Victory is such a glorious word. Anybody who has ever felt victorious knows exactly what I mean. Those of us who have been lucky enough to grasp it also know that it does not last. It arrives, fills the soul with a warm sensation of contentment and gratitude, and vanishes almost as quickly as it appeared. Once the effervescence of victory blows away, those who felt its touch speak of it with reverence. The word is pronounced more slowly and with more care as the passage of time pushes it deeper into our memories.
I hope President Trump is re-elected in the next couple weeks and that those reading now will feel what I describe above. Some might say, “It’s just politics,” or “It doesn’t really matter,” or “We never win.” But it isn’t just politics, it matters a great deal, and winning is only a small component of the 2024 election. You can walk into a casino, pull the lever on a slot machine, and become a big winner. But you will not feel victorious.
Why is that? Because victory is about so much more than winning. Victory is success in a struggle against overwhelming odds. It is the completion of a challenge with almost unbearable difficulties. To be victorious is to push through pain and anguish. It requires transforming into something greater than you were when you started the journey. It comes with physical and emotional costs. That’s why victory tastes so sweet. It is an exotic fruit that grows on a tiny island in the middle of a vast ocean. Once you find it, nothing ever tastes the same.
Have we suffered? Absolutely. We’ve endured as politicians sent the best blue-collar jobs overseas and manufacturing towns collapsed. We’ve watched the Federal Reserve print dollar bills on demand, lawmakers jack up the national debt to once unimaginable sums, and investment banks gamble with our retirement savings. We’ve fought wars for “American freedom” only to discover that the people pushing those wars could not care less about our constitutional rights or individual liberties. We’ve seen the American dream fade as the cost of living precipitously rises and opportunities for economic advancement disappear. We’ve witnessed the fracturing of the Union as the federal government intentionally disregards immigration law and floods the country with tens of millions of foreign nationals with little interest in assimilation. We’ve experienced cartel violence while officials cook the books and lie about crime going down. Hell, yes, we’ve suffered…but we’ve also persevered.