Thanks to Michael Ordman, every week we get incredible news from Israel. From A: Agriculture to Z: Zoology, Israeli innovations and technology help to vanquish despair, disease, famine, and physical challenges for millions. Communications among formerly hostile nations forged in the Abraham Accords thrive, and Israel’s active music, theater, cinema and dance institutions break the invidious barriers of boycotts, and its national cuisine is now considered among the best in the world. In spite of disputatious politics, and the libels of international media, Israelis of every color and ethnicity and life preferences are free to enjoy democracy, freedom and good times. rsk
Alzheimer’s breakthrough. Tel Aviv University scientists have identified pathological activity in the brain that precedes initial Alzheimer’s symptoms by many years. A systemic failure causes high activity in the hippocampus even during sleep. They also found that an existing MS treatment suppresses this activity.
The future of cancer therapy. Israel’s ImmPACT Bio is developing transformative logic-gate-based CAR-T cell therapies for cancer patients who have exhausted their treatment options. The technology is designed to distinguish cancerous cells from normal cells, thereby eliminating tumors without damaging normal tissues. https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-cancer-therapy-co-immpact-bio-raises-111m-1001399387
Vitamin D and Covid-19. Researchers from Israel’s Bar Ilan University and the Galilee Medical Center have confirmed and now published their conclusions regarding their June study (see here previously) that showed increased vitamin D levels can help COVID-19 patients reduce the risk of serious illness or death.
A strategy for tackling Covid-19. Israel’s Pangea (see here previously) has launched a comprehensive portfolio of services and products aimed at helping government authorities over the globe tackle the COVID-19 crisis in their country. Pangea set up Test2Fly at Ben Gurion airport and Green Pass entry systems for offices.
Passive detection of diseases. Israel’s Olive Diagnostics (see here previously) has completed a successful clinical trial of its KG hands-free, non-invasive, AI-based optical device for 100% passive and seamless urinalysis. In continuous testing, the device accurately detected biomarkers associated with kidney stones.
https://www.startuphub.ai/olive-diagnostics-100-passive-urine-analysis-device-accurately-detects-biomarkers-for-kidney-stones-uti-and-heart-failure/ https://www.olive.earth/
A high fat diet can repair brain damage. A Tel Aviv University study indicates that a ketogenic diet may reduce the effects of brain damage after traumatic injury. High-fat products such as meat, fish, eggs, avocado, butter etc., are eaten while restricting carbohydrates e.g., bread, sugar, grains, legumes, pastries and even fruits.
https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/320622 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34876621/
Is DNA talking to us? Researchers at Israel’s Ben Gurion University applied linguistics to the study of how DNA protein letter groups repeat. They then generated an algorithm that revealed their functions and now believe this approach can help plan the development of innovative new treatments.
https://in.bgu.ac.il/en/pages/news/dna_text.aspx https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/49/20/11447/6414050
Spinal implant could help paralyzed to walk. (TY WIN) A first-of-its-kind 3D-printed spinal cord tissue implant developed in Prof. Tal Dvir’s regenerative biotechnology lab at Tel Aviv University, has enabled paralyzed lab mice to walk again. Startup Matricelf (see here previously) is now working on a human version.
https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-lab-made-spinal-cords-get-paralyzed-mice-walking-human-trial-in-3-years/ https://english.tau.ac.il/news/artificial-spine https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/advs.202105694
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZQ0-KoaFDE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swAIomwbZvw
Pursue an MD degree in Israel. Do you know of someone interested in pursuing their M.D. or MBA degree in Israel? This video features Lynne M. Quittell, M.D., director of the North American office of BGU’s Medical School for International Health. https://americansforbgu.org/video/md-or-mba-degree-in-english/
How an insensitive doctor spurred on an EU award-winner. Dr. Daphne Haim-Langford was just 16 when a doctor told her not to study as she was going blind with Uveitis. It pushed her to get a PhD at Israel’s Technion Institute, found medical startup Tarsier and win the EU 2021 prize for female innovators (see here previously).