Joe Biden should be hopping mad about inflation, which rolled in at 7.9% and is destroying the purchasing power, wage gains, and savings of the citizenry even as he touts good economic times in his speeches.
Instead, he’s going bonkers over the voter reaction to inflation, not the inflation itself.
“I’m sick of this stuff!” he hollered. “We have to talk about it because the American people think the reason for inflation is the government spending more money. Simply. Not. True.”
But of course, it is perfectly true. He’s wallowing in denial about it and now thinks he can yell his way into making Americans think differently.
In his wretched King Lear-like rant, brimming with rage and self-pity, Biden whimpered that Americans were just poor simpleton peasants who don’t understand inflation and don’t give Joe and all his “achievements” the credit they deserve:
Yes, they do, Joe. Yes, they do.
What do we make of this crazed rant against reality? PJMedia’s Robert Spencer, for one, thinks it could be the dementia kicking in.
What’s happening to the American economy is entirely the fault of the old man who is shouting about how sick and tired he is of people saying it’s his fault and of the bright young Leftists with whom he has filled his administration and who are anxious to seize as much of the fruit of the labors of the American people as they can, so as to finance their various utopian boondoggles.