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Ruth King

Poking the Deplorable Bear Three recent left-wing tracts demonstrate how the Woke Occupation Army, and its pagan gods, are at war with traditional America and how they are determined to pin the blame on us.  By Glenn Ellmers


“The United States is coming to an end. The question is how.” 

Those are the opening lines of The Next Civil War: Dispatches from the American Future, by Canadian journalist Stephen Marche. It is one of several new books examining the possibility of our current political differences escalating into open conflict. 

Marche’s book purports to be a fair-minded analysis of our partisan divide, but isn’t. His effort is interesting mainly as a sociological exhibit of the incurious leftist mind. The author launches his investigation by claiming that he has no stake in American politics, considering himself neither a Democrat nor a Republican. Yet on virtually the same page where he makes this statement he writes ominously about “the rise of the hard-right anti-government patriot militias” without so much as hinting at the existence of any leftist extremists. In fact, Marche claims “Left-wing radicalism matters mostly because it creates the conditions for right-wing radicalization.” (Keep that bizarre claim in mind; it turns up elsewhere.) 

Almost unbelievably, in a book devoted to the growing political divisions in the United States, the deadly and ideologically charged riots of 2020 are not even mentioned. In his single reference to the black-clad anarcho-Marxists who sacked the downtowns of major cities, Marche states, “Antifa does exist, but it lacks any power or the means to establish power. Left-wing defiance of federal authority, when it comes, tends to be legalistic and political.” 

The Next Civil War is shallow and tendentious, and Marche tells at least one flat-out lie, alleging that the January 6 “rioters beat a policeman to death on the steps of the Capitol.” Amazingly, however, Barbara Walter’s How Civil Wars Start: And How to Stop Them is even worse, flaunting its ideological blinders right out of the gate. 

Walter opens her book, released in January of this year, by solemnly recounting the 2020 “plot” to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. As with Marche, there’s no excuse for not knowing the facts. Last July, Buzzfeed published a major story revealing how the FBI all but orchestrated this ridiculous escapade. Subsequent revelations by other journalists and media outlets (including Julie Kelly right here at American Greatness) have uncovered even more sordid details about the FBI’s questionable conduct. But Walter—a professor at the School of Global Policy and Strategy at the University of California, San Diego—studiously avoids noticing any of these inconvenient revelations, and clings dogmatically to the feds’ official narrative, which nicely confirms her narrative about the “white nationalist” threats that leave her “alarmed but not altogether surprised.” 

Both of these books are simply regime-compliant propaganda, designed to indict the Right preemptively and hold it responsible for any open conflict that might unfold in the coming months or years. Like Marche, Walter mentions Antifa only once, and only to make the same repugnant argument: “anti-fascist” thugs bashing skulls are problematic only because “the specter of left-wing radicals flexing their muscle will be what right-wing extremists invoke—to stoke fear and, ultimately, justify their own violence.” 

White House Alters Transcript to Cover for Kamala Harris’ Stupidity By Robert Spencer


You heard it. I heard it. The whole world heard it. Even CNN reported it. PJM’s Matt Margolis reported on it here. At the winter meeting of the Democratic National Committee in Washington on Saturday, Kamala Harris said: “The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people in defense of the NATO alliance.” Now, Ukraine is not actually in NATO, and so standing firmly with the Ukrainian people would not actually be an act in defense of the NATO alliance, and of all people, the person pretending to be vice president of the United States should know that. So over at White House.gov, the ever-helpful anonymous wonks who record every august word and deed of the socialists, clowns, puppets, freaks, and saboteurs responsible for this period of American misrule knew that they had to do something to prevent the American people from realizing just how oblivious and out of touch our putative vice president really is. Voilá! Now it has her saying: “The United States stands firmly with the Ukrainian people [and] in defense of the NATO Alliance.”

Will Anything Be Left of the U.S. After Biden Is Done With It? By Victoria Taft


The Wall Street Journal is exclusively reporting that Saudi Arabia is in talks to deal with China in the yuan instead of the U.S. dollar. The reaction has been a worldwide collective gasp.

Joe Biden’s recent dumping of Afghanistan is just one of the reasons behind the Kingdom’s stepped-up talks with the communist regime.

The overwhelming number of oil deals in the world are done using the U.S. petrodollar. Moving to the yuan, at least in deals with China, which buys 25% of all Saudi oil, will have a huge impact on world markets. It also calls into question the U.S. dollar’s prominence as the world’s reserve currency.

It is hard to underestimate the fiscal calamity that such a possible move could have on the strength of the U.S. dollar and prestige in world markets. Conversely, the potential move to the yuan could elevate China’s currency to new prestige.

The Journal spoke to Gal Luft, a national security expert who’s written about possible “de-dollarization.” Luft said oil markets are the “insurance policy of the status of the dollar as reserve currency. […] If that block is taken out of the wall, the wall will begin to collapse.”

The Journal reported in Tuesday’s edition that “the talks with China over yuan-priced oil contracts have been off and on for six years but have accelerated this year as the Saudis have grown increasingly unhappy with decades-old U.S. security commitments to defend the kingdom.”

The Journal also reported that “the Saudis are angry over the U.S.’s lack of support for their intervention in the Yemen civil war and over the Biden administration’s attempt to strike a deal with Iran over its nuclear program. Saudi officials have said they were shocked by the precipitous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan last year.”

Bloomberg reported that news of the potential shift caused a price increase in the communist China currency after the news broke on Tuesday.

What if the COVID-19 vaccines are not really vaccines? By Paul S. Gardiner


Evidence has come to light strongly indicating that the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines are not really “vaccines” in the medical and legal sense of the word, but rather “experimental gene therapies.”  If proven true, the significance and legal ramifications of this allegation are profound.

This article summarizes a presentation by Dr. David Martin, a national intelligence analyst and founder of IQ100 Index, a developer of linguistic genomics, and molecular biologist Dr. Judy Mikovits.

In the presentation, Dr. Martin states, “You cannot have a vaccine that doesn’t claim to result in either immunity or blocking transmission.”  He goes on to say, “By their own patents and reference material, neither Pfizer nor Moderna claims this.  Rather, they only classify their products as ‘gene therapy.'”

Dr. Martin states the Moderna and Pfizer products “do not prevent you from getting the COVID-19 infection, nor do they prevent its spread.  They are really experimental gene therapies — unlike real vaccines, which use an antigen of the disease you’re trying to prevent, the Moderna and Pfizer injections contain synthetic RNA fragments encapsulated in a nanolipid carrier compound, the sole purpose of which is to lessen clinical symptoms associated with the S-1 spike protein, not the actual virus.”

If indeed Moderna and Pfizer corporations are misrepresenting their experimental gene therapies as bona fide vaccines, Dr. Martin states that “the legal ramifications of this deception are immense — from a legal view, both Moderna and Pfizer qualify as using illegal deceptive practices by making medical claims without clinic trial proof of immunity and transmission blocking.  The U.S. Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S. Code, Section 41, outlaws such deceptive practices.”

No Amount Of Incremental Wind And Solar Power Can Ever Provide Energy Independence Francis Menton


Here’s the single most important function of this blog: Saying the things that are patently obvious but that just can’t be said these days in polite society. Yes, it’s The Emperor’s New Clothes every day here at Manhattan Contrarian.

With war raging in Ukraine following Russia’s invasion, there is a renewed concern in many quarters for “energy independence.” Until recently, the sophisticated countries of Europe had thought the whole idea to be passé. They built large numbers of wind turbines and solar arrays, while simultaneously banning fracking for natural gas and shuttering electricity plants that used coal and even those that used no-carbon nuclear. Suddenly, at the very worst possible time, they found themselves completely dependent on Russian gas for heat and reliable electricity. In the U.S. it’s not nearly so bad (yet), but the combination of the Ukraine invasion with the Biden administration’s resumption of Obama’s war on fossil fuels has also left the U.S. vulnerable to an oil and gas price spike on world markets, whose supply side has been artificially reduced by government hostility to production of fossil fuels.

So what’s the answer? If you are a member in good standing in American media/academia/environmentalist/Democratic Party society, the answer is obvious: Just build more wind turbines and solar arrays until you have enough. These facilities will count as “domestic” electricity generation, and therefore will quickly lead to “energy independence.” What could be easier?

So permit me to say the blindingly obvious: No amount of incremental wind and solar power can ever provide energy independence.

Joe Biden’s Gender Obsession The president implies that God supports his gender agenda. How does he know? William Kilpatrick


“Women can’t reach ‘full God-given potential’ without abortion, Joe Biden claims.”

So reads a headline in a LifeSite News piece reporting on a statement issued by President Biden on International Women’s Day.

Biden didn’t put it quite so bluntly.  The part of the statement in question reads, “Every person deserves the chance to live up to their full God-given potential without regard for gender or other factors.”  But it’s obvious from the rest of the statement that pregnancy is one of those “other factors” that might get in the way of reaching one’s full potential.

It’s an odd way of thinking.  Biden almost seems to be saying that God endorses abortion if giving birth might interfere with the development of other potentials.

Our “full God-given potential”?  Never mind the “God-given” part, “full potential” is in itself a very slippery concept. It’s a term that owes more to human potential psychology than to Christian theology. We all have many potentials as human beings. But does God want us to fulfill all of them?  How about our potential to become a drug addict, a career criminal, a rapist, or a hit-man?

Biden’s statement ends with a plea to work for “limitless possibilities for all.”  But no person ever has or ever will have “limitless possibilities.”  It’s a well-known fact of life that fulfilling one potential cancels out the possibility (or desirability) of fulfilling certain other potentials.  A person who fulfills his ambition of becoming a world-champion sumo wrestler will in all likelihood have to forgo his hopes of becoming an Olympic figure skater.

Biden’s statement unintentionally acknowledges that life puts limits on our potentials when he says:

Yet too often, in too many places, women and girls face obstacles that limit their possibilities and undermine their participation in economic, political, and social life.

Nationalism Good and Bad Reflecting on the willingness of people to fight for their own. Bruce Thornton *****


The last two weeks we have been inspired by the brave resistance of Ukraine’s people to the brutal violence of the Russian invaders. Outmanned and outgunned, the Ukrainians have continued to fight against overwhelming odds, even as the invaders answer their resistance with atrocities like the bombing of a maternity hospital in Mariupol.

The paradox is that both sides in this war are in part motivated by nationalist loyalties that the transnational “new world order” has proclaimed are quaint superstitions and folkways at best, and intolerant promulgators of xenophobia and violent aggression at worst. What the Russo-Ukrainian war shows is that patriotic nationalism, like pretty much everything we humans do, can be good or bad, depending on the intentions and purposes it serves.

The weakening of nationalism reflects the globalist ideology that slowly developed over the last two centuries. It reflects two developments that define modernity: secularism and the world-shrinking technologies that expanded global trade. For most of humanity, faith has been one of the foundations of national identity like language, history, culture, customs, and mores. But especially in the West, faith has been reduced to a private preference banished from the public square, rather than being part of the collective expression of national identity. It’s no coincidence that over time the decline of patriotism has paralleled the decline of faith.

The other development was new 19th-century technologies like the railroad, telegraph, and steamship, which created a global economy. International commerce brought the world’s peoples closer together and bound them by trade, creating a global economy which brought disparate national cultures together. The gradual growth of greater global trade and its managerial elite suggested that international cooperation and similar interests were more efficient and beneficial than the zero-sum national difference that frequently, like religion, fomented violent conflict. Similarly, transnational organizations, covenants, and treaties would turn force into a costlier and less effective means of adjudicating conflicting national interests than international diplomacy.

Especially after the rise of fascism and Nazism in the 20th century––which were blamed on nationalist loyalties rather than on the malignant novel ideologies that exploited them––nationalism fell out of favor, particularly to the global elites and supranational institutions of the “rules-based international order.” Nationalism became a malignant ghost from the past that the enlightened global elites scorned.



Along with President Joe Biden and Congress, the Federal Reserve has a responsibility to manage inflation, a job it was established to do. And just like Biden and Congress, the Fed has failed at its job.

At the Fed’s own website, it states clearly what its primary job is, by law: “Conducting the nation’s monetary policy by influencing money and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of full employment and stable prices.”

Well, today, we have neither “full employment” nor “stable prices.” On Tuesday, the government reported that wholesale prices, that is prices just a step before retail, surged 10% in February.

As bad as that number was, it didn’t include the huge jump in energy prices following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Consumer prices rose “only” 7.9% in February. So expect them to go even higher next month.

This inflation came thanks mostly to absurd policies – paying people to stay home while spending trillions of dollars of “stimulus” on federal programs not related to COVID – pursued by the Democrats who control both Congress and the White House.

Even some Biden political supporters say it’s the Democrats’ fault, not “Putin’s price hikes” or “COVID,” or “corporate greed.”

Indeed, former Obama administration economists Larry Summers and Steven Ratner have both said that, contrary to all the finger-pointing, Biden and Congress are to blame for the current inflation.

Purim Guide for the Perplexed 2022: Yoram Ettinger

Purim 2022 will begin in the evening of Wednesday , March 16 and ends in the evening of Thursday , March 17
Purim 2022 will begin this evening of March 16 and ends tomorrow evening. There is no one better to explain the relevance of this Jewish holiday than my friend Ambassador (Ret.) Yoram Ettinger. rsk

1. Purim is a Jewish national liberation holiday – just like Passover and Chanukah – which highlights optimism, commemorating the transformation of the Jewish people from subjugation to liberty. It is celebrated seven days following the birth and death date of Moses, who is a historical role model of liberty, leadership and humility.

Purim is celebrated (on March 17, 2022) at a time when the relatively cold and stormy winter shifts into the relatively warm and pleasant spring.

2. Remembrance is at the core the Purim holiday, and the Scroll of Esther – which narrates the Purim saga – is also named The Book of Remembrance.

The aim the hero of Purim – Mordechai who became the chief advisor to the King of Persia – was to alert the assimilated Jewish community of Persia, that forgetfulness and detachment from their Jewish roots lead to oblivion, while the systematic nurturing of remembrance of historic roots is the foundation of productive action, and a prerequisite to growth, security and respect by fellow human beings.

The pre-Purim Sabbath is called The Sabbath of Remembrance, commemorating the deadly threat of the Amalekites, who aimed to annihilate the Jewish people upon deliverance from Egypt.

Commemorating deliverance from lethal threats, aims to avoid wishful-thinking and dwell on a realistic view of the world, which is replete with threats.

Furthermore, the main events and personalities of Purim are connected to major Biblical milestones.  For example, Queen Esther – the Purim heroine -was emboldened by the legacy of Sarah the Matriarch, and the deliverance of the Jews of Persia by Mordechai was inspired by the legacy of Moses and the Exodus from Egypt, and by the determination to rectify the flaws of King Saul.

A free lunch for Amnesty’s anti-Semitism Ruthie Blum


 It’s not clear what it will take for critics of former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to admit that it wasn’t he who turned support for Israel into a “wedge issue” in the United States between Democrats and Republicans. The current government in Jerusalem, formed precisely to oust him, certainly won’t acknowledge it, especially not while boasting of repairing the ostensible damage to “bipartisanship” wrought by its predecessor.
Given the increasing radicalization of the Democratic Party, embodied in but not exclusive to “The Squad,” it’s odd for anyone at home or abroad to believe the nonsense. Even the “anti-Israel is the new pro-Israel” camp knows that it’s false.
In fact, members of this group have no desire to cross the literal and figurative aisle. It’s the liberal Jews in America and Israel who don’t grasp that the Jewish state itself—not one policy or another—has become a bone of contention, an issue to be debated.
If any skepticism remained about this situation, the Women’s National Democratic Club (WNDC) dispelled it last week, when it hosted Amnesty International USA executive director Paul O’Brien and listened attentively while he said that Israel “shouldn’t exist as a Jewish state.”
Yes, the WNDC, a self-described “hub for civic engagement, learning and political action in the heart of the nation’s capital … a meeting place for Democrats, Independents and Progressives to come together in order to protect and promote our democratic values … [and] advance shared political interests,” invited O’Brien to address a ladies’ lunch.
Thanks to Jewish Insider, which covered the March 9 event, O’Brien’s remarks can’t be brushed under the carpet. Not that the 20 attendees in person and another 30 via video would have considered his words outrageous enough to warrant keeping under wraps.