining centrists in the Democratic Party back to relevance and has gone against Speaker Nancy Pelosi numerous times to try and moderate some of the party’s extremist views.

But the fiction that the Democrats are a “big tent,” tolerant party is being exposed with the party being in control of Congress. Murphy told Politico that there’s no middle ground anymore.


“My first term … there was a lot more tolerance for, ‘Do what you need to do to hold your seat, and come back because we’re trying to build towards [a] majority,’” Murphy said. “With us being in the majority, that tolerance eroded a bit. It’s unfortunate, because I think in order for us as Democrats to hold the majority, you have to be able to win in seats like mine and in redder seats.