Look on the bright side, Monica Cannon-Grant — at least the feds didn’t videotape you stuffing marked $100 bills down your bra.
But other than the Dianne Wilkerson gotcha photograph, Tuesday’s indictment of the sticky-fingered Social Justice Warrior has everything.
As you read the 38 pages of charges, it’s hard to know who is more unspeakably corrupt — the race-hustling Monica, or the Boston establishment and their media stooges who swallowed her shameless hate speech hook, line and sinker.
Is Monica still the Boston Globe’s “Bostonian of the Year?”
Does Boston Magazine still think she’s “the best social justice advocate in Boston?”
Do the Boston Celtics still consider her “a hero among us?”
Does the Boston City Council still offer her “congratulations” after her 18-count indictment?
Does the Roxbury Unity Community still consider her a “Leader of Tomorrow?”
Of all the slobbering, the Globe is probably most responsible for enabling this alleged million-dollar flim-flam to fester for so long.