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Ruth King

Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier Departs But not before flagging Dr. Anthony Fauci’s “decades of lies.” Lloyd Billingsley


“Dr. Joseph Goebbels wrote that ‘a lie told once remains a lie, but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.’ Tragically for humanity, there are many, many untruths emanating from Dr. Fauci and his minions. RFK Jr. exposes the decades of lies.”

That was Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier, the French medical scientist who died last week at 89, in his cover endorsement of The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.  Montagnier also shows up in the chapter, “Pandemic Template: AIDS and AZT.” During the 1980s, Montagnier was director of the Viral Oncology Unit at the Pasteur Institute, where he discovered the human immunodeficiency virus known as HIV.

As Kennedy shows, American researcher Robert Gallo “pilfered Montagnier’s discovery,” and claimed that the retrovirus was the sole cause of AIDS. On the other hand, Harvard molecular biologist Charles Thomas, biochemist and Nobel laureate Kary Mullis, and UC Berkeley molecular biologist Peter Duesberg, a member of the National Academy of Sciences and recipient of an Outstanding Investigator grant, had never seen a retrovirus with such destructive capabilities.

As Duesberg wondered, “What kind of virus, one day, out of nowhere, springs into action to destroy a person’s immune system with no provocation?” Never had a retrovirus been shown to cause a human disease, or even a disease in animals.

California Tyrants-Only the Vaxxed Can Work


It’s not law yet, but there is legislation in California that requires all workers, even independent contractors, to take the coronavirus vaccine. This deserves all of the outrage, scorn, and resistance that the liberty-minded in the state, and elsewhere, can muster.

But in California, where Democrats are accustomed to get nearly everything they want, that might not be enough.

“Long-awaited workplace coronavirus vaccine mandate legislation drops today,” Politico reported Last week. “The sweeping bill from Assembly member Buffy Wicks would apply to all employees and independent contractors, regardless of how big their employer is, and threatens penalties to noncompliant businesses.”

Wicks, a Democrat from Oakland, must have missed the truckers in Canada whose fuse was lit by a government vaccine mandate, as well as the Biden White House’s failure – thanks to the Supreme Court – to force businesses to require employees to be vaccinated and regularly tested. But then, she is a lawmaker in California, a one-party state whose “leaders” care little about individual freedom. She is also a member of the party whose voters “support harsh measures” against the unvaccinated.

Republican Kendall Qualls launches campaign for Minnesota governor


There’s a new candidate for Minnesota governor on the Republican side.

Kendall Qualls entered the race Sunday, after touring the state for months as head of a nonprofit called TakeCharge Minnesota. Qualls is an Army veteran and business executive who ran unsuccessfully as the Republican candidate for Congress in Minnesota’s 3rd district in 2020.

“I’m running for governor of Minnesota because we are at a crossroads in our country. For over a decade the radical left has morphed the culture of the country where it is not recognizable,” said Qualls in a statement. “We are not going to be the generation that lost the America that we have known and loved.”

Calling the state “ground zero for riots, looting and the defund the police movement,” Qualls said he will “end the anti-American agenda pushed by Governor Walz, Ilhan Omar and Keith Ellison.”

Qualls’ campaign did not respond to a request for comment on Sunday.

He made the announcement on Fox and Friends, and joined a Republican field of about a half dozen candidates hoping to unseat DFL Gov. Tim Walz, who is running for reelection this year. The GOP field also includes state Sen. Michelle Benson; state Sen. Paul Gazelka; former state Sen. Scott Jensen; Lexington, Minn., Mayor Mike Murphy; and physician Neil Shah.

Biden Had Firm at Center of Trump Hacking Scandal on Campaign Payroll Neustar Information Services executive allegedly wanted Clinton administration post:Chuck Ross


The Biden campaign paid nearly $20,000 to a cybersecurity firm at the center of Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe.

The campaign paid Neustar Information Services in 2020 for accounting and compliance work, according to Federal Election Commission records. According to Durham, Neustar’s chief technology officer, Rodney Joffe, accessed sensitive web traffic data that the company maintained on behalf of the White House executive office in order to collect “derogatory” information about Donald Trump. Joffe allegedly provided the information to Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who in turn gave it to the CIA during a meeting in February 2017. Durham charged Sussmann in September with lying to the FBI about his investigation of Trump.

The Biden campaign’s payments raise questions about whether Joffe continued snooping on Trump in the most recent election. The Biden and Clinton campaigns are the only two presidential committees to have ever paid Neustar, according to Federal Election Commission records. Biden’s campaign paid Neustar $18,819 on Sept. 29, 2020, the records show. The Clinton campaign paid the firm $3,000 in May 2015 for mobile phone services. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee paid $3,000 to Neustar in 2017. Neustar executives and staffers contributed $17,906 to Biden’s campaign, FEC records show.

It is unclear what Neustar executives knew of Joffe’s activities on behalf of the Clinton campaign.

Federal Judge James Ho Surprises Georgetown Law with Speech Defending Ilya Shapiro By Nate Hochman


Guest speaker scraps original remarks in favor of unequivocal statement on freedom of speech and declares, ‘I stand with Ilya.’

F ederal judge James C. Ho delivered a robust defense of Ilya Shapiro on Tuesday in a speech at Georgetown Law, which recently suspended the respected legal scholar over a poorly worded tweet.

“I stand with Ilya,” Ho declared.

The subject of his address was a surprise to the audience. The judge on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals had been slated to give a lecture titled “Fair Weather Originalism: Judges, Umpires, and the Fear of Being Booed,” in an event organized by the law school’s chapter of the Federalist Society. At the outset, according to prepared remarks exclusively obtained by National Review, Ho said he “was scheduled to talk” about originalism, “but I hope you won’t mind that I’ve decided to address a different topic today instead.”

Ho continued, “I’m going to spend my time today talking about Ilya Shapiro.”

The Dog Days of the Biden Administration Tony Thomas


Tolerance and inclusiveness can be good things in government, but the Biden administration is starting to resemble the court of Caligula. Last month it appointed the gender-fluid engineer Sam Brinton (pronoun “they”) to the Office of Nuclear Energy  (budget $US1.6 billion). His role is deputy assistant secretary, second-in-charge of nuclear waste issues.

Brinton boasts of his after-hours participation in the BDSM “Pup” cult/fetish. He role-plays as handler and sex partner of a novice impersonating a dog, who commonly wears a tail anchored per rectum and is punished for making literal messes on the carpet.

Brinton’s hobby is consensual and doesn’t break any laws, in the US anyway. It can become dangerous – one Australian-born “Pup” (unconnected to Brinton) died in Seattle in 2018 as a result of silicone injections to create an over-size, dog-like scrotum and testicles.

The appointment has not attracted much publicity.  The Democrat-friendly press’s job is to shield Biden from criticism, and anyway the detail is beyond any limit of explicitness. I’m setting it out because it’s necessary here. The fullest accounts are in The Conservative American blog.

In an elaborate description of the pup cult in MetroWeekly, a gay journal five years back, Sam Brinton, then 27, was photographed as handler to a Pup called Nubi, 24, who wore a leather puppy mask.

Creating A George Floyd Scholarship Sends Black Kids The Exact Wrong Message By: Kendall Qualls


Kendall Qualls is a Republican candidate for Governor of Minnesota.

The constant push to virtue signal to the idol of social justice is causing some of our historically trusted institutions of academia, health care, and journalism to lose the public’s trust and is further splintering our nation. Minnesota seems to be in the epicenter of it all.

The Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota recently endowed a new scholarship to honor George Perry Floyd Jr. It’s the wrong decision and undermines the work of the civil rights movement and what we communicate to black American children across the country.

What happened to George Floyd was a travesty. But it is important we remain disciplined in acknowledging that tragedy. When honoring someone’s life in a scholarship at an institution of higher education, we should honor the sacrifice, achievement, and virtues of a person’s life.

With approximately 50 percent of black students graduating from Minneapolis public schools near the bottom of the country in achievement and approximately 80 percent of black children born in fatherless homes in the twin cities, the University of Minnesota should be lifting up models of character and achievement that convey hope and opportunity, not death and despair.

Liz Cheney, Peggy Noonan trot out the NeverTrump tropes By David Zukerman


The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page is up to its old tricks, giving aid and succor to the NeverTrump wing of conservatism in its never-ending quest to Get Trump.

On Feb. 11, they gave Republican turncoat Liz Cheney op-ed space, seemingly to intimidate Republicans into abandoning support for former president Donald J. Trump.

Proof of her aim was projected by the title: “The Jan. 6 Committee Won’t Be Intimidated.”  She claimed that “many” Republicans, following “Mr. Trump,” have abandoned “fidelity to the rule of law and the plan of the Constitution.”

She began with this glurge, hearkening as usual to her bloodlines, which is how she got her powerful jobs at State and Congress in the first place.

I keep on my desk a copy of the oath my great-great-grandfather signed when he re-enlisted in the Union Army in 1863. Like the oath given by all those who serve in government and every member of our armed forces, Samuel Fletcher Cheney swore to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.” Generations of Americans have sworn that same oath and given their lives to defend the Constitution and our nation.

Thomas Lipscomb: Hidden In Plain Sight The Key To The Kennedy Assassination Is On Public Display In The National Archives Emerald Robinson


NOTE: The renowned journalist Thomas Lipscomb has just completed a new manuscript (with Jerome Kroth) titled The Oswald Letter and it contains a number of staggering claims based on these federally released documents as well as fresh accounts from new eyewitnesses who have never before been interviewed. This is the third excerpt from The Oswald Letter to appear here on my Substack.

According to the catalog listing of the National Archives in Washington, this is the “Windshield Removed from the Presidential Limousine that Carried President John F. Kennedy During the Assassination.” It is still carrying its FBI evidence tab.

But is it?

The Secret Service had the Presidential limousine shipped from Dallas to the White House garage the night of the assassination. Then they sent it to the Ford Factory at River Rouge in Detroit, where it was built, for refitting.

When a senior manager there, George S. Whitaker, came to work two days after the assassination, he was ordered to immediately report to the glass plant lab. He was let in through locked doors and found two of his men had already removed the limousine windshield.

Are the JFK assassination lies finally coming apart? By Thomas Lifson


We are closing in on 60 years since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas, and in that time, there have been endless independent investigations disputing, or occasionally endorsing, the conclusions of the Warren Commission.  If I were reading instead of writing this blog post, at this point, I would be worrying that yet another boring recitation of arcana from the mountains of evidence was about to be presented to me.

But excerpts from a new book about to be published on the assassination blew my socks off.  It contains what looks like solid evidence that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone and that Kennedy was killed by a bullet fired from in front of his limousine, one that entered the car through the windshield.  Lee Harvey Oswald’s purported location in the Texas School Book Depository was to the side of and behind the car, so he could not have fired a bullet that entered the car through the windshield.

I am so old that I watched the assassination of Oswald on live television and heard him say, “I’m just a patsy” right before he died, words that have haunted me ever since.  Those are not the words of an entirely innocent man, who would have said, “I didn’t do it,” or similar words of denial.  No, Oswald’s words suggested knowledge of larger forces that participated and his realization that he had been played.  And a desire to tell his story.  A desire that Jack Ruby thwarted seconds later.

Emerald Robinson has published on Substack a fascinating excerpt from a book manuscript titled The Oswald Letter, written by Thomas Lipscomb with Jerome Koch.