Displaying the most recent of 91920 posts written by

Ruth King

Biden’s administration wants to make life easier for minority crack addicts By Andrea Widburg


In times past, the American government stood with productive people and pushed back against the forces of corruption and decay. In Biden’s America, though, the opposite is true. Big cities are becoming concierge services for hard-drug addicts and Biden’s administration is joining in, with a multi-million plan to provide crackpipes for addicts. And here’s the kicker: In the name of equity, the administration will make a special effort to bring these instruments of destruction to Blacks and members of the LGBTQ+ crowd.

There’s a growing trend on the left to facilitate drug addiction. Just recently, under ex-Mayor de Blasio’s aegis, New York opened legal shooting galleries—or, as they’re politely called, “Overdose Prevention Centers.” On the very first day, five people overdosed in the Harlem site—although they were brought back to life.

The theory is that, if the drug addicts have a nice, safe place to shoot up, fewer will die. This is the same belief system that sees parents offer their kids pot and alcohol at home so that they’re not on the mean streets doing drugs. Either way, with a green light from those who would ordinarily try to protect them from vice, the kids end up seriously addicted and heading downhill fast. (Just ask Robert Downey Jr., who ended up in federal prison after his dad got him started on drugs; or ask Mackenzie Phillips, whose father did the same for her.)

University of Minnesota Alums Protest Scholarship in George Floyd’s Honor “He was not a hero, but a drug addict and criminal.” Sara Dogan


To mark the one-year anniversary of his death, the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota announced that they are endowing a new scholarship to honor George Perry Floyd Jr.—the drug addict and criminal who became famous through his death at the hands of police officer Derek Chauvin.

“This is an important step for our community,” said Carlson School Dean Sri Zaheer, who added that the scholarship “will enhance the diversity of the student body and has a preference for black and African-American students as well as those who have financial need or are victims of police violence, for as long as they are underrepresented at the Carlson school.”

Dean Zaheer noted that at George Floyd’s memorial service, “Universities nationwide were called upon to create scholarships in his honor to help create a more just and equitable world,” and called Carlson’s scholarship a “clear message” of their intentions to promote racial justice. But does George Floyd—repeat criminal, drug addict, and unwitting martyr for a movement—deserve the immense honor of a scholarship in his name?

Bruce Hendry, a prominent alumnus of the University of Minnesota, is one of many who object to the honor their alma mater has bestowed on Floyd. Hendry has devoted significant time and resources to the betterment of the University, both serving on the Carlson Board of Overseers for 10 years and joining the university’s “Century Club” which consists of those who gave more than $100,000 to the University more than twenty-five years ago. 

No Shot at a Fair Trial for January 6 Defendants in the Swamp Biden’s Justice Department relies on the Beltway trifecta—partisan federal judges, news outlets, and prospective jurors—to codify its punitive prosecution and criminalize political dissent. By Julie Kelly


The first set of trials for the hundreds of protesters charged in the Justice Department’s sweeping criminal investigation into January 6 begins later this month. Since the Capitol building is considered the scene of the crime, every trial will be held in the District of Columbia—which means the jury pool will be composed solely of residents living in the nation’s capital.

To say this is a problem for Trump supporters facing even minor charges is a huge understatement.

January 6 defendants already have suffered the wrath of D.C.-based federal judges who’ve imposed unusually harsh prison sentences for low level misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies while routinely berating defendants from the bench.

For example, before sentencing a man who pleaded guilty to “parading” in the Capitol to serve 14 days in prison, D.C. District Court Judge Amit Mehta, an Obama appointee, declared that January 6 protesters were “told lies, told falsehoods, told our election was stolen when it clearly was not.” The defendant, Mehta claimed, “was a pawn in a game directed and played by people who should know better.”

Now the fate of hundreds of January 6 defendants is in the hands of biased judges like Mehta and a city populated with government workers who voted nearly 94 percent for Joe Biden in 2020, prompting some defense attorneys to try to move trials out of Washington. In July, a defense lawyer in one high-profile case filed a change of venue motion before Judge Mehta that explained why January 6 defendants could not get a fair trial in such a heavily Democratic, politically obsessed  city. “The level of antipathy towards Trump and his supporters in the District is off the charts and makes it impossible to find an impartial jury,” David W. Fischer, the attorney representing Thomas Caldwell, charged in the multi-defendant Oath Keepers prosecution.

Politicians and the media continue falsely to portray January 6 defendants as racists, Fischer continued, an accusation certain to enrage potential jurors in a city evenly split between blacks and left-wing whites. “President Biden, in a speech ironically advertised as intended to heal America’s racial divide, referred to January 6th Trump protesters as ‘thugs, insurrectionists, political extremists, and white supremacists.’ At his confirmation hearing, Attorney General Merrick Garland pledged to ‘supervise the prosecution of white supremacists and others who stormed the Capitol on 6 January.’”


Victor Davis Hanson: Biden is the most dangerously radical President in US history https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdkca09EHRI

‘Next He’ll Say That Inflation Originated In A Bat’: John Kennedy Calls Out Biden For Rising Prices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aF2JWtebGs

DESPERATE Hypocrite Trudeau Throws the Sink at Trucker Protestors | FOTM | Huckabee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A_Wdd2n7O8

Corporal Bulford resigns from his position of personal security of Trudeau https://rumble.com/vu62m2-corporal-bulford-resigns-from-his-position-of-personal-security-of-trudeau.html

BREAKING: Ottawa Police Seize All Fuel and Propane Tanks From Freedom Convoy Trucks, Cut Off Supply Route For Protesters (VIDEO) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/ottawa-police-seize-fuel-propane-tanks-freedom-convoy-trucks-cut-off-supply-route-protesters-video/?
Police Threaten Arrests For People Giving Fuel To Freedom Convoy https://www.zerohedge.com/political/police-threaten-arrests-people-giving-fuel-freedom-convoy

Justin Trudeau’s Brother Slams Him & His WOKEness https://www.independentsentinel.com/justin-trudeaus-brother-slams-him-his-wokeness/

Truckers’ anti-vaccine-mandate convoy hits high gear, now being replicated https://thejewishvoice.com/2022/02/truckers-anti-vaccine-mandate-convoy-hits-high-gear-now-being-replicated/

Will Canada’s truckers score a victory for all free people? https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/02/will_canadas_truckers_score_a_victory_for_all_free_people.html

Scientists got ‘alarming’ reward after siding with Dr. Fauci on COVID origins: Scalise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5jXuQeF8EU
COVER UP: DOD Silent After Whistleblowers Expose Covid ‘Vaccine’ Injuries in Military https://rairfoundation.com/cover-up-dod-silent-after-whistleblowers-expose-covid-vaccine-injuries-in-military/

Americans are Pulling the Plug on China’s Genocide Games https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2022/02/americans-are-pulling-plug-chinas-genocide-games-daniel-greenfield/

WATCH: Chinese Security Thug Drags Dutch Reporter Away During Live Shot at Genocide Games https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/02/04/watch-chinese-security-thug-drags-dutch-reporter-away-during-live-shot-genocide-games/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=daily&utm_campaign=20220204

U.S.-born figure skater who renounced citizenship and defected to China comes in dead last at Winter Olympics https://www.wnd.com/2022/02/us-born-figure-skater-renounced-citizenship-defected-china-comes-dead-last-winter-olympics/

Shanghai Disneyland Lockdown Shows China’s Extreme Covid Tactics https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-01/guests-locked-in-disneyland-show-china-s-extreme-covid-tactics?sref=jB82HHlm

NBC acting as shill and chief propagandist for Chinese Communist regime during Olympics broadcasts https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-02-06-nbc-chief-propagandist-for-chinese-communist-regime-during-olympics.html

Finland hockey coach accused China of not respecting players’ human rights | Beijing Winter Olympics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9qzzKCOx-c

Americans are Pulling the Plug on China’s Genocide Games https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2022/02/americans-are-pulling-plug-chinas-genocide-games-daniel-greenfield/

Watch Live: Uyghur Groups Protest Genocide Games at White House https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2022/02/05/watch-live-uyghur-groups-protest-genocide-games-at-white-house/



Over the past few years, we have witnessed a growing trend amongst social media companies and other tech giants to censor content. “Big Tech censorship” has become a rallying cry for conservative content creators. This practice has the overt effect of silencing conservative voices, but it also has a potentially more powerful consequence – a chilling effect on speech.

The chilling effect is often defined as “a usually undesirable discouraging effect or influence.” In politics and policy, the term is mostly used to label the actions of a government that intentionally or even inadvertently stifles free expression. An example of this practice can be seen in Cuba. When the Cuban government cracks down on a journalist critical of the ruling regime, this sends a warning to other journalists in the country to tread lightly on certain topics out of fear they may be the next to be targeted. The effect of the original specific crackdown is to stifle speech more generally across all media in the country.

Like it or not, the censorship of conservative voices by Big Tech is having the same effect.

Defunding the Ivy League in the Name of Freedom of Speech? A UPenn Professor says that’s the way to go. Thom Nickels


A friend who works at Philadelphia’s University of the Arts told me that the atmosphere there regarding freedom of speech is so repressive that expressing her political opinions at work would be asking to be fired. The grip of Progressive Leftism at UArts is so strong she made me promise not to write anything about our conversations concerning the school.

For several years now students at UArts have been trying to remove tenured professor and renowned critic Camille Paglia from the University. Paglia, who has been teaching at UArts since 1989, came under fire in May 2019 when she delivered a lecture on sexual issues and western art despite threats and a petition from Leftist students not to do so. When Paglia refused to cancel the lecture, the leftist students demanded a post-lecture talk-back with themselves acting as Grand Inquistors.

Paglia’s refusal to agree to a talk-back caused the students to demand that UArts fire her and find “a queer person of color” as a replacement. The militant lefties also had another surprise. Forty minutes into Paglia’s lecture, they set off a fire alarm, in effect killing the remainder of the program and forcing the evacuation of the building. While UArts administrators refused student demands that Paglia be fired, since that incident Paglia has kept a low profile and has refrained from any further public talks on school property. 

By now their names are legion: Candace Owens, Patrick Buchanan, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, David Horowitz, Anne Coulter, and a host of other conservative speakers have all been targets of leftist students whose only wish is to silence divergent voices. The worst part of this phenomenon, besides the obvious free speech violations, is the intimidation factor that may cause intellectually curious students to opt out of attending a talk by a conservative because of the ugly atmosphere generated by the progressive brown shirts.

David Bernstein in his 2004 book, You Can’t Say That, describes how leftist activists begin the vivisection of their victim: first come the social-media call-outs, after which they strong arm authority figures [university administrators] to impose an outcome—censorship—in their favor.

Child Custody’s Gender Gauntlet Transgender ideology has already achieved a powerful hold on our court system—and parents and children are paying the price. Abigail Shrier


Before she decided to strip him of all custody over his son, Drew*—before determining that he would have no say in whether Drew began medical gender transition—California Superior Court Judge Joni Hiramoto asked Ted Hudacko this: “If your son [Drew] were medically psychotic and believed himself to be the Queen of England, would you love him?”

“Of course I would,” the senior software engineer at Apple replied, according to the court transcript. “I’d also try to get him help.”

“I understand that qualifier,” Judge Hiramoto replied. “But if it were—if you were told by [Drew’s] psychiatrist, psychologist that [Drew] was very fragile and that confronting him—or, I’m sorry, confronting them with the idea that they are not the Queen of England is very harmful to their mental health, could you go along and say, ‘OK, [Drew], you are the Queen of England and I love you; you are my child and I want you to do great and please continue to see your psychologist.’ Could you do that?”

“Yes,” Hudacko said. “That sounds like part of a process that might take some time, sure.”

“What process?” Judge Hiramoto said. “What is the thing that might take some time? Accepting the idea that [Drew] occupies an identity that you believe is not true?”

“The identity you just mentioned to me was the Queen of England,” Ted began. “I can tell him and I can affirm that to him, to reassuring him situationally; but objectively, he is not the Queen of England and that won’t change, and even the therapist in that case would know that.”

Prison-Gang Politics The Left’s racialist ideologies threaten to transform America into a prison yard. Christopher F. Rufo


When new inmates arrive in California state prisons, they pass through the gauntlet of other men and must make a quick decision: With whom do they stand? They have four options: the whites, the blacks, the Latinos, and the others. For most of the “fish,” or fresh convicts, it’s not much of a choice—they are chosen. The prisons are divided into strictly separated racial gangs, which have their own leadership structure, lunch tables, yard space, and black markets. The new inmates typically fall in with their racial brothers: whites with whites, blacks with blacks, Latinos with Latinos. The only exceptions are those who join the others: a collection of smaller ethnic groups, sexual minorities, and whites who refuse to join with the Aryan Brotherhood.

California prison gangs operate on a model of collective, identity-based security. If a white inmate attacks a black inmate, or vice versa, their racial compatriots must fight to protect the group’s interests. The threat of race war, they believe, is the only way to secure peace. The prisoners maintain separate facilities, separate sleeping quarters, and separate trade networks. They communicate with the other races through “reps,” or emissaries, who deliver messages on behalf of gang leaders. An individual might not want to join the white supremacists or the Norteño drug-runners, but his survival depends on doing so. Courts have occasionally attempted to integrate prison facilities but have never succeeded. Prison wardens have accepted the racial reality and work in tacit cooperation with the gangs to maintain segregated intake, cell assignment, and amenities.

I spent three years directing a documentary about life in America’s three poorest cities, including Stockton, California, which has some of the highest crime and incarceration rates in the country. Stockton is a case study in America’s diverse racial future: it is approximately one-quarter white, one-quarter black, one-quarter Latino, and one-quarter Asian. In the city’s daily activities, the racial groups generally cooperate and go about their business together. There are widespread interracial friendships, marriages, and families. Even some of the city’s street gangs are multiracial. But in the jails and prisons that surround the city, the cultural divide is stark: inmates are subsumed into their racial group; enmity between the races is the assumed condition; racial violence, retaliation, and revenge always loom. There are no individuals, only identity-based expressions of power. This “prison politics” has been cemented into the system.

George Washington University Pres Vows to Go After Anti-China Posters Daniel Greenfield


Criticism of China isn’t just verbotten in Hollywood or the NBA, but universities, which serve as a Chinese Communist espionage tool, are increasingly banning criticism of the Communist dictatorship even as they celebrate the most extreme hatred of America and Israel.

The latest case comes from George Washington University where President Mark Wrighton responded to posters criticizing China’s human rights abuses in the context of the Olympics by apologizing and threatening those who had put them up.

“Please know that I am personally offended by the posters. I treasure the opportunity to work with talented people from all over the world, including China…. we are working to have all of these offensive posters removed as soon as possible. I, too, am saddened by this terrible event and we will undertake an effort to determine who is responsible.” he reportedly wrote.

The terrible event in question not being China’s human rights abuses, but the posters.

Palestinians: The Human Rights Violations No One Talks About by Khaled Abu Toameh


In August alone, the PA security forces committed 287 violations against Palestinians, including arbitrary arrests of a physicist, activists, lawyers and others. Ten detainees went on hunger strike in PA prison and the health condition of two others deteriorated as a result of torture.

The report analyzed 250 arrest cases between January 2018 and June 2021, and noted: “Not a single case went without one or more instances of violation of procedures related to arrest, detention and fair trial guaranteed by the Palestinian Criminal Procedures Law and the Palestinian Basic Law of 2003.” — Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism, 2021.

Under the current circumstances, the Biden administration is stating that it wants to facilitate Abbas’ creation of another Arab dictatorship that suppresses public freedoms and sanctions torture and intimidation.

The ICSPR and ARIJ reports show that the Palestinian dictatorship entity already exists and is actively arresting, torturing, and killing its critics. What else do Blinken and the rest of the international community need to hear before they stop trying to empower such abusive governance and instead heed the voices of these Palestinians?

While international “human rights” organizations such as Amnesty International make false and baseless claims against Israel, most continue intentionally and systematically to ignore the human rights violations committed by the Palestinian Authority (PA).

A report published on January 29 by the Palestinian NGO International Commission to Support Palestinian Rights (ICSPR), which seeks to raise awareness of human rights among Palestinians, revealed that the year 2021 witnessed severe setbacks in the exercise of public rights and freedoms under the PA in the West Bank.